/* $Source: runtime/gasnet/other/amudp/amudp_spmd.h $ * $Date: Sat, 09 Oct 2004 22:19:40 -0700 $ * $Revision: $ * Description: AMUDP Header for SPMD interface * Copyright 2000, Dan Bonachea */ #ifndef __AMUDP_SPMD_H #define __AMUDP_SPMD_H #include BEGIN_EXTERNC /* idiot proofing */ #undef AMUDP_SPMDStartup #define AMUDP_SPMDStartup _CONCAT(AMUDP_SPMDStartup_AMUDP,AMUDP_DEBUG_CONFIG) /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ /* AMUDP SPMD Entry Points */ typedef int (*amudp_spawnfn_t)(int nproc, int argc, char **argv); /* return non-zero if successful */ extern int AMUDP_SPMDStartup(int *argc, char ***argv, int nproc, int networkdepth, amudp_spawnfn_t spawnfn, uint64_t *networkpid, eb_t *eb, ep_t *ep); /* should be always be called by program to initialize parallel job before parsing command line arguments * On master processor, this call will never return if successful. * Instead, it will block for the duration of the job and behave as the console * It will call the spawnfn with the proper argc/argv to be used in spawning the worker threads * On worker processors, this call will modify the argc/argv params, call AM_Init, * and then return a bundle and endpoint properly configured for use with the SPMD job * (translation table will be filled in, AM_SetExpectedResources called, and each worker given a unique tag) * worker processors should setup handler table for the endpoint and call SPMDBarrier before starting communication * Arguments: * argc/argv - should be the unchanged ones passed to main, may return changed * nproc - the number of SPMD worker processors. 0 to read from arguments (ignored on workers) * networkdepth - desired network depth hint (0 for default) (ignored on workers) * spawnfn - callback function to be used in spawning workers from the master (ignored on workers) * this function may do arbitrary work, but the end result must be that nproc worker processes * are created somewhere on the accessible network, which then subsequently call AMUDP_SPMDStartup with the given args * the worker processes created MUST be all be in different address spaces (i.e. can't just create a thread) * may be one of special functions provided below (e.g. AMUDP_SPMDLocalSpawn) * passing NULL will give the user a choice amongst the library-provided spawn functions * networkpid - returns a globally unique pid for this job which is identical on all works (can be NULL for don't care) (ignored on master) * eb, ep - variables to receive newly allocated bundle and endpoint on workers (ignored on master) */ extern int AMUDP_SPMDExit(int exitcode); /* terminate the parallel job with given exit code (also handles AM_Terminate) */ #if defined(__GNUC__) && (__GNUC__ < 3 || (__GNUC__ == 3 && __GNUC_MINOR__ == 0)) /* adding extern C for these versions fails with "multiple storage classes in declaration of `amudp_exitcallback_t'" */ #else EXTERNC #endif typedef void (*amudp_exitcallback_t)(int); EXTERNC int AMUDP_SPMDSetExitCallback(amudp_exitcallback_t); /* register a function to be called when AMUDP_SPMDExit is called by any node * exit code is passed */ extern void (*AMUDP_SPMDkillmyprocess)(int); /* function used to finally kill the process (_exit by default) */ extern int AMUDP_SPMDIsWorker(char **argv); /* given the initial command line arguments, determine whether this process is a * worker process created by the AMUDP SPMD job startup API */ extern int AMUDP_SPMDNumProcs(); /* return the number of processors in the parallel job */ extern int AMUDP_SPMDMyProc(); /* return a zero-based unique identifier of this processor in the parallel job */ extern int AMUDP_SPMDBarrier(); /* block until all SPMD processors call this function, * and poll the SPMD endpoint while waiting * a slow, but functional barrier that is advisable to call after setting up handlers * but before making transport calls, to prevent returned messages due to races */ extern const char* AMUDP_SPMDgetenvMaster(const char *keyname); /* This function is the global analog of the C library function getenv() * It reads variables from the environment of the SPMD master as it appeared at spawn time * returns NULL if the given keyname did not appear in the environment, * or if AMUDP_SPMDStartup() hasn't been successfully called yet * the string returned should never be modified by the caller */ extern int AMUDP_SPMDAllGather(void *source, void *dest, size_t len); /* AMUDP_SPMDAllGather: gather len bytes from source buf on each node, concatenate them and write them into the dest buffer (which must have length len*numnodes) in rank order */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ /* AMUDP SPMD Spawning functions * some useful library-provided spawning functions, * which can be passed to AMUDP_Startup * (should never be called directly) * you can always write your own to suit your environment, of course * (see amudp_spawn.c for several examples) */ extern int AMUDP_SPMDLocalSpawn(int nproc, int argc, char **argv); /* fork/exec the worker processes on this machine */ extern int AMUDP_SPMDSshSpawn(int nproc, int argc, char **argv); /* call ssh remote shell */ extern int AMUDP_SPMDRexecSpawn(int nproc, int argc, char **argv); /* call rexec spawning tool */ extern int AMUDP_SPMDGlunixSpawn(int nproc, int argc, char **argv); /* requires -DGLUNIX when compiling library */ extern int AMUDP_SPMDCustomSpawn(int nproc, int argc, char **argv); typedef struct { char abbrev; const char *desc; amudp_spawnfn_t fnptr; } amudp_spawnfn_desc_t; extern amudp_spawnfn_desc_t const AMUDP_Spawnfn_Desc[]; /* null-terminated array of spawn functions available, with descriptions */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ /* standardized AM-2 extensions */ #define AMX_SPMDgetenvMaster AMUDP_SPMDgetenvMaster #define AMX_SPMDBarrier AMUDP_SPMDBarrier #define AMX_SPMDNumProcs AMUDP_SPMDNumProcs #define AMX_SPMDMyProc AMUDP_SPMDMyProc #define AMX_SPMDExit AMUDP_SPMDExit #define AMX_SPMDSetExitCallback AMUDP_SPMDSetExitCallback #define AMX_SPMDkillmyprocess AMUDP_SPMDkillmyprocess #define AMX_SPMDIsWorker AMUDP_SPMDIsWorker #define AMX_SPMDAllGather AMUDP_SPMDAllGather #define AMX_SPMDStartup(pargc, pargv, networkdepth, pnetworkpid, peb, pep) \ AMUDP_SPMDStartup((pargc), (pargv), 0, (networkdepth), NULL, (pnetworkpid), (peb), (pep)) END_EXTERNC #endif