/* $Source: runtime/gasnet/other/ammpi/ammpi.h $ * $Date: Sat, 20 Aug 2005 22:45:40 -0700 $ * $Revision: $ * Description: AMMPI Header * Copyright 2000, Dan Bonachea */ #ifndef __AMMPI_H #define __AMMPI_H #include "portable_inttypes.h" #if defined(AMMPI_INTERNAL) || defined(HAVE_MPI) /* clients of this interface need not include MPI headers * clients that do include mpi.h should #define HAVE_MPI before including this file */ #include #else /* dummy definitions to satisfy the typechecker */ struct dummy; typedef struct dummy MPI_Status; typedef struct dummy MPI_Request; typedef struct dummy MPI_Comm; #endif #include #include /* FILE* */ /* miscellaneous macro helpers */ #define _STRINGIFY_HELPER(x) #x #define _STRINGIFY(x) _STRINGIFY_HELPER(x) #define AMMPI_LIBRARY_VERSION 1.0 #define AMMPI_LIBRARY_VERSION_STR _STRINGIFY(AMMPI_LIBRARY_VERSION) /* naming policy: AM-defined things start with AM_ internal things start with ammpi_ or AMMPI_ */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ /* Internal constants */ #define AMMPI_MAX_SHORT 16 /* max number of handler arguments, >=8 */ #define AMMPI_MAX_MEDIUM 65000 /* max. data transmission unit for medium messages, >= 512 */ #define AMMPI_MAX_LONG 65000 /* max. data transmission unit for large messages, >= 8192 */ #define AMMPI_MAX_NUMHANDLERS 256 /* max. handler-table entries >= 256 */ #define AMMPI_INIT_NUMTRANSLATIONS 256 #define AMMPI_MAX_NUMTRANSLATIONS (0x7FFFFFFFu) /* max. translation-table entries >= 256 */ #define AMMPI_MAX_SEGLENGTH ((uintptr_t)-1) /* max. dest_offset */ typedef uint32_t ammpi_node_t; #define AMMPI_MAX_BUNDLES 255 /* max bundles that can be allocated */ #define AMMPI_MAX_NETWORKDEPTH 1024 /* max depth we ever allow user to ask for */ #define AMMPI_MAX_SPMDPROCS AMMPI_MAX_NUMTRANSLATIONS /* max SPMD procs we support */ #ifdef AMMPI_DISABLE_AMTAGS /* disable the use of the AM-2.0 message tags saves 8 bytes of AM header on the wire */ #define AMMPI_USE_AMTAGS 0 #else #define AMMPI_USE_AMTAGS 1 #endif #define AMMPI_COLLECT_LATENCY_STATS 0 /* not yet implemented */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ /* Simple user-visible types */ /* Endpoint tag */ typedef uint64_t tag_t; /* Handler index */ typedef uint8_t handler_t; #define AMMPI_BADHANDLERVAL(h) (0) /* #define AMMPI_BADHANDLERVAL(h) (h < 0 || h >= AMMPI_MAX_NUMHANDLERS) */ /* Endpoint name */ typedef struct { int mpirank; int mpitag; } en_t; struct ammpi_ep; /* forward decls */ struct ammpi_buf; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ /* Internal types */ /* message flags */ /* 0-1: category * 2: request vs. reply * 3: sequence number * 4-7: numargs */ typedef unsigned char ammpi_flag_t; typedef enum { ammpi_Short=0, ammpi_Medium=1, ammpi_Long=2, ammpi_NumCategories=3 } ammpi_category_t; #define AMMPI_MSG_SETFLAGS(pmsg, isreq, cat, numargs) \ ((pmsg)->flags = (ammpi_flag_t) ( \ (((numargs) & 0x1F) << 3) \ | (((isreq) & 0x1) << 2) \ | ((cat) & 0x3) \ )) #define AMMPI_MSG_NUMARGS(pmsg) ( ( ((unsigned char)(pmsg)->flags) >> 3 ) & 0x1F) #define AMMPI_MSG_ISREQUEST(pmsg) (!!(((unsigned char)(pmsg)->flags) & 0x4)) #define AMMPI_MSG_CATEGORY(pmsg) ((ammpi_category_t)((pmsg)->flags & 0x3)) /* active message header & meta info fields */ typedef struct { #if AMMPI_USE_AMTAGS tag_t tag; #endif ammpi_flag_t flags; uint8_t systemMessageType; uint8_t systemMessageArg; handler_t handlerId; uintptr_t destOffset; uint16_t nBytes; } ammpi_msg_t; /* non-transmitted ammpi buffer bookkeeping info - * this data must be kept to a bare minimum because it constrains packet size */ typedef struct { int8_t handlerRunning; int8_t replyIssued; ammpi_node_t sourceId; /* 0-based endpoint id of remote */ struct ammpi_ep *dest; /* ep_t of endpoint that received this message */ en_t sourceAddr; /* address of remote */ } ammpi_bufstatus_t; /* active message buffer, including message and space for data payload */ typedef struct ammpi_buf { ammpi_msg_t Msg; uint8_t _Data[(4*AMMPI_MAX_SHORT)+AMMPI_MAX_LONG]; /* holds args and data */ /* received requests & replies only */ ammpi_bufstatus_t status; /* yuk - dirty hack to enforce sizeof(ammpi_buf_t)%8 == 0 */ uint32_t _pad[(sizeof(ammpi_bufstatus_t)+sizeof(ammpi_msg_t))%8==0?2:1]; } ammpi_buf_t; #define AMMPI_MIN_NETWORK_MSG ((int)(uintptr_t)&((ammpi_buf_t *)NULL)->_Data[0]) #define AMMPI_MAX_SMALL_NETWORK_MSG ((int)(uintptr_t)&((ammpi_buf_t *)NULL)->_Data[(4*AMMPI_MAX_SHORT)]) #define AMMPI_MAX_NETWORK_MSG ((int)(uintptr_t)&((ammpi_buf_t *)NULL)->_Data[(4*AMMPI_MAX_SHORT)+AMMPI_MAX_LONG]) /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ /* Complex user-visible types */ /* statistical collection * changes here need to also be reflected in the initialization vector AMMPI_initial_stats */ typedef struct { uint32_t RequestsSent[ammpi_NumCategories]; uint32_t RepliesSent[ammpi_NumCategories]; uint32_t RequestsReceived[ammpi_NumCategories]; uint32_t RepliesReceived[ammpi_NumCategories]; uint32_t ReturnedMessages; uint64_t RequestMinLatency; /* only if AMMPI_COLLECT_LATENCY_STATS */ uint64_t RequestMaxLatency; /* only if AMMPI_COLLECT_LATENCY_STATS */ uint64_t RequestSumLatency; /* only if AMMPI_COLLECT_LATENCY_STATS */ uint64_t DataBytesSent[ammpi_NumCategories]; /* total of args + data payload for all req/rep */ uint64_t TotalBytesSent; /* total user level packet sizes for all req/rep */ } ammpi_stats_t; typedef void (*ammpi_handler_fn_t)(); /* prototype for handler function */ typedef struct { tag_t tag; /* remote tag */ char inuse; /* entry in use */ ammpi_node_t id; /* id in compressed table */ en_t name; /* remote address */ } ammpi_translation_t; typedef struct { /* gives us a compacted version of the translation table */ tag_t tag; en_t remoteName; } ammpi_perproc_info_t; typedef void (*AMMPI_preHandlerCallback_t)(ammpi_category_t cat, int isReq, int handlerId, void *token, void *buf, size_t nbytes, int numargs, uint32_t *args); typedef void (*AMMPI_postHandlerCallback_t)(ammpi_category_t cat, int isReq); typedef struct { MPI_Request* txHandle; /* send buffer handles */ ammpi_buf_t** txBuf; /* send buffer ptrs */ int numBufs; int numActive; int bufSize; int numBlocks; /* buffer memory management */ char **memBlocks; int *tmpIndexArray; /* temporaries used during MPI interface */ MPI_Status *tmpStatusArray; } ammpi_sendbuffer_pool_t; /* Endpoint bundle object */ typedef struct ammpi_eb { struct ammpi_ep **endpoints; /* dynamically-grown array of endpoints in bundle */ int n_endpoints; /* Number of EPs in the bundle */ int cursize; /* size of the array */ uint8_t event_mask; /* Event Mask for blocking ops */ } *eb_t; /* Endpoint object */ typedef struct ammpi_ep { en_t name; /* Endpoint name */ tag_t tag; /* current tag */ eb_t eb; /* Bundle of endpoint */ MPI_Comm *pmpicomm; /* MPI communicator of this EP */ void *segAddr; /* Start address of EP VM segment */ uintptr_t segLength; /* Length of EP VM segment */ ammpi_translation_t *translation; /* translation table */ ammpi_node_t translationsz; /* current size of table */ ammpi_handler_fn_t handler[AMMPI_MAX_NUMHANDLERS]; /* handler table */ ammpi_handler_fn_t controlMessageHandler; /* internal structures */ ammpi_node_t totalP; /* the number of endpoints we communicate with - also number of translations currently in use */ int depth; /* network depth, -1 until AM_SetExpectedResources is called */ ammpi_perproc_info_t *perProcInfo; ammpi_stats_t stats; /* statistical collection */ AMMPI_preHandlerCallback_t preHandlerCallback; /* client hooks for statistical/debugging usage */ AMMPI_postHandlerCallback_t postHandlerCallback; /* recv buffer tables */ ammpi_buf_t* rxBuf; /* recv buffers */ MPI_Request* rxHandle; /* recv buffer handles */ uint32_t rxNumBufs; /* number of recv buffers */ int rxCurr; /* the oldest recv buffer index, for AMMPI_MPIIRECV_ORDERING_WORKS */ /* send buffer tables (for AMMPI_NONBLOCKING_SENDS) */ ammpi_sendbuffer_pool_t sendPool_smallRequest; ammpi_sendbuffer_pool_t sendPool_largeRequest; ammpi_sendbuffer_pool_t sendPool_smallReply; ammpi_sendbuffer_pool_t sendPool_largeReply; } *ep_t; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ /* User-visible constants */ #define AM_ALL 1 /* Deliver all messages to endpoint */ #define AM_NONE 0 /* Deliver no messages to endpoint */ typedef enum { AM_NOEVENTS, /* No endpoint state transition generates an event */ AM_NOTEMPTY, /* A nonempty receive pool or a receive pool that has a message delivered to it generates an event */ /* AM_CANSEND, */ /* TODO: can send without blocking */ AM_NUMEVENTMASKS } ammpi_eventmask_t; typedef enum { AM_SEQ, /* Sequential bundle/endpoint access */ AM_PAR, /* Concurrent bundle/endpoint access */ AM_NUM_BUNDLE_MODES } ammpi_bundle_mode_t; /* * Return values to Active Message and Endpoint/Bundle API functions */ #define AM_OK 0 /* Function completed successfully */ #define AM_ERR_NOT_INIT 1 /* Active message layer not initialized */ #define AM_ERR_BAD_ARG 2 /* Invalid function parameter passed */ #define AM_ERR_RESOURCE 3 /* Problem with requested resource */ #define AM_ERR_NOT_SENT 4 /* Synchronous message not sent */ #define AM_ERR_IN_USE 5 /* Resource currently in use */ /* * Error codes for the AM error handler (status). */ #define EBADARGS 1 /* Arguments to request or reply function invalid */ #define EBADENTRY 2 /* X-lation table index selected unbound table entry */ #define EBADTAG 3 /* Sender's tag did not match the receiver's EP tag */ #define EBADHANDLER 4 /* Invalid index into the recv.'s handler table */ #define EBADSEGOFF 5 /* Offset into the dest-memory VM segment invalid */ #define EBADLENGTH 6 /* Bulk xfer length goes beyond a segment's end */ #define EBADENDPOINT 7 /* Destination endpoint does not exist */ #define ECONGESTION 8 /* Congestion at destination endpoint */ #define EUNREACHABLE 9 /* Destination endpoint unreachable */ #define EREPLYREJECTED 10 /* Destination endpoint refused reply message */ /* * Op codes for the AM error handler (opcode). */ typedef int op_t; #define AM_REQUEST_M 1 #define AM_REQUEST_IM 2 #define AM_REQUEST_XFER_M 3 #define AM_REPLY_M 4 #define AM_REPLY_IM 5 #define AM_REPLY_XFER_M 6 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ #ifdef __cplusplus #define BEGIN_EXTERNC extern "C" { #define END_EXTERNC } #else #define BEGIN_EXTERNC #define END_EXTERNC #endif BEGIN_EXTERNC /* AMMPI-specific user entry points */ extern int AMMPI_VerboseErrors; /* set to non-zero for verbose error reporting */ extern int AMMPI_SilentMode; /* set to non-zero to silence any non-error output */ /* set the communicator to be used in the next call to AM_AllocateEndpoint() * MUST be called once before each call to AM_AllocateEndpoint(), * and the comm MUST NOT be used for ANY other purposes by the caller * specifically, if the caller passes a ptr to MPI_COMM_WORLD, then the application * may not make any subsequent MPI calls that utilize MPI_COMM_WORLD * client may pass NULL to indicate MPI_COMM_WORLD should be used * endpoints may only map other endpoints in the same communicator */ extern int AMMPI_SetEndpointCommunicator(MPI_Comm *comm); /* set the client callback fns to run before/after handler execution (callback fns may _NOT_ make any AMMPI calls, directly or indirectly) set to NULL for none */ extern int AMMPI_SetHandlerCallbacks(ep_t ep, AMMPI_preHandlerCallback_t preHandlerCallback, AMMPI_postHandlerCallback_t postHandlerCallback); /* statistical collection */ extern int AMMPI_GetEndpointStatistics(ep_t ep, ammpi_stats_t *stats); /* get ep counters */ extern int AMMPI_ResetEndpointStatistics(ep_t ep); /* reset ep counters */ extern int AMMPI_AggregateStatistics(ammpi_stats_t *runningsum, ammpi_stats_t *newvalues); /* aggregate statistics - augment running sum with the given values */ extern const char *AMMPI_DumpStatistics(FILE *fp, ammpi_stats_t *stats, int globalAnalysis); /* output stats to fp (if non-null) in human-readable form. * return a pointer to the same output in an internal static buffer (rewritten on each call) * pass globalAnalysis non-zero if stats is a global agreggation across all nodes */ extern const ammpi_stats_t AMMPI_initial_stats; /* the "empty" values for counters */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ /* AM-2 Entry Points */ /* strictly speaking, many of these AM entry points should be true-blue functions (so, for example, a user could create a function pointer to them) but that seems a silly justification, so we went with macros on many of them in the interests of performance */ #ifdef AMMPI_COEXIST_WITH_AM /* allow linking with another library that also implements AM - rename entry points * to use this option, it must be defined when building the AMMPI library _and_ the application using it * note this still does not allow the same .c file to use both AM implementations * (any given source file should #include at most one AM header file) */ #define AM_Init AMMPI_Init #define AM_Terminate AMMPI_Terminate #define AM_AllocateBundle AMMPI_AllocateBundle #define AM_AllocateEndpoint AMMPI_AllocateEndpoint #define AM_FreeBundle AMMPI_FreeBundle #define AM_FreeEndpoint AMMPI_FreeEndpoint #define AM_MoveEndpoint AMMPI_MoveEndpoint #define AM_GetSeg AMMPI_GetSeg #define AM_SetSeg AMMPI_SetSeg #define AM_MaxSegLength AMMPI_MaxSegLength #define AM_GetTag AMMPI_GetTag #define AM_SetTag AMMPI_SetTag #define AM_UnMap AMMPI_UnMap #define AM_GetNumTranslations AMMPI_GetNumTranslations #define AM_SetNumTranslations AMMPI_SetNumTranslations #define AM_GetTranslationInuse AMMPI_GetTranslationInuse #define AM_GetTranslationTag AMMPI_GetTranslationTag #define AM_GetTranslationName AMMPI_GetTranslationName #define AM_SetExpectedResources AMMPI_SetExpectedResources #define _AM_SetHandler AMMPI_SetHandler #define _AM_SetHandlerAny AMMPI_SetHandlerAny #define AM_GetEventMask AMMPI_GetEventMask #define AM_SetEventMask AMMPI_SetEventMask #define AM_WaitSema AMMPI_WaitSema #define AM_GetSourceEndpoint AMMPI_GetSourceEndpoint #define AM_GetDestEndpoint AMMPI_GetDestEndpoint #define AM_GetMsgTag AMMPI_GetMsgTag #define AM_Poll AMMPI_Poll #endif /* standardized AM-2 extensions */ #ifndef AMMPI #define AMMPI 1 #endif #define AMX_VerboseErrors AMMPI_VerboseErrors #define AMX_GetEndpointStatistics AMMPI_GetEndpointStatistics #define AMX_DumpStatistics AMMPI_DumpStatistics #define AMX_AggregateStatistics AMMPI_AggregateStatistics #define AMX_initial_stats AMMPI_initial_stats #define amx_stats_t ammpi_stats_t #define amx_handler_fn_t ammpi_handler_fn_t #if !defined(AMMPI_DEBUG) && !defined(AMMPI_NDEBUG) #if defined(GASNET_DEBUG) || defined(AMX_DEBUG) #define AMMPI_DEBUG 1 #elif defined(GASNET_NDEBUG) || defined(AMX_NDEBUG) #define AMMPI_NDEBUG 1 #endif #endif #if defined(AMMPI_DEBUG) && !defined(AMMPI_NDEBUG) #undef AMMPI_DEBUG #define AMMPI_DEBUG 1 #elif !defined(AMMPI_DEBUG) && defined(AMMPI_NDEBUG) #undef AMMPI_NDEBUG #define AMMPI_NDEBUG 1 #else #error bad defns of AMMPI_DEBUG and AMMPI_NDEBUG #endif #undef AMX_DEBUG #undef AMX_NDEBUG #ifdef AMMPI_DEBUG #define AMX_DEBUG AMMPI_DEBUG #define AMMPI_DEBUG_CONFIG _DEBUG #endif #ifdef AMMPI_NDEBUG #define AMX_NDEBUG AMMPI_NDEBUG #define AMMPI_DEBUG_CONFIG _NDEBUG #endif #ifdef AMMPI_DEBUG_VERBOSE #define AMX_DEBUG_VERBOSE AMMPI_DEBUG_VERBOSE #endif #if defined(AMMPI_DEBUG) && (defined(__OPTIMIZE__) || defined(NDEBUG)) #if !defined(AMMPI_ALLOW_OPTIMIZED_DEBUG) && !defined(GASNET_ALLOW_OPTIMIZED_DEBUG) #error Tried to compile AMMPI client code with optimization enabled but also AMMPI_DEBUG (which seriously hurts performance). Disable C and MPI_CC compiler optimization or reconfigure/rebuild without --enable-debug #endif #endif #ifndef _CONCAT #define _CONCAT_HELPER(a,b) a ## b #define _CONCAT(a,b) _CONCAT_HELPER(a,b) #endif #undef AM_Init #define AM_Init _CONCAT(AM_Init_AMMPI,AMMPI_DEBUG_CONFIG) /* System parameters */ #define AM_MaxShort() AMMPI_MAX_SHORT #define AM_MaxMedium() AMMPI_MAX_MEDIUM #define AM_MaxLong() AMMPI_MAX_LONG #define AM_MaxNumHandlers() AMMPI_MAX_NUMHANDLERS #define AM_MaxNumTranslations(trans) (*(trans) = AMMPI_MAX_NUMTRANSLATIONS,AM_OK) extern int AM_MaxSegLength(uintptr_t* nbytes); /* System initialization/termination */ extern int AM_Init(); extern int AM_Terminate(); /* endpoint/bundle management */ extern int AM_AllocateBundle(int type, eb_t *endb); extern int AM_AllocateEndpoint(eb_t bundle, ep_t *endp, en_t *endpoint_name); extern int AM_FreeBundle(eb_t bundle); extern int AM_FreeEndpoint(ep_t ea); extern int AM_MoveEndpoint(ep_t ea, eb_t from_bundle, eb_t to_bundle); extern int AM_GetSeg(ep_t ea, void **addr, uintptr_t *nbytes); extern int AM_SetSeg(ep_t ea, void *addr, uintptr_t nbytes); extern int AM_GetTag(ep_t ea, tag_t *tag); extern int AM_SetTag(ep_t ea, tag_t tag); /* Translation table */ /* use special hack in case en_t size is conservatively large */ extern int AMMPI_Map(ep_t ea, int index, en_t *name, tag_t tag); extern int AMMPI_MapAny(ep_t ea, int *index, en_t *name, tag_t tag); #define AM_Map(ea, index, name, tag) AMMPI_Map((ea), (index), &(name), (tag)) #define AM_MapAny(ea, index, name, tag) AMMPI_Map((ea), (index), &(name), (tag)) extern int AM_UnMap(ep_t ea, int index); extern int AM_GetTranslationInuse(ep_t ea, int i); extern int AM_GetTranslationTag(ep_t ea, int i, tag_t *tag); extern int AM_GetTranslationName(ep_t ea, int i, en_t *gan); extern int AM_GetNumTranslations(ep_t ep, int *pntrans); extern int AM_SetNumTranslations(ep_t ep, int ntrans); extern int AM_SetExpectedResources(ep_t ea, int n_endpoints, int n_outstanding_requests); /* Handler table */ extern int _AM_SetHandler(ep_t ea, handler_t handler, ammpi_handler_fn_t function); #define AM_SetHandler(ea, handler, function) _AM_SetHandler((ea), (handler), (ammpi_handler_fn_t)(function)) extern int _AM_SetHandlerAny(ep_t ea, handler_t *handler, ammpi_handler_fn_t function); #define AM_SetHandlerAny(ea, handler, function) _AM_SetHandlerAny((ea), (handler), (ammpi_handler_fn_t)(function)) #define AM_GetNumHandlers(ep, pnhandlers) \ ((ep) ? ((*(pnhandlers) = AMMPI_MAX_NUMHANDLERS), AM_OK) : AM_ERR_BAD_ARG) : AM_ERR_BAD_ARG) #define AM_SetNumHandlers(ep, nhandlers) \ ((ep) ? ((nhandlers) == AMMPI_MAX_NUMHANDLERS ? AM_OK : AM_ERR_RESOURCE) /* Events */ extern int AM_GetEventMask(eb_t eb, int *mask); extern int AM_SetEventMask(eb_t eb, int mask); extern int AM_WaitSema(eb_t eb); /* Message interrogation */ extern int AM_GetSourceEndpoint(void *token, en_t *gan); extern int AM_GetDestEndpoint(void *token, ep_t *endp); extern int AM_GetMsgTag(void *token, tag_t *tagp); extern int AMMPI_GetSourceId(void *token, int *srcid); /* Poll */ extern int AM_Poll(eb_t bundle); /* Requests and Replies These six functions do all requests and replies. Macros below expand all the variants */ extern int AMMPI_Request(ep_t request_endpoint, ammpi_node_t reply_endpoint, handler_t handler, int numargs, ...); extern int AMMPI_RequestI (ep_t request_endpoint, ammpi_node_t reply_endpoint, handler_t handler, void *source_addr, int nbytes, int numargs, ...); extern int AMMPI_RequestXfer(ep_t request_endpoint, ammpi_node_t reply_endpoint, handler_t handler, void *source_addr, int nbytes, uintptr_t dest_offset, int async, int numargs, ...); extern int AMMPI_Reply(void *token, handler_t handler, int numargs, ...); extern int AMMPI_ReplyI(void *token, handler_t handler, void *source_addr, int nbytes, int numargs, ...); extern int AMMPI_ReplyXfer(void *token, handler_t handler, void *source_addr, int nbytes, uintptr_t dest_offset, int numargs, ...); /* alternate forms that take va_list ptr to support GASNet */ extern int AMMPI_RequestVA(ep_t request_endpoint, ammpi_node_t reply_endpoint, handler_t handler, int numargs, va_list argptr); extern int AMMPI_RequestIVA(ep_t request_endpoint, ammpi_node_t reply_endpoint, handler_t handler, void *source_addr, int nbytes, int numargs, va_list argptr); extern int AMMPI_RequestXferVA(ep_t request_endpoint, ammpi_node_t reply_endpoint, handler_t handler, void *source_addr, int nbytes, uintptr_t dest_offset, int async, int numargs, va_list argptr); extern int AMMPI_ReplyVA(void *token, handler_t handler, int numargs, va_list argptr); extern int AMMPI_ReplyIVA(void *token, handler_t handler, void *source_addr, int nbytes, int numargs, va_list argptr); extern int AMMPI_ReplyXferVA(void *token, handler_t handler, void *source_addr, int nbytes, uintptr_t dest_offset, int numargs, va_list argptr); /* we cast to int32_t here to simluate function call - AM says these functions take 32-bit int args, * so this cast accomplishes the conversion to integral type for floating-point actuals, and * the truncation which might happen to long integer actuals * note the C compiler will subsequently apply default argument promotion to these arguments * (because these arguments fall within the ellipses (...) of the called functions) * which means they'll subsequently be promoted to int (which may differ from int32_t) */ #define AM_Request0(ep, destep, hnum) \ AMMPI_Request(ep, destep, hnum, 0) #define AM_Request1(ep, destep, hnum, a0) \ AMMPI_Request(ep, destep, hnum, 1, (int32_t)a0) #define AM_Request2(ep, destep, hnum, a0, a1) \ AMMPI_Request(ep, destep, hnum, 2, (int32_t)a0, (int32_t)a1) #define AM_Request3(ep, destep, hnum, a0, a1, a2) \ AMMPI_Request(ep, destep, hnum, 3, (int32_t)a0, (int32_t)a1, (int32_t)a2) #define AM_Request4(ep, destep, hnum, a0, a1, a2, a3) \ AMMPI_Request(ep, destep, hnum, 4, (int32_t)a0, (int32_t)a1, (int32_t)a2, (int32_t)a3) #define AM_Request5(ep, destep, hnum, a0, a1, a2, a3, a4) \ AMMPI_Request(ep, destep, hnum, 5, (int32_t)a0, (int32_t)a1, (int32_t)a2, (int32_t)a3, (int32_t)a4) #define AM_Request6(ep, destep, hnum, a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5) \ AMMPI_Request(ep, destep, hnum, 6, (int32_t)a0, (int32_t)a1, (int32_t)a2, (int32_t)a3, (int32_t)a4, (int32_t)a5) #define AM_Request7(ep, destep, hnum, a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6) \ AMMPI_Request(ep, destep, hnum, 7, (int32_t)a0, (int32_t)a1, (int32_t)a2, (int32_t)a3, (int32_t)a4, (int32_t)a5, (int32_t)a6) #define AM_Request8(ep, destep, hnum, a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7) \ AMMPI_Request(ep, destep, hnum, 8, (int32_t)a0, (int32_t)a1, (int32_t)a2, (int32_t)a3, (int32_t)a4, (int32_t)a5, (int32_t)a6, (int32_t)a7) #define AM_Request9(ep, destep, hnum, a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8) \ AMMPI_Request(ep, destep, hnum, 9, (int32_t)a0, (int32_t)a1, (int32_t)a2, (int32_t)a3, (int32_t)a4, (int32_t)a5, (int32_t)a6, (int32_t)a7, (int32_t)a8) #define AM_Request10(ep, destep, hnum, a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9) \ AMMPI_Request(ep, destep, hnum, 10, (int32_t)a0, (int32_t)a1, (int32_t)a2, (int32_t)a3, (int32_t)a4, (int32_t)a5, (int32_t)a6, (int32_t)a7, (int32_t)a8, (int32_t)a9) #define AM_Request11(ep, destep, hnum, a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10) \ AMMPI_Request(ep, destep, hnum, 11, (int32_t)a0, (int32_t)a1, (int32_t)a2, (int32_t)a3, (int32_t)a4, (int32_t)a5, (int32_t)a6, (int32_t)a7, (int32_t)a8, (int32_t)a9, (int32_t)a10) #define AM_Request12(ep, destep, hnum, a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10, a11) \ AMMPI_Request(ep, destep, hnum, 12, (int32_t)a0, (int32_t)a1, (int32_t)a2, (int32_t)a3, (int32_t)a4, (int32_t)a5, (int32_t)a6, (int32_t)a7, (int32_t)a8, (int32_t)a9, (int32_t)a10, (int32_t)a11) #define AM_Request13(ep, destep, hnum, a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10, a11, a12) \ AMMPI_Request(ep, destep, hnum, 13, (int32_t)a0, (int32_t)a1, (int32_t)a2, (int32_t)a3, (int32_t)a4, (int32_t)a5, (int32_t)a6, (int32_t)a7, (int32_t)a8, (int32_t)a9, (int32_t)a10, (int32_t)a11, (int32_t)a12) #define AM_Request14(ep, destep, hnum, a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10, a11, a12, a13) \ AMMPI_Request(ep, destep, hnum, 14, (int32_t)a0, (int32_t)a1, (int32_t)a2, (int32_t)a3, (int32_t)a4, (int32_t)a5, (int32_t)a6, (int32_t)a7, (int32_t)a8, (int32_t)a9, (int32_t)a10, (int32_t)a11, (int32_t)a12, (int32_t)a13) #define AM_Request15(ep, destep, hnum, a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10, a11, a12, a13, a14) \ AMMPI_Request(ep, destep, hnum, 15, (int32_t)a0, (int32_t)a1, (int32_t)a2, (int32_t)a3, (int32_t)a4, (int32_t)a5, (int32_t)a6, (int32_t)a7, (int32_t)a8, (int32_t)a9, (int32_t)a10, (int32_t)a11, (int32_t)a12, (int32_t)a13, (int32_t)a14) #define AM_Request16(ep, destep, hnum, a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10, a11, a12, a13, a14, a15) \ AMMPI_Request(ep, destep, hnum, 16, (int32_t)a0, (int32_t)a1, (int32_t)a2, (int32_t)a3, (int32_t)a4, (int32_t)a5, (int32_t)a6, (int32_t)a7, (int32_t)a8, (int32_t)a9, (int32_t)a10, (int32_t)a11, (int32_t)a12, (int32_t)a13, (int32_t)a14, (int32_t)a15) #define AM_RequestI0(ep, destep, hnum, sa, cnt) \ AMMPI_RequestI(ep, destep, hnum, sa, cnt, 0) #define AM_RequestI1(ep, destep, hnum, sa, cnt, a0) \ AMMPI_RequestI(ep, destep, hnum, sa, cnt, 1, (int32_t)a0) #define AM_RequestI2(ep, destep, hnum, sa, cnt, a0, a1) \ AMMPI_RequestI(ep, destep, hnum, sa, cnt, 2, (int32_t)a0, (int32_t)a1) #define AM_RequestI3(ep, destep, hnum, sa, cnt, a0, a1, a2) \ AMMPI_RequestI(ep, destep, hnum, sa, cnt, 3, (int32_t)a0, (int32_t)a1, (int32_t)a2) #define AM_RequestI4(ep, destep, hnum, sa, cnt, a0, a1, a2, a3) \ AMMPI_RequestI(ep, destep, hnum, sa, cnt, 4, (int32_t)a0, (int32_t)a1, (int32_t)a2, (int32_t)a3) #define AM_RequestI5(ep, destep, hnum, sa, cnt, a0, a1, a2, a3, a4) \ AMMPI_RequestI(ep, destep, hnum, sa, cnt, 5, (int32_t)a0, (int32_t)a1, (int32_t)a2, (int32_t)a3, (int32_t)a4) #define AM_RequestI6(ep, destep, hnum, sa, cnt, a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5) \ AMMPI_RequestI(ep, destep, hnum, sa, cnt, 6, (int32_t)a0, (int32_t)a1, (int32_t)a2, (int32_t)a3, (int32_t)a4, (int32_t)a5) #define AM_RequestI7(ep, destep, hnum, sa, cnt, a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6) \ AMMPI_RequestI(ep, destep, hnum, sa, cnt, 7, (int32_t)a0, (int32_t)a1, (int32_t)a2, (int32_t)a3, (int32_t)a4, (int32_t)a5, (int32_t)a6) #define AM_RequestI8(ep, destep, hnum, sa, cnt, a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7) \ AMMPI_RequestI(ep, destep, hnum, sa, cnt, 8, (int32_t)a0, (int32_t)a1, (int32_t)a2, (int32_t)a3, (int32_t)a4, (int32_t)a5, (int32_t)a6, (int32_t)a7) #define AM_RequestI9(ep, destep, hnum, sa, cnt, a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8) \ AMMPI_RequestI(ep, destep, hnum, sa, cnt, 9, (int32_t)a0, (int32_t)a1, (int32_t)a2, (int32_t)a3, (int32_t)a4, (int32_t)a5, (int32_t)a6, (int32_t)a7, (int32_t)a8) #define AM_RequestI10(ep, destep, hnum, sa, cnt, a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9) \ AMMPI_RequestI(ep, destep, hnum, sa, cnt, 10, (int32_t)a0, (int32_t)a1, (int32_t)a2, (int32_t)a3, (int32_t)a4, (int32_t)a5, (int32_t)a6, (int32_t)a7, (int32_t)a8, (int32_t)a9) #define AM_RequestI11(ep, destep, hnum, sa, cnt, a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10) \ AMMPI_RequestI(ep, destep, hnum, sa, cnt, 11, (int32_t)a0, (int32_t)a1, (int32_t)a2, (int32_t)a3, (int32_t)a4, (int32_t)a5, (int32_t)a6, (int32_t)a7, (int32_t)a8, (int32_t)a9, (int32_t)a10) #define AM_RequestI12(ep, destep, hnum, sa, cnt, a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10, a11) \ AMMPI_RequestI(ep, destep, hnum, sa, cnt, 12, (int32_t)a0, (int32_t)a1, (int32_t)a2, (int32_t)a3, (int32_t)a4, (int32_t)a5, (int32_t)a6, (int32_t)a7, (int32_t)a8, (int32_t)a9, (int32_t)a10, (int32_t)a11) #define AM_RequestI13(ep, destep, hnum, sa, cnt, a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10, a11, a12) \ AMMPI_RequestI(ep, destep, hnum, sa, cnt, 13, (int32_t)a0, (int32_t)a1, (int32_t)a2, (int32_t)a3, (int32_t)a4, (int32_t)a5, (int32_t)a6, (int32_t)a7, (int32_t)a8, (int32_t)a9, (int32_t)a10, (int32_t)a11, (int32_t)a12) #define AM_RequestI14(ep, destep, hnum, sa, cnt, a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10, a11, a12, a13) \ AMMPI_RequestI(ep, destep, hnum, sa, cnt, 14, (int32_t)a0, (int32_t)a1, (int32_t)a2, (int32_t)a3, (int32_t)a4, (int32_t)a5, (int32_t)a6, (int32_t)a7, (int32_t)a8, (int32_t)a9, (int32_t)a10, (int32_t)a11, (int32_t)a12, (int32_t)a13) #define AM_RequestI15(ep, destep, hnum, sa, cnt, a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10, a11, a12, a13, a14) \ AMMPI_RequestI(ep, destep, hnum, sa, cnt, 15, (int32_t)a0, (int32_t)a1, (int32_t)a2, (int32_t)a3, (int32_t)a4, (int32_t)a5, (int32_t)a6, (int32_t)a7, (int32_t)a8, (int32_t)a9, (int32_t)a10, (int32_t)a11, (int32_t)a12, (int32_t)a13, (int32_t)a14) #define AM_RequestI16(ep, destep, hnum, sa, cnt, a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10, a11, a12, a13, a14, a15) \ AMMPI_RequestI(ep, destep, hnum, sa, cnt, 16, (int32_t)a0, (int32_t)a1, (int32_t)a2, (int32_t)a3, (int32_t)a4, (int32_t)a5, (int32_t)a6, (int32_t)a7, (int32_t)a8, (int32_t)a9, (int32_t)a10, (int32_t)a11, (int32_t)a12, (int32_t)a13, (int32_t)a14, (int32_t)a15) #define AM_RequestXfer0(ep, destep, desto, hnum, sa, cnt) \ AMMPI_RequestXfer(ep, destep, hnum, sa, cnt, desto, 0, 0) #define AM_RequestXfer1(ep, destep, desto, hnum, sa, cnt, a0) \ AMMPI_RequestXfer(ep, destep, hnum, sa, cnt, desto, 0, 1, (int32_t)a0) #define AM_RequestXfer2(ep, destep, desto, hnum, sa, cnt, a0, a1) \ AMMPI_RequestXfer(ep, destep, hnum, sa, cnt, desto, 0, 2, (int32_t)a0, (int32_t)a1) #define AM_RequestXfer3(ep, destep, desto, hnum, sa, cnt, a0, a1, a2) \ AMMPI_RequestXfer(ep, destep, hnum, sa, cnt, desto, 0, 3, (int32_t)a0, (int32_t)a1, (int32_t)a2) #define AM_RequestXfer4(ep, destep, desto, hnum, sa, cnt, a0, a1, a2, a3) \ AMMPI_RequestXfer(ep, destep, hnum, sa, cnt, desto, 0, 4, (int32_t)a0, (int32_t)a1, (int32_t)a2, (int32_t)a3) #define AM_RequestXfer5(ep, destep, desto, hnum, sa, cnt, a0, a1, a2, a3, a4) \ AMMPI_RequestXfer(ep, destep, hnum, sa, cnt, desto, 0, 5, (int32_t)a0, (int32_t)a1, (int32_t)a2, (int32_t)a3, (int32_t)a4) #define AM_RequestXfer6(ep, destep, desto, hnum, sa, cnt, a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5) \ AMMPI_RequestXfer(ep, destep, hnum, sa, cnt, desto, 0, 6, (int32_t)a0, (int32_t)a1, (int32_t)a2, (int32_t)a3, (int32_t)a4, (int32_t)a5) #define AM_RequestXfer7(ep, destep, desto, hnum, sa, cnt, a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6) \ AMMPI_RequestXfer(ep, destep, hnum, sa, cnt, desto, 0, 7, (int32_t)a0, (int32_t)a1, (int32_t)a2, (int32_t)a3, (int32_t)a4, (int32_t)a5, (int32_t)a6) #define AM_RequestXfer8(ep, destep, desto, hnum, sa, cnt, a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7) \ AMMPI_RequestXfer(ep, destep, hnum, sa, cnt, desto, 0, 8, (int32_t)a0, (int32_t)a1, (int32_t)a2, (int32_t)a3, (int32_t)a4, (int32_t)a5, (int32_t)a6, (int32_t)a7) #define AM_RequestXfer9(ep, destep, desto, hnum, sa, cnt, a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8) \ AMMPI_RequestXfer(ep, destep, hnum, sa, cnt, desto, 0, 9, (int32_t)a0, (int32_t)a1, (int32_t)a2, (int32_t)a3, (int32_t)a4, (int32_t)a5, (int32_t)a6, (int32_t)a7, (int32_t)a8) #define AM_RequestXfer10(ep, destep, desto, hnum, sa, cnt, a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9) \ AMMPI_RequestXfer(ep, destep, hnum, sa, cnt, desto, 0, 10, (int32_t)a0, (int32_t)a1, (int32_t)a2, (int32_t)a3, (int32_t)a4, (int32_t)a5, (int32_t)a6, (int32_t)a7, (int32_t)a8, (int32_t)a9) #define AM_RequestXfer11(ep, destep, desto, hnum, sa, cnt, a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10) \ AMMPI_RequestXfer(ep, destep, hnum, sa, cnt, desto, 0, 11, (int32_t)a0, (int32_t)a1, (int32_t)a2, (int32_t)a3, (int32_t)a4, (int32_t)a5, (int32_t)a6, (int32_t)a7, (int32_t)a8, (int32_t)a9, (int32_t)a10) #define AM_RequestXfer12(ep, destep, desto, hnum, sa, cnt, a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10, a11) \ AMMPI_RequestXfer(ep, destep, hnum, sa, cnt, desto, 0, 12, (int32_t)a0, (int32_t)a1, (int32_t)a2, (int32_t)a3, (int32_t)a4, (int32_t)a5, (int32_t)a6, (int32_t)a7, (int32_t)a8, (int32_t)a9, (int32_t)a10, (int32_t)a11) #define AM_RequestXfer13(ep, destep, desto, hnum, sa, cnt, a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10, a11, a12) \ AMMPI_RequestXfer(ep, destep, hnum, sa, cnt, desto, 0, 13, (int32_t)a0, (int32_t)a1, (int32_t)a2, (int32_t)a3, (int32_t)a4, (int32_t)a5, (int32_t)a6, (int32_t)a7, (int32_t)a8, (int32_t)a9, (int32_t)a10, (int32_t)a11, (int32_t)a12) #define AM_RequestXfer14(ep, destep, desto, hnum, sa, cnt, a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10, a11, a12, a13) \ AMMPI_RequestXfer(ep, destep, hnum, sa, cnt, desto, 0, 14, (int32_t)a0, (int32_t)a1, (int32_t)a2, (int32_t)a3, (int32_t)a4, (int32_t)a5, (int32_t)a6, (int32_t)a7, (int32_t)a8, (int32_t)a9, (int32_t)a10, (int32_t)a11, (int32_t)a12, (int32_t)a13) #define AM_RequestXfer15(ep, destep, desto, hnum, sa, cnt, a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10, a11, a12, a13, a14) \ AMMPI_RequestXfer(ep, destep, hnum, sa, cnt, desto, 0, 15, (int32_t)a0, (int32_t)a1, (int32_t)a2, (int32_t)a3, (int32_t)a4, (int32_t)a5, (int32_t)a6, (int32_t)a7, (int32_t)a8, (int32_t)a9, (int32_t)a10, (int32_t)a11, (int32_t)a12, (int32_t)a13, (int32_t)a14) #define AM_RequestXfer16(ep, destep, desto, hnum, sa, cnt, a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10, a11, a12, a13, a14, a15) \ AMMPI_RequestXfer(ep, destep, hnum, sa, cnt, desto, 0, 16, (int32_t)a0, (int32_t)a1, (int32_t)a2, (int32_t)a3, (int32_t)a4, (int32_t)a5, (int32_t)a6, (int32_t)a7, (int32_t)a8, (int32_t)a9, (int32_t)a10, (int32_t)a11, (int32_t)a12, (int32_t)a13, (int32_t)a14, (int32_t)a15) #define AM_RequestXferAsync0(ep, destep, desto, hnum, sa, cnt) \ AMMPI_RequestXfer(ep, destep, hnum, sa, cnt, desto, 1, 0) #define AM_RequestXferAsync1(ep, destep, desto, hnum, sa, cnt, a0) \ AMMPI_RequestXfer(ep, destep, hnum, sa, cnt, desto, 1, 1, (int32_t)a0) #define AM_RequestXferAsync2(ep, destep, desto, hnum, sa, cnt, a0, a1) \ AMMPI_RequestXfer(ep, destep, hnum, sa, cnt, desto, 1, 2, (int32_t)a0, (int32_t)a1) #define AM_RequestXferAsync3(ep, destep, desto, hnum, sa, cnt, a0, a1, a2) \ AMMPI_RequestXfer(ep, destep, hnum, sa, cnt, desto, 1, 3, (int32_t)a0, (int32_t)a1, (int32_t)a2) #define AM_RequestXferAsync4(ep, destep, desto, hnum, sa, cnt, a0, a1, a2, a3) \ AMMPI_RequestXfer(ep, destep, hnum, sa, cnt, desto, 1, 4, (int32_t)a0, (int32_t)a1, (int32_t)a2, (int32_t)a3) #define AM_RequestXferAsync5(ep, destep, desto, hnum, sa, cnt, a0, a1, a2, a3, a4) \ AMMPI_RequestXfer(ep, destep, hnum, sa, cnt, desto, 1, 5, (int32_t)a0, (int32_t)a1, (int32_t)a2, (int32_t)a3, (int32_t)a4) #define AM_RequestXferAsync6(ep, destep, desto, hnum, sa, cnt, a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5) \ AMMPI_RequestXfer(ep, destep, hnum, sa, cnt, desto, 1, 6, (int32_t)a0, (int32_t)a1, (int32_t)a2, (int32_t)a3, (int32_t)a4, (int32_t)a5) #define AM_RequestXferAsync7(ep, destep, desto, hnum, sa, cnt, a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6) \ AMMPI_RequestXfer(ep, destep, hnum, sa, cnt, desto, 1, 7, (int32_t)a0, (int32_t)a1, (int32_t)a2, (int32_t)a3, (int32_t)a4, (int32_t)a5, (int32_t)a6) #define AM_RequestXferAsync8(ep, destep, desto, hnum, sa, cnt, a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7) \ AMMPI_RequestXfer(ep, destep, hnum, sa, cnt, desto, 1, 8, (int32_t)a0, (int32_t)a1, (int32_t)a2, (int32_t)a3, (int32_t)a4, (int32_t)a5, (int32_t)a6, (int32_t)a7) #define AM_RequestXferAsync9(ep, destep, desto, hnum, sa, cnt, a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8) \ AMMPI_RequestXfer(ep, destep, hnum, sa, cnt, desto, 1, 9, (int32_t)a0, (int32_t)a1, (int32_t)a2, (int32_t)a3, (int32_t)a4, (int32_t)a5, (int32_t)a6, (int32_t)a7, (int32_t)a8) #define AM_RequestXferAsync10(ep, destep, desto, hnum, sa, cnt, a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9) \ AMMPI_RequestXfer(ep, destep, hnum, sa, cnt, desto, 1, 10, (int32_t)a0, (int32_t)a1, (int32_t)a2, (int32_t)a3, (int32_t)a4, (int32_t)a5, (int32_t)a6, (int32_t)a7, (int32_t)a8, (int32_t)a9) #define AM_RequestXferAsync11(ep, destep, desto, hnum, sa, cnt, a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10) \ AMMPI_RequestXfer(ep, destep, hnum, sa, cnt, desto, 1, 11, (int32_t)a0, (int32_t)a1, (int32_t)a2, (int32_t)a3, (int32_t)a4, (int32_t)a5, (int32_t)a6, (int32_t)a7, (int32_t)a8, (int32_t)a9, (int32_t)a10) #define AM_RequestXferAsync12(ep, destep, desto, hnum, sa, cnt, a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10, a11) \ AMMPI_RequestXfer(ep, destep, hnum, sa, cnt, desto, 1, 12, (int32_t)a0, (int32_t)a1, (int32_t)a2, (int32_t)a3, (int32_t)a4, (int32_t)a5, (int32_t)a6, (int32_t)a7, (int32_t)a8, (int32_t)a9, (int32_t)a10, (int32_t)a11) #define AM_RequestXferAsync13(ep, destep, desto, hnum, sa, cnt, a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10, a11, a12) \ AMMPI_RequestXfer(ep, destep, hnum, sa, cnt, desto, 1, 13, (int32_t)a0, (int32_t)a1, (int32_t)a2, (int32_t)a3, (int32_t)a4, (int32_t)a5, (int32_t)a6, (int32_t)a7, (int32_t)a8, (int32_t)a9, (int32_t)a10, (int32_t)a11, (int32_t)a12) #define AM_RequestXferAsync14(ep, destep, desto, hnum, sa, cnt, a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10, a11, a12, a13) \ AMMPI_RequestXfer(ep, destep, hnum, sa, cnt, desto, 1, 14, (int32_t)a0, (int32_t)a1, (int32_t)a2, (int32_t)a3, (int32_t)a4, (int32_t)a5, (int32_t)a6, (int32_t)a7, (int32_t)a8, (int32_t)a9, (int32_t)a10, (int32_t)a11, (int32_t)a12, (int32_t)a13) #define AM_RequestXferAsync15(ep, destep, desto, hnum, sa, cnt, a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10, a11, a12, a13, a14) \ AMMPI_RequestXfer(ep, destep, hnum, sa, cnt, desto, 1, 15, (int32_t)a0, (int32_t)a1, (int32_t)a2, (int32_t)a3, (int32_t)a4, (int32_t)a5, (int32_t)a6, (int32_t)a7, (int32_t)a8, (int32_t)a9, (int32_t)a10, (int32_t)a11, (int32_t)a12, (int32_t)a13, (int32_t)a14) #define AM_RequestXferAsync16(ep, destep, desto, hnum, sa, cnt, a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10, a11, a12, a13, a14, a15) \ AMMPI_RequestXfer(ep, destep, hnum, sa, cnt, desto, 1, 16, (int32_t)a0, (int32_t)a1, (int32_t)a2, (int32_t)a3, (int32_t)a4, (int32_t)a5, (int32_t)a6, (int32_t)a7, (int32_t)a8, (int32_t)a9, (int32_t)a10, (int32_t)a11, (int32_t)a12, (int32_t)a13, (int32_t)a14, (int32_t)a15) #define AM_Reply0(token, hnum) \ AMMPI_Reply(token, hnum, 0) #define AM_Reply1(token, hnum, a0) \ AMMPI_Reply(token, hnum, 1, (int32_t)a0) #define AM_Reply2(token, hnum, a0, a1) \ AMMPI_Reply(token, hnum, 2, (int32_t)a0, (int32_t)a1) #define AM_Reply3(token, hnum, a0, a1, a2) \ AMMPI_Reply(token, hnum, 3, (int32_t)a0, (int32_t)a1, (int32_t)a2) #define AM_Reply4(token, hnum, a0, a1, a2, a3) \ AMMPI_Reply(token, hnum, 4, (int32_t)a0, (int32_t)a1, (int32_t)a2, (int32_t)a3) #define AM_Reply5(token, hnum, a0, a1, a2, a3, a4) \ AMMPI_Reply(token, hnum, 5, (int32_t)a0, (int32_t)a1, (int32_t)a2, (int32_t)a3, (int32_t)a4) #define AM_Reply6(token, hnum, a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5) \ AMMPI_Reply(token, hnum, 6, (int32_t)a0, (int32_t)a1, (int32_t)a2, (int32_t)a3, (int32_t)a4, (int32_t)a5) #define AM_Reply7(token, hnum, a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6) \ AMMPI_Reply(token, hnum, 7, (int32_t)a0, (int32_t)a1, (int32_t)a2, (int32_t)a3, (int32_t)a4, (int32_t)a5, (int32_t)a6) #define AM_Reply8(token, hnum, a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7) \ AMMPI_Reply(token, hnum, 8, (int32_t)a0, (int32_t)a1, (int32_t)a2, (int32_t)a3, (int32_t)a4, (int32_t)a5, (int32_t)a6, (int32_t)a7) #define AM_Reply9(token, hnum, a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8) \ AMMPI_Reply(token, hnum, 9, (int32_t)a0, (int32_t)a1, (int32_t)a2, (int32_t)a3, (int32_t)a4, (int32_t)a5, (int32_t)a6, (int32_t)a7, (int32_t)a8) #define AM_Reply10(token, hnum, a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9) \ AMMPI_Reply(token, hnum, 10, (int32_t)a0, (int32_t)a1, (int32_t)a2, (int32_t)a3, (int32_t)a4, (int32_t)a5, (int32_t)a6, (int32_t)a7, (int32_t)a8, (int32_t)a9) #define AM_Reply11(token, hnum, a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10) \ AMMPI_Reply(token, hnum, 11, (int32_t)a0, (int32_t)a1, (int32_t)a2, (int32_t)a3, (int32_t)a4, (int32_t)a5, (int32_t)a6, (int32_t)a7, (int32_t)a8, (int32_t)a9, (int32_t)a10) #define AM_Reply12(token, hnum, a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10, a11) \ AMMPI_Reply(token, hnum, 12, (int32_t)a0, (int32_t)a1, (int32_t)a2, (int32_t)a3, (int32_t)a4, (int32_t)a5, (int32_t)a6, (int32_t)a7, (int32_t)a8, (int32_t)a9, (int32_t)a10, (int32_t)a11) #define AM_Reply13(token, hnum, a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10, a11, a12) \ AMMPI_Reply(token, hnum, 13, (int32_t)a0, (int32_t)a1, (int32_t)a2, (int32_t)a3, (int32_t)a4, (int32_t)a5, (int32_t)a6, (int32_t)a7, (int32_t)a8, (int32_t)a9, (int32_t)a10, (int32_t)a11, (int32_t)a12) #define AM_Reply14(token, hnum, a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10, a11, a12, a13) \ AMMPI_Reply(token, hnum, 14, (int32_t)a0, (int32_t)a1, (int32_t)a2, (int32_t)a3, (int32_t)a4, (int32_t)a5, (int32_t)a6, (int32_t)a7, (int32_t)a8, (int32_t)a9, (int32_t)a10, (int32_t)a11, (int32_t)a12, (int32_t)a13) #define AM_Reply15(token, hnum, a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10, a11, a12, a13, a14) \ AMMPI_Reply(token, hnum, 15, (int32_t)a0, (int32_t)a1, (int32_t)a2, (int32_t)a3, (int32_t)a4, (int32_t)a5, (int32_t)a6, (int32_t)a7, (int32_t)a8, (int32_t)a9, (int32_t)a10, (int32_t)a11, (int32_t)a12, (int32_t)a13, (int32_t)a14) #define AM_Reply16(token, hnum, a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10, a11, a12, a13, a14, a15) \ AMMPI_Reply(token, hnum, 16, (int32_t)a0, (int32_t)a1, (int32_t)a2, (int32_t)a3, (int32_t)a4, (int32_t)a5, (int32_t)a6, (int32_t)a7, (int32_t)a8, (int32_t)a9, (int32_t)a10, (int32_t)a11, (int32_t)a12, (int32_t)a13, (int32_t)a14, (int32_t)a15) #define AM_ReplyI0(token, hnum, sa, cnt) \ AMMPI_ReplyI(token, hnum, sa, cnt, 0) #define AM_ReplyI1(token, hnum, sa, cnt, a0) \ AMMPI_ReplyI(token, hnum, sa, cnt, 1, (int32_t)a0) #define AM_ReplyI2(token, hnum, sa, cnt, a0, a1) \ AMMPI_ReplyI(token, hnum, sa, cnt, 2, (int32_t)a0, (int32_t)a1) #define AM_ReplyI3(token, hnum, sa, cnt, a0, a1, a2) \ AMMPI_ReplyI(token, hnum, sa, cnt, 3, (int32_t)a0, (int32_t)a1, (int32_t)a2) #define AM_ReplyI4(token, hnum, sa, cnt, a0, a1, a2, a3) \ AMMPI_ReplyI(token, hnum, sa, cnt, 4, (int32_t)a0, (int32_t)a1, (int32_t)a2, (int32_t)a3) #define AM_ReplyI5(token, hnum, sa, cnt, a0, a1, a2, a3, a4) \ AMMPI_ReplyI(token, hnum, sa, cnt, 5, (int32_t)a0, (int32_t)a1, (int32_t)a2, (int32_t)a3, (int32_t)a4) #define AM_ReplyI6(token, hnum, sa, cnt, a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5) \ AMMPI_ReplyI(token, hnum, sa, cnt, 6, (int32_t)a0, (int32_t)a1, (int32_t)a2, (int32_t)a3, (int32_t)a4, (int32_t)a5) #define AM_ReplyI7(token, hnum, sa, cnt, a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6) \ AMMPI_ReplyI(token, hnum, sa, cnt, 7, (int32_t)a0, (int32_t)a1, (int32_t)a2, (int32_t)a3, (int32_t)a4, (int32_t)a5, (int32_t)a6) #define AM_ReplyI8(token, hnum, sa, cnt, a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7) \ AMMPI_ReplyI(token, hnum, sa, cnt, 8, (int32_t)a0, (int32_t)a1, (int32_t)a2, (int32_t)a3, (int32_t)a4, (int32_t)a5, (int32_t)a6, (int32_t)a7) #define AM_ReplyI9(token, hnum, sa, cnt, a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8) \ AMMPI_ReplyI(token, hnum, sa, cnt, 9, (int32_t)a0, (int32_t)a1, (int32_t)a2, (int32_t)a3, (int32_t)a4, (int32_t)a5, (int32_t)a6, (int32_t)a7, (int32_t)a8) #define AM_ReplyI10(token, hnum, sa, cnt, a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9) \ AMMPI_ReplyI(token, hnum, sa, cnt, 10, (int32_t)a0, (int32_t)a1, (int32_t)a2, (int32_t)a3, (int32_t)a4, (int32_t)a5, (int32_t)a6, (int32_t)a7, (int32_t)a8, (int32_t)a9) #define AM_ReplyI11(token, hnum, sa, cnt, a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10) \ AMMPI_ReplyI(token, hnum, sa, cnt, 11, (int32_t)a0, (int32_t)a1, (int32_t)a2, (int32_t)a3, (int32_t)a4, (int32_t)a5, (int32_t)a6, (int32_t)a7, (int32_t)a8, (int32_t)a9, (int32_t)a10) #define AM_ReplyI12(token, hnum, sa, cnt, a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10, a11) \ AMMPI_ReplyI(token, hnum, sa, cnt, 12, (int32_t)a0, (int32_t)a1, (int32_t)a2, (int32_t)a3, (int32_t)a4, (int32_t)a5, (int32_t)a6, (int32_t)a7, (int32_t)a8, (int32_t)a9, (int32_t)a10, (int32_t)a11) #define AM_ReplyI13(token, hnum, sa, cnt, a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10, a11, a12) \ AMMPI_ReplyI(token, hnum, sa, cnt, 13, (int32_t)a0, (int32_t)a1, (int32_t)a2, (int32_t)a3, (int32_t)a4, (int32_t)a5, (int32_t)a6, (int32_t)a7, (int32_t)a8, (int32_t)a9, (int32_t)a10, (int32_t)a11, (int32_t)a12) #define AM_ReplyI14(token, hnum, sa, cnt, a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10, a11, a12, a13) \ AMMPI_ReplyI(token, hnum, sa, cnt, 14, (int32_t)a0, (int32_t)a1, (int32_t)a2, (int32_t)a3, (int32_t)a4, (int32_t)a5, (int32_t)a6, (int32_t)a7, (int32_t)a8, (int32_t)a9, (int32_t)a10, (int32_t)a11, (int32_t)a12, (int32_t)a13) #define AM_ReplyI15(token, hnum, sa, cnt, a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10, a11, a12, a13, a14) \ AMMPI_ReplyI(token, hnum, sa, cnt, 15, (int32_t)a0, (int32_t)a1, (int32_t)a2, (int32_t)a3, (int32_t)a4, (int32_t)a5, (int32_t)a6, (int32_t)a7, (int32_t)a8, (int32_t)a9, (int32_t)a10, (int32_t)a11, (int32_t)a12, (int32_t)a13, (int32_t)a14) #define AM_ReplyI16(token, hnum, sa, cnt, a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10, a11, a12, a13, a14, a15) \ AMMPI_ReplyI(token, hnum, sa, cnt, 16, (int32_t)a0, (int32_t)a1, (int32_t)a2, (int32_t)a3, (int32_t)a4, (int32_t)a5, (int32_t)a6, (int32_t)a7, (int32_t)a8, (int32_t)a9, (int32_t)a10, (int32_t)a11, (int32_t)a12, (int32_t)a13, (int32_t)a14, (int32_t)a15) #define AM_ReplyXfer0(token, desto, hnum, sa, cnt) \ AMMPI_ReplyXfer(token, hnum, sa, cnt, desto, 0) #define AM_ReplyXfer1(token, desto, hnum, sa, cnt, a0) \ AMMPI_ReplyXfer(token, hnum, sa, cnt, desto, 1, (int32_t)a0) #define AM_ReplyXfer2(token, desto, hnum, sa, cnt, a0, a1) \ AMMPI_ReplyXfer(token, hnum, sa, cnt, desto, 2, (int32_t)a0, (int32_t)a1) #define AM_ReplyXfer3(token, desto, hnum, sa, cnt, a0, a1, a2) \ AMMPI_ReplyXfer(token, hnum, sa, cnt, desto, 3, (int32_t)a0, (int32_t)a1, (int32_t)a2) #define AM_ReplyXfer4(token, desto, hnum, sa, cnt, a0, a1, a2, a3) \ AMMPI_ReplyXfer(token, hnum, sa, cnt, desto, 4, (int32_t)a0, (int32_t)a1, (int32_t)a2, (int32_t)a3) #define AM_ReplyXfer5(token, desto, hnum, sa, cnt, a0, a1, a2, a3, a4) \ AMMPI_ReplyXfer(token, hnum, sa, cnt, desto, 5, (int32_t)a0, (int32_t)a1, (int32_t)a2, (int32_t)a3, (int32_t)a4) #define AM_ReplyXfer6(token, desto, hnum, sa, cnt, a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5) \ AMMPI_ReplyXfer(token, hnum, sa, cnt, desto, 6, (int32_t)a0, (int32_t)a1, (int32_t)a2, (int32_t)a3, (int32_t)a4, (int32_t)a5) #define AM_ReplyXfer7(token, desto, hnum, sa, cnt, a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6) \ AMMPI_ReplyXfer(token, hnum, sa, cnt, desto, 7, (int32_t)a0, (int32_t)a1, (int32_t)a2, (int32_t)a3, (int32_t)a4, (int32_t)a5, (int32_t)a6) #define AM_ReplyXfer8(token, desto, hnum, sa, cnt, a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7) \ AMMPI_ReplyXfer(token, hnum, sa, cnt, desto, 8, (int32_t)a0, (int32_t)a1, (int32_t)a2, (int32_t)a3, (int32_t)a4, (int32_t)a5, (int32_t)a6, (int32_t)a7) #define AM_ReplyXfer9(token, desto, hnum, sa, cnt, a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8) \ AMMPI_ReplyXfer(token, hnum, sa, cnt, desto, 9, (int32_t)a0, (int32_t)a1, (int32_t)a2, (int32_t)a3, (int32_t)a4, (int32_t)a5, (int32_t)a6, (int32_t)a7, (int32_t)a8) #define AM_ReplyXfer10(token, desto, hnum, sa, cnt, a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9) \ AMMPI_ReplyXfer(token, hnum, sa, cnt, desto, 10, (int32_t)a0, (int32_t)a1, (int32_t)a2, (int32_t)a3, (int32_t)a4, (int32_t)a5, (int32_t)a6, (int32_t)a7, (int32_t)a8, (int32_t)a9) #define AM_ReplyXfer11(token, desto, hnum, sa, cnt, a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10) \ AMMPI_ReplyXfer(token, hnum, sa, cnt, desto, 11, (int32_t)a0, (int32_t)a1, (int32_t)a2, (int32_t)a3, (int32_t)a4, (int32_t)a5, (int32_t)a6, (int32_t)a7, (int32_t)a8, (int32_t)a9, (int32_t)a10) #define AM_ReplyXfer12(token, desto, hnum, sa, cnt, a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10, a11) \ AMMPI_ReplyXfer(token, hnum, sa, cnt, desto, 12, (int32_t)a0, (int32_t)a1, (int32_t)a2, (int32_t)a3, (int32_t)a4, (int32_t)a5, (int32_t)a6, (int32_t)a7, (int32_t)a8, (int32_t)a9, (int32_t)a10, (int32_t)a11) #define AM_ReplyXfer13(token, desto, hnum, sa, cnt, a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10, a11, a12) \ AMMPI_ReplyXfer(token, hnum, sa, cnt, desto, 13, (int32_t)a0, (int32_t)a1, (int32_t)a2, (int32_t)a3, (int32_t)a4, (int32_t)a5, (int32_t)a6, (int32_t)a7, (int32_t)a8, (int32_t)a9, (int32_t)a10, (int32_t)a11, (int32_t)a12) #define AM_ReplyXfer14(token, desto, hnum, sa, cnt, a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10, a11, a12, a13) \ AMMPI_ReplyXfer(token, hnum, sa, cnt, desto, 14, (int32_t)a0, (int32_t)a1, (int32_t)a2, (int32_t)a3, (int32_t)a4, (int32_t)a5, (int32_t)a6, (int32_t)a7, (int32_t)a8, (int32_t)a9, (int32_t)a10, (int32_t)a11, (int32_t)a12, (int32_t)a13) #define AM_ReplyXfer15(token, desto, hnum, sa, cnt, a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10, a11, a12, a13, a14) \ AMMPI_ReplyXfer(token, hnum, sa, cnt, desto, 15, (int32_t)a0, (int32_t)a1, (int32_t)a2, (int32_t)a3, (int32_t)a4, (int32_t)a5, (int32_t)a6, (int32_t)a7, (int32_t)a8, (int32_t)a9, (int32_t)a10, (int32_t)a11, (int32_t)a12, (int32_t)a13, (int32_t)a14) #define AM_ReplyXfer16(token, desto, hnum, sa, cnt, a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10, a11, a12, a13, a14, a15) \ AMMPI_ReplyXfer(token, hnum, sa, cnt, desto, 16, (int32_t)a0, (int32_t)a1, (int32_t)a2, (int32_t)a3, (int32_t)a4, (int32_t)a5, (int32_t)a6, (int32_t)a7, (int32_t)a8, (int32_t)a9, (int32_t)a10, (int32_t)a11, (int32_t)a12, (int32_t)a13, (int32_t)a14, (int32_t)a15) END_EXTERNC #endif