
Interface Summary
ContentHandlerFactory This interface defines a factory for ContentHandler instances.
SocketImplFactory This interface defines a factory for SocketImpl instances.
URLStreamHandlerFactory This interface defines a factory for URLStreamHandler instances.

Class Summary
ContentHandler A class to read data from a URLConnection and construct an Object.
DatagramPacket A class that represents a datagram packet containing packet data, packet length, internet addresses and port.
DatagramSocket The datagram socket class implements unreliable datagrams.
InetAddress A class that represents Internet addresses.
ServerSocket The server Socket class.
Socket The client Socket class.
SocketImpl This is the Socket implementation class.
URL Class URL represents a Uniform Reference Locator -- a reference to an object on the World Wide Web.
URLConnection A class to represent an active connection to an object represented by a URL.
URLEncoder Turns Strings of text into x-www-form-urlencoded format.
URLStreamHandler Abstract class for URL stream openers.

Exception Summary
MalformedURLException Signals that a malformed URL has occurred.
ProtocolException Signals when connect gets an EPROTO.
SocketException Signals that an error occurred while attempting to use a socket.
UnknownHostException Signals that the address of the server specified by a network client could not be resolved.
UnknownServiceException Signals that an unknown service exception has occurred.