
Interface Summary
DataInput DataInput is an interface describing streams that can read input in a machine-independent format.
DataOutput DataOutput is an interface describing streams that can write output in a machine-independent format.
FilenameFilter A filter interface for file names.

Class Summary
BufferedInputStream A buffered input stream.
BufferedOutputStream A buffered output stream.
ByteArrayInputStream This class implements a buffer that can be used as an InputStream.
ByteArrayOutputStream This class implements a buffer that can be used as an OutputStream.
DataInputStream A data input stream that lets you read primitive Java data types from a stream in a portable way.
DataOutputStream This class lets you write primitive Java data types to a stream in a portable way.
File This class represents a file name of the host file system.
FileInputStream File input stream, can be constructed from a file descriptor or a file name.
FileOutputStream File output stream, can be constructed from a file descriptor or a file name.
FilterInputStream Abstract class representing a filtered input stream of bytes.
FilterOutputStream Abstract class representing a filtered output stream of bytes.
InputStream An abstract class representing an input stream of bytes.
LineNumberInputStream An input stream that keeps track of line numbers.
OutputStream Abstract class representing an output stream of bytes.
PipedInputStream PipedInputStream must be connected to a PipedOutputStream to be useful.
PipedOutputStream Piped output stream, must be connected to a PipedInputStream.
PrintStream This class implements an output stream that has additional methods for printing.
PushbackInputStream An input stream that has a 1 byte push back buffer.
RandomAccessFile Random access files can be constructed from file descriptors, file names, or file objects.
SequenceInputStream Converts a sequence of input streams into an InputStream.
StreamTokenizer A class to turn an input stream into a stream of tokens.
StringBufferInputStream This class implements a String buffer that can be used as an InputStream.

Exception Summary
EOFException Signals that and EOF has been reached unexpectedly during input.
FileNotFoundException Signals that a file was not found.
InterruptedIOException Signals that an I/O operation has been interrupted.
IOException Signals that an I/O exception has occurred.
UTFDataFormatException Signals that a malformed UTF-8 string has been read in a DataInput stream.