/* $Source: runtime/gasnet/other/ammpi/ammpi_spmd.c $ * $Date: Sat, 23 Jul 2005 12:19:17 -0700 $ * $Revision: $ * Description: AMMPI Implementations of SPMD operations (bootstrapping and parallel job control) * Copyright 2000, Dan Bonachea */ #include #include #ifdef WIN32 #include #else #include #if defined(__linux__) && !defined(__USE_GNU) /* some Linuxes need this to pull in F_SETSIG */ #define __USE_GNU #include #undef __USE_GNU #else #include #endif #endif #include #include #define FD_STDIN 0 #define FD_STDOUT 1 #define FD_STDERR 2 #ifndef FREEZE_SLAVE #define FREEZE_SLAVE 0 #endif static volatile int ammpi_frozen = TRUE; /* all this to make sure we get a full stack frame for debugger */ static void _freezeForDebugger(int depth) { if (!depth) _freezeForDebugger(1); else { volatile int i = 0; while (ammpi_frozen) { i++; ammpi_sched_yield(); } } } static void freezeForDebugger() { char name[255]; gethostname(name, 255); fprintf(stderr,"slave frozen for debugger: host=%s pid=%i\n", name, getpid()); fflush(stderr); _freezeForDebugger(0); } #if AMMPI_DEBUG_VERBOSE #define DEBUG_MSG(msg) do { fprintf(stderr,"slave %i: %s\n", AMMPI_SPMDMYPROC, msg); fflush(stderr); } while(0) #else #define DEBUG_MSG(msg) do {} while(0) /* prevent silly warnings about empty statements */ #endif static ep_t AMMPI_SPMDEndpoint = NULL; static eb_t AMMPI_SPMDBundle = NULL; static en_t AMMPI_SPMDName = {0}; static volatile int AMMPI_SPMDBarrierDone = 0; /* flag barrier as complete */ static volatile int AMMPI_SPMDBarrierCount = 0; void AMMPI_SPMDHandleControlMessage(void *token, int32_t messageType, int32_t messageArg); static int AMMPI_SPMDShutdown(int exitcode); static ammpi_handler_fn_t AMMPI_SPMDControlMessageHandler = (ammpi_handler_fn_t)&AMMPI_SPMDHandleControlMessage; static int AMMPI_SPMDStartupCalled = 0; static int AMMPI_SPMDNUMPROCS = -1; static int AMMPI_SPMDMYPROC = -1; static MPI_Comm AMMPI_SPMDMPIComm; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * misc helpers * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ static void flushStreams(const char *context) { if (!context) context = "flushStreams()"; if (fflush(NULL)) { /* passing NULL to fflush causes it to flush all open FILE streams */ ErrMessage("failed to fflush(NULL) in %s", context); perror("fflush"); exit(1); } if (fflush(stdout)) { ErrMessage("failed to flush stdout in %s", context); perror("fflush"); exit(1); } if (fflush(stderr)) { ErrMessage("failed to flush stderr in %s", context); perror("fflush"); exit(1); } ammpi_sched_yield(); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ extern char *AMMPI_enStr(en_t en, char *buf) { AMMPI_assert(buf); sprintf(buf, "(%i)", en.mpirank); return buf; } extern char *AMMPI_tagStr(tag_t tag, char *buf) { AMMPI_assert(buf); sprintf(buf, "0x%08x%08x", (unsigned int)(uint32_t)(tag >> 32), (unsigned int)(uint32_t)(tag & 0xFFFFFFFF)); return buf; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * basic inquiries * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ extern int AMMPI_SPMDNumProcs() { if (!AMMPI_SPMDStartupCalled) { ErrMessage("called AMMPI_SPMDNumProcs before AMMPI_SPMDStartup()"); return -1; } AMMPI_assert(AMMPI_SPMDNUMPROCS >= 1); return AMMPI_SPMDNUMPROCS; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ extern int AMMPI_SPMDMyProc() { if (!AMMPI_SPMDStartupCalled) { ErrMessage("called AMMPI_SPMDMyProc before AMMPI_SPMDStartup()"); return -1; } AMMPI_assert(AMMPI_SPMDMYPROC >= 0); return AMMPI_SPMDMYPROC; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ extern int AMMPI_SPMDStartup(int *argc, char ***argv, int networkdepth, uint64_t *networkpid, eb_t *eb, ep_t *ep) { uint64_t prvnetworkpid; tag_t mytag; if (AMMPI_SPMDStartupCalled) AMMPI_RETURN_ERR(RESOURCE); if (!argc || !argv) AMMPI_RETURN_ERR(BAD_ARG); { /* initialize MPI, if necessary */ int initialized = 0; MPI_SAFE(MPI_Initialized(&initialized)); if (!initialized) { MPI_SAFE(MPI_Init(argc, argv)); } } /* defaulting */ if (networkdepth < 0) AMMPI_RETURN_ERR(BAD_ARG); if (networkdepth == 0) { const char *netdepth_str = getenv("AMMPI_NETWORKDEPTH"); if (netdepth_str) networkdepth = atoi(netdepth_str); if (networkdepth <= 0) networkdepth = AMMPI_DEFAULT_NETWORKDEPTH; } #if FREEZE_SLAVE freezeForDebugger(); #else if (getenv("AMMPI_FREEZE")) freezeForDebugger(); #endif if (!eb || !ep) AMMPI_RETURN_ERR(BAD_ARG); if (AM_Init() != AM_OK) { ErrMessage("Failed to AM_Init() in AMMPI_SPMDStartup"); AMMPI_RETURN_ERRFR(RESOURCE, AMMPI_SPMDStartup, "AM_Init() failed"); } MPI_SAFE(MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &AMMPI_SPMDMYPROC)); MPI_SAFE(MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &AMMPI_SPMDNUMPROCS)); AMMPI_assert(AMMPI_SPMDNUMPROCS > 0); AMMPI_assert(AMMPI_SPMDMYPROC >= 0 && AMMPI_SPMDMYPROC < AMMPI_SPMDNUMPROCS); { /* check job size */ int temp, maxtranslations = 0; if (AMMPI_SPMDNUMPROCS > AMMPI_MAX_SPMDPROCS) { ErrMessage("Too many MPI nodes: %d (max is %d)", AMMPI_SPMDNUMPROCS, AMMPI_MAX_SPMDPROCS); AMMPI_RETURN_ERR(RESOURCE); } temp = AM_MaxNumTranslations(&maxtranslations); if (temp != AM_OK) { ErrMessage("Failed to AM_MaxNumTranslations() in AMMPI_SPMDStartup"); AMMPI_RETURN(temp); } else if (AMMPI_SPMDNUMPROCS > maxtranslations) { ErrMessage("Too many nodes: AM_MaxNumTranslations (%d) less than number of MPI nodes (%d)", maxtranslations, AMMPI_SPMDNUMPROCS); AMMPI_RETURN_ERR(RESOURCE); } } #if AMMPI_DEBUG_VERBOSE fprintf(stderr, "slave %i/%i starting...\n", AMMPI_SPMDMYPROC, AMMPI_SPMDNUMPROCS); fflush(stderr); #endif #if AMMPI_MPI_COMMUNICATORS { /* setup comm for isolation */ MPI_Group world_group; MPI_SAFE(MPI_Comm_group(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &world_group)); MPI_SAFE(MPI_Comm_create(MPI_COMM_WORLD, world_group, &AMMPI_SPMDMPIComm)); MPI_SAFE(MPI_Group_free(&world_group)); } #else AMMPI_SPMDMPIComm = MPI_COMM_WORLD; #endif { int mypid = getpid(); int networkpidtemp = 0; if (!mypid) mypid = (int)AMMPI_getMicrosecondTimeStamp() | 0x1; /* ensure nonzero pid */ AMMPI_assert(mypid); MPI_SAFE(MPI_Allreduce(&mypid, &networkpidtemp, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_SUM, AMMPI_SPMDMPIComm)); prvnetworkpid = (uint64_t)networkpidtemp; mytag = (((tag_t)prvnetworkpid) << 32 ) | (tag_t)AMMPI_SPMDMYPROC; AMMPI_assert(mytag != AM_ALL); AMMPI_assert(mytag != AM_NONE); } { /* create endpoint and get name */ int temp = AM_AllocateBundle(AM_SEQ, &AMMPI_SPMDBundle); if (temp != AM_OK) { ErrMessage("Failed to create bundle in AMMPI_SPMDStartup"); AMMPI_RETURN(temp); } AMMPI_SetEndpointCommunicator(&AMMPI_SPMDMPIComm); temp = AM_AllocateEndpoint(AMMPI_SPMDBundle, &AMMPI_SPMDEndpoint, &AMMPI_SPMDName); if (temp != AM_OK) { ErrMessage("Failed to create endpoint in AMMPI_SPMDStartup"); AMMPI_RETURN(temp); } } { int i, temp; en_t *namebuf = AMMPI_malloc(sizeof(en_t)*AMMPI_SPMDNUMPROCS); tag_t *tagbuf = AMMPI_malloc(sizeof(tag_t)*AMMPI_SPMDNUMPROCS); /* gather names */ MPI_SAFE(MPI_Allgather(&AMMPI_SPMDName, sizeof(en_t), MPI_BYTE, namebuf, sizeof(en_t), MPI_BYTE, AMMPI_SPMDMPIComm)); /* gather tags */ MPI_SAFE(MPI_Allgather(&mytag, sizeof(tag_t), MPI_BYTE, tagbuf, sizeof(tag_t), MPI_BYTE, AMMPI_SPMDMPIComm)); /* setup translation table */ temp = AM_SetNumTranslations(AMMPI_SPMDEndpoint, AMMPI_SPMDNUMPROCS); if (temp != AM_OK) { ErrMessage("Failed to AM_SetNumTranslations() in AMMPI_SPMDStartup"); AMMPI_RETURN(temp); } for (i = 0; i < AMMPI_SPMDNUMPROCS; i++) { temp = AM_Map(AMMPI_SPMDEndpoint, i, namebuf[i], tagbuf[i]); if (temp != AM_OK) { ErrMessage("Failed to AM_Map() in AMMPI_SPMDStartup"); AMMPI_RETURN(temp); } } AMMPI_free(namebuf); AMMPI_free(tagbuf); } { /* allocate network buffers */ int temp = AM_SetExpectedResources(AMMPI_SPMDEndpoint, AMMPI_SPMDNUMPROCS, networkdepth); if (temp != AM_OK) { ErrMessage("Failed to AM_SetExpectedResources() in AMMPI_SPMDStartup"); AMMPI_RETURN(temp); } } { /* set tag */ int temp = AM_SetTag(AMMPI_SPMDEndpoint, mytag); if (temp != AM_OK) { ErrMessage("Failed to AM_SetTag() in AMMPI_SPMDStartup"); AMMPI_RETURN(temp); } } AMMPI_RegisterControlMessageHandler(AMMPI_SPMDEndpoint, AMMPI_SPMDControlMessageHandler); *eb = AMMPI_SPMDBundle; *ep = AMMPI_SPMDEndpoint; if (networkpid) *networkpid = prvnetworkpid; AMMPI_SPMDStartupCalled = 1; MPI_SAFE(MPI_Barrier(AMMPI_SPMDMPIComm)); /* wait for all control handlers to be registered */ #if AMMPI_DEBUG_VERBOSE { char temp[80]; tag_t tag; AM_GetTag(AMMPI_SPMDEndpoint, &tag); fprintf(stderr, "Slave %i/%i starting (tag=%s)...\n", AMMPI_SPMDMyProc(), AMMPI_SPMDNumProcs(), AMMPI_tagStr(tag, temp)); fflush(stderr); } #endif return AM_OK; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ void AMMPI_SPMDHandleControlMessage(void *token, int32_t messageType, int32_t messageArg) { switch (messageType) { case 'R': { /* barrier ready */ AMMPI_assert(AMMPI_SPMDMYPROC == 0); AMMPI_SPMDBarrierCount++; break; } case 'B': { /* barrier complete */ AMMPI_assert(AMMPI_SPMDMYPROC != 0); AMMPI_assert(AMMPI_SPMDBarrierDone == 0); AMMPI_SPMDBarrierDone = 1; break; } case 'E': { /* exit */ AMMPI_SPMDShutdown(messageArg); break; } default: ErrMessage("unrecognized AMMPI SPMD control message - ignoring..."); } } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * process termination * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ static void (*AMMPI_SPMDExitCallback)(int) = NULL; extern int AMMPI_SPMDSetExitCallback(void (*fp)(int)) { AMMPI_SPMDExitCallback = fp; return AM_OK; } void (*AMMPI_SPMDkillmyprocess)(int) = &_exit; static int AMMPI_SPMDShutdown(int exitcode) { /* this function is not re-entrant - if someone tries, something is seriously wrong */ { static int shutdownInProgress = FALSE; if (shutdownInProgress) abort(); shutdownInProgress = TRUE; } if (AMMPI_SPMDExitCallback) (*AMMPI_SPMDExitCallback)(exitcode); flushStreams("AMMPI_SPMDExit"); if (fclose(stdin)) { #if AMMPI_DEBUG_VERBOSE ErrMessage("failed to fclose stdin in AMMPI_SPMDExit()"); perror("fclose"); #endif } if (fclose(stdout)) { #if AMMPI_DEBUG_VERBOSE ErrMessage("failed to fclose stdout in AMMPI_SPMDExit()"); perror("fclose"); #endif } if (fclose(stderr)) { #if AMMPI_DEBUG_VERBOSE ErrMessage("failed to fclose stderr in AMMPI_SPMDExit()"); perror("fclose"); #endif } ammpi_sched_yield(); if (AM_Terminate() != AM_OK) ErrMessage("failed to AM_Terminate() in AMMPI_SPMDExit()"); #if 0 MPI_SAFE(MPI_Abort(AMMPI_SPMDMPIComm, exitcode)); #endif #if AMMPI_MPI_COMMUNICATORS MPI_SAFE(MPI_Comm_free(&AMMPI_SPMDMPIComm)); AMMPI_SPMDMPIComm = MPI_COMM_WORLD; #endif MPI_SAFE(MPI_Finalize()); AMMPI_SPMDStartupCalled = 0; DEBUG_MSG("exiting.."); AMMPI_SPMDkillmyprocess(exitcode); abort(); return AM_OK; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ extern int AMMPI_SPMDExit(int exitcode) { int i; if (!AMMPI_SPMDStartupCalled) AMMPI_RETURN_ERR(NOT_INIT); /* this function is not re-entrant - if someone tries, something is seriously wrong */ { static int exitInProgress = FALSE; if (exitInProgress) abort(); exitInProgress = TRUE; } /* tell others to exit */ for (i = 0; i < AMMPI_SPMDNUMPROCS; i++) { en_t remoteName; if (AM_GetTranslationName(AMMPI_SPMDEndpoint, i, &remoteName) == AM_OK && !AMMPI_enEqual(remoteName, AMMPI_SPMDName)) { if (AMMPI_SendControlMessage(AMMPI_SPMDEndpoint, remoteName, 2, (int32_t)'E', (int32_t)exitcode) != AM_OK) ErrMessage("Failed to AMMPI_SendControlMessage in AMMPI_SPMDExit()"); } } /* exit this proc */ AMMPI_SPMDShutdown(exitcode); abort(); return 0; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * barrier * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ extern int AMMPI_SPMDBarrier() { int oldmask; #if !AMMPI_BLOCKING_SPMD_BARRIER uint32_t timeoutusec = 100; #endif if (!AMMPI_SPMDStartupCalled) { ErrMessage("called AMMPI_SPMDBarrier before AMMPI_SPMDStartup()"); AMMPI_RETURN_ERR(NOT_INIT); } flushStreams("AMMPI_SPMDBarrier"); /* Barrier algorithm: * everybody but 0 sends a ready signal to 0 (who counts them) * 0 sends back a done signal when everybody has reported */ AMMPI_assert(AMMPI_SPMDBarrierDone == 0); AM_GetEventMask(AMMPI_SPMDBundle, &oldmask); if (AMMPI_SPMDMYPROC == 0) { /* proc zero */ int i; if (AMMPI_SPMDNUMPROCS == 1) return AM_OK; AMMPI_SPMDBarrierCount++; /* count myself */ /* wait for each processor to report */ AM_Poll(AMMPI_SPMDBundle); while (AMMPI_SPMDBarrierCount != AMMPI_SPMDNUMPROCS) { #if AMMPI_BLOCKING_SPMD_BARRIER AM_SetEventMask(AMMPI_SPMDBundle, AM_NOTEMPTY); AM_WaitSema(AMMPI_SPMDBundle); AM_Poll(AMMPI_SPMDBundle); #else ammpi_usleep(timeoutusec); AM_Poll(AMMPI_SPMDBundle); if (timeoutusec < 10000) timeoutusec *= 2; #endif } AMMPI_SPMDBarrierCount = 0; /* reset */ /* report success to others */ for (i = 1; i < AMMPI_SPMDNUMPROCS; i++) { en_t remoteName; if (AM_GetTranslationName(AMMPI_SPMDEndpoint, i, &remoteName) != AM_OK) AMMPI_RETURN_ERR(RESOURCE); if (AMMPI_SendControlMessage(AMMPI_SPMDEndpoint, remoteName, 2, (int32_t)'B', (int32_t)0) != AM_OK) AMMPI_RETURN_ERR(RESOURCE); } } else { /* proc non-zero */ en_t remoteName; if (AM_GetTranslationName(AMMPI_SPMDEndpoint, 0, &remoteName) != AM_OK) AMMPI_RETURN_ERR(RESOURCE); /* signal zero */ if (AMMPI_SendControlMessage(AMMPI_SPMDEndpoint, remoteName, 2, (int32_t)'R', (int32_t)0) != AM_OK) AMMPI_RETURN_ERR(RESOURCE); /* wait for completion */ AM_Poll(AMMPI_SPMDBundle); while (!AMMPI_SPMDBarrierDone) { #if AMMPI_BLOCKING_SPMD_BARRIER AM_SetEventMask(AMMPI_SPMDBundle, AM_NOTEMPTY); AM_WaitSema(AMMPI_SPMDBundle); AM_Poll(AMMPI_SPMDBundle); #else ammpi_usleep(timeoutusec); AM_Poll(AMMPI_SPMDBundle); if (timeoutusec < 10000) timeoutusec *= 2; #endif } AMMPI_SPMDBarrierDone = 0; /* reset */ } AM_SetEventMask(AMMPI_SPMDBundle, oldmask); DEBUG_MSG("Leaving barrier"); return AM_OK; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * bootstrapping helpers * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ extern int AMMPI_SPMDAllGather(void *source, void *dest, size_t len) { if (!AMMPI_SPMDStartupCalled) AMMPI_RETURN_ERR(RESOURCE); MPI_SAFE(MPI_Allgather(source, len, MPI_BYTE, dest, len, MPI_BYTE, AMMPI_SPMDMPIComm)); return AM_OK; } extern int AMMPI_SPMDBroadcast(void *buf, size_t len, int rootid) { if (!AMMPI_SPMDStartupCalled) AMMPI_RETURN_ERR(RESOURCE); MPI_SAFE(MPI_Bcast(buf, len, MPI_BYTE, rootid, AMMPI_SPMDMPIComm)); return AM_OK; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */