#!/usr/bin/env perl # $Source: runtime/gasnet/mpi-conduit/contrib/gasnetrun_mpi.pl $ # $Date: Sat, 20 Aug 2005 22:45:40 -0700 $ # $Revision: $ # Description: GASNet MPI spawner # Terms of use are as specified in license.txt require 5.004; use strict; # NOTE: The value of $ENV{'MPIRUN_CMD'} may be set in the shell wrapper my $spawncmd = $ENV{'MPIRUN_CMD'} || 'mpirun -np %N %P %A'; $spawncmd = stripouterquotes($spawncmd); $spawncmd =~ s/%C/%P %A/; # deal with common alias # Validate the spawncmd unless (exists($ENV{'MPIRUN_CMD_OK'}) || (($spawncmd =~ m/%P/) && ($spawncmd =~ m/%A/) && ($spawncmd =~ m/%N/))) { die("gasnetrun: ERROR: MPIRUN_CMD='$spawncmd'\n" . "The environment variable MPIRUN_CMD must contain the strings '%P' and '%A'\n" . "(or '%C' as an alias for '%P %A') for expansion into the program and its arguments;\n" . "and '%N' for expansion into the number of processes.\n" . "To disable this check, set MPIRUN_CMD_OK in your environment.\n"); } # Globals my $envlist = ''; my $numproc = undef; my $numnode = undef; my $verbose = 0; my @verbose_opt = ("-v"); my $keep = 0; my $dryrun = 0; my $exename = undef; my $find_exe = 1; # should we find full path of executable? my $env_before_exe = 1; # place env cmd before exe? my $extra_quote_argv = 0; # add extra quotes around each argument my $group_join_argv = 0; # join all the args into one for %A? my $force_nonempty_argv = 0; # if args are empty, still pass empty arg for %A my $tmpdir = undef; my $nodefile = $ENV{'GASNET_NODEFILE'} || $ENV{'PBS_NODEFILE'}; my @tmpfiles = (defined($nodefile) && $ENV{'GASNET_RM_NODEFILE'}) ? ("$nodefile") : (); # Define how to pass the environment vars # 5 parameters to set: val, pre, inter, post and join # To pass env as "-X A -Y B -Y C -Z" (a made up example) #%envfmt = ('pre' => '-X', 'inter' => '-Y', 'post' => '-Z'); my %envfmt = (); # Probe for which MPI is running my $mpirun_cmd = $spawncmd; $mpirun_cmd =~ s/\s-.*/ -h/; # poe hangs on -help, so use -h $mpirun_cmd =~ s/\s%[A-Za-z]+//g; # required for Cray MPI #print "probing: $mpirun_cmd\n"; my $mpirun_help = `$mpirun_cmd 2>&1`; #print "probe result: $mpirun_help\n"; my $is_lam = ($mpirun_help =~ m|LAM/MPI|); my $is_ompi = ($mpirun_help =~ m|OpenRTE|); my $is_mpiexec = ($mpirun_help =~ m|mpiexec|); my $is_mpich_nt = ($mpirun_help =~ m|MPIRun|); my $is_mpich = ($mpirun_help =~ m|ch_p4|); my $is_mvich = ($mpirun_help =~ m|MV(AP)?ICH|i); my $is_cray_mpi = ($mpirun_help =~ m|Psched|); my $is_poe = ($mpirun_help =~ m|Parallel Operating Environment|); my $is_yod = ($mpirun_help =~ m| yod |); my $is_bgl_mpi = ($mpirun_help =~ m| BG/L |); my $envprog = $ENV{'ENVCMD'}; if (! -x $envprog) { # SuperUX has broken "which" implementation, so avoid if possible $envprog = `which env`; chomp $envprog; } my $spawner_desc = undef; if ($is_lam || $is_ompi) { $spawner_desc = "LAM/MPI or OpenMPI"; # pass env as "-x A,B,C" %envfmt = ( 'pre' => '-x', 'join' => ',' ); } elsif ($is_mpiexec) { $spawner_desc = "mpiexec"; # handles env for us %envfmt = ( 'noenv' => 1 ); # mpiexec seems to brokenly insist on splitting argv on spaces, regardless of quoting # not much we can do about it... } elsif ($is_mpich_nt) { $spawner_desc = "MPICH/NT"; # pass env as "-env A=1|B=2|C=3" %envfmt = ( 'pre' => '-env', 'join' => '|', 'val' => '' ); $find_exe = 0; $extra_quote_argv = 1; } elsif ($is_mvich) { $spawner_desc = "MVICH/MVAPICH"; # pass env as "/usr/bin/env 'A=1' 'B=2' 'C=3'" %envfmt = ( 'pre' => $envprog, 'val' => "'" ); $extra_quote_argv = 1; } elsif ($is_mpich) { $spawner_desc = "MPICH"; # pass env as "/usr/bin/env 'A=1' 'B=2' 'C=3'" %envfmt = ( 'pre' => $envprog, 'val' => "'" ); } elsif ($is_cray_mpi) { $spawner_desc = "Cray MPI"; # cannot reliably use /usr/bin/env at all when running via aprun # (the binary doesnt support placed execution) # however, the OS already propagates the environment for us automatically %envfmt = ( 'noenv' => 1 ); } elsif ($is_poe) { $spawner_desc = "IBM POE"; # the OS already propagates the environment for us automatically %envfmt = ( 'noenv' => 1 ); $extra_quote_argv = 1; } elsif ($is_yod) { $spawner_desc = "Catamount yod"; # the OS already propagates the environment for us automatically %envfmt = ( 'noenv' => 1 ); $extra_quote_argv = 1; } elsif ($is_bgl_mpi) { $spawner_desc = "IBM BG/L MPI"; # pass as: -exp_env A -exp_env B %envfmt = ( 'pre' => '-exp_env', 'inter' => '-exp_env' ); $force_nonempty_argv = 1; $group_join_argv = 1; $env_before_exe = 0; @verbose_opt = ("-verbose", "2"); } else { $spawner_desc = "unknown program (using generic MPI spawner)"; # the OS already propagates the environment for us automatically # pass env as "/usr/bin/env A=1 B=2 C=3" # Our nearly universal default %envfmt = ( 'pre' => $envprog, 'val' => '' ); } sub usage { print (@_) if (@_); print "usage: gasnetrun -n [options] [--] prog [program args]\n"; print " options:\n"; print " -n number of processes to run\n"; print " -N number of nodes to run on (not suppored on all mpiruns)\n"; print " -E list of environment vars to propagate\n"; print " -v be verbose about what is happening\n"; print " -t test only, don't execute anything (implies -v)\n"; print " -k keep any temporary files created (implies -v)\n"; print " -- ends option parsing\n"; exit 1; } sub stripouterquotes { my ($val) = @_; while ( $val =~ s/['"](.*?)['"]/$1/ ) { } return $val; } # "Multiply" array(s) for mapping procs to nodes sub expand { my $ppn = int($numproc / $numnode); my $full = $numproc - $numnode * $ppn; # nodes carrying ($ppn + 1) procs my $part = $numnode - $full; # nodes carrying $ppn procs while (my $arr_ref = shift @_) { my @tmp = (); for (my $i = 0; $i < $full; ++$i) { my $elem = shift @$arr_ref; for (my $j = 0; $j <= $ppn; ++$j) { push @tmp, $elem; } } for (my $i = 0; $i < $part; ++$i) { my $elem = shift @$arr_ref; for (my $j = 0; $j < $ppn; ++$j) { push @tmp, $elem; } } @$arr_ref = @tmp; } } # We need to parse our command-line arguments while (@ARGV > 0) { $_ = $ARGV[0]; if ($_ eq '--') { shift; last; } elsif ($_ eq '-n' || $_ eq '-np') { shift; usage ("$_ option given without an argument\n") unless @ARGV >= 1; $numproc = 0+$ARGV[0]; usage ("$_ option with invalid argument '$ARGV[0]'\n") unless $numproc >= 1; } elsif ($_ =~ /^(-np?)([0-9]+)$/) { $numproc = 0+$2; usage ("$1 option with invalid argument '$2'\n") unless $numproc >= 1; } elsif ($_ eq '-N') { shift; usage ("$_ option given without an argument\n") unless @ARGV >= 1; $numnode = 0+$ARGV[0]; usage ("$_ option with invalid argument '$ARGV[0]'\n") unless $numnode >= 1; } elsif ($_ =~ /^(-N)([0-9]+)$/) { $numnode = 0+$2; usage ("$1 option with invalid argument '$2'\n") unless $numnode >= 1; } elsif ($_ eq '-E') { shift; usage ("-E option given without an argument\n") unless @ARGV >= 1; $envlist = $ARGV[0]; } elsif ($_ eq '-v') { $verbose = 1; } elsif ($_ eq '-t') { $dryrun = 1; $verbose = 1; } elsif ($_ eq '-k') { $keep = 1; $verbose = 1; } elsif (m/^-/) { usage ("unrecognized option '$_'\n"); } else { last; } shift; } print "gasnetrun: identified MPI spawner as: $spawner_desc\n" if ($verbose); # Validate -n as needed if (!defined($numproc) && $spawncmd =~ /%N/) { usage "Required option -n was not given\n"; } # Validate -N as needed if (defined($numnode) && !$is_lam) { warn "WARNING: Don't know how to control process->node layout with your mpirun\n"; warn "WARNING: PROCESS LAYOUT MIGHT NOT MATCH YOUR REQUEST\n"; } # Find the program my $exebase = shift or usage "No program specified\n"; if ($find_exe) { if ($exebase =~ m|^/|) { # full path, don't do anything to it $exename = $exebase; } elsif ($exebase =~ m|/| || -x $exebase) { # has directory components or exists in cwd my $cwd = `pwd`; chomp $cwd; $exename = "$cwd/$exebase"; } else { # search PATH foreach (split(':', $ENV{PATH})) { my $tmp = "$_/$exebase"; if (-x $tmp) { $exename = $tmp; last; } } } die("gasnetrun: unable to locate program '$exebase'\n") unless (defined($exename) && -x $exename); print("gasnetrun: located executable '$exename'\n") if ($verbose); } else { $exename = $exebase; } # We need to gather a list of important environment variables # Form a list of the vars given by -E, plus any GASNET_* vars $ENV{"GASNET_VERBOSEENV"} = "1" if ($verbose); my @envvars = ((grep {+exists($ENV{$_})} split(',', $envlist)), (grep {+m/^GASNET_/} keys(%ENV))); # Build up the environment-passing arguments in several steps my @envargs = @envvars; if (@envvars) { # pair the variables with their values if desired if (defined $envfmt{val}) { my $q = $envfmt{val}; @envargs = map { "$_=$q$ENV{$_}$q" } @envargs; } # join them into a single argument if desired if (defined $envfmt{join}) { @envargs = join($envfmt{join}, @envargs); } # introduce 'inter' arg between variable (no effect if already joined) if (defined $envfmt{inter}) { @envargs = map { ($_, $envfmt{inter}) } @envargs; pop @envargs; } # tack on 'pre' and 'post' args if (defined $envfmt{pre}) { unshift @envargs, $envfmt{pre}; } if (defined $envfmt{post}) { push @envargs, $envfmt{post}; } if (defined $envfmt{noenv}) { @envargs = (); } } print "envargs: " . (join " ", @envargs) . "\n" if ($verbose); # Special case for the mpich spawner if ($is_mpich && !$is_mpich_nt && !$is_mvich) { # General approach: create a wrapper script for the rsh/ssh command invoked by MPICH # that glues on the correct environment variables in a way that won't disturb MPICH $tmpdir = "gasnetrun_mpi-temp-$$"; mkdir ($tmpdir, 0777) or die "gasnetrun: cannot create \'$tmpdir\'"; my @spawners = ('ssh', 'rsh'); # default is to create ssh and rsh capture scripts # always create them because MPICH-GM device overrides RSHCOMMAND my $realprog = undef; my $realprog_args = undef; # If we have a direct path to the MPICH spawn script, rewrite it and replace RSHCOMMAND # for the most robust spawner capture (because RSHCOMMAND is sometimes an absolute path) if ($spawncmd =~ /^\s*(\S+)/ && -x "$1" && `grep 'RSHCOMMAND=' "$1" 2> /dev/null` ne "") { my $mpirun_script = stripouterquotes($1); my $tmprun = "$tmpdir/mpirun-tmp"; my $tmprsh = 'mpirun-rsh'; open (MPIRUN, $mpirun_script) or die "gasnetrun: can't open '$mpirun_script' for reading\n"; open (TMPRUN, ">$tmprun") or die "gasnetrun: can't open '$tmprun' for writing\n"; print "gasnetrun: cloning '$mpirun_script' to '$tmprun'\n" if ($verbose); while () { my $line = $_; if ($line =~ /^\s*RSHCOMMAND=(.+)$/) { $realprog = $1; $line =~ s/$realprog/"$tmprsh"/; $realprog = stripouterquotes($realprog); $realprog =~ s/^(\S+)\s*(.*)$/$1/; $realprog_args = $2; $realprog = stripouterquotes($realprog); } print TMPRUN "$line"; } close (MPIRUN); close (TMPRUN); chmod 0700, $tmprun or die "gasnetrun: cannot \'chmod 0700, $tmprun\'"; unshift @tmpfiles, "$tmprun"; if (!($realprog =~ /^\//)) { # RSHCOMMAND is a relative path - get absolute chomp($realprog = `which "$realprog" 2> /dev/null` || $realprog); } if (! -x "$realprog") { print "gasnetrun: warning: cannot find MPICH underlying spawner '$realprog'\n" if ($verbose); $realprog = `which "ssh" 2> /dev/null`; $realprog_args = undef; } unshift @spawners, $tmprsh; $spawncmd =~ s#$mpirun_script#$tmprun#; } my $args = join(' ',map { "\"\'$_\'\"" } @envargs); (my $degooped_exename = $exename) =~ s/#/\\#/g; (my $degooped_args = join(' ',map { "\'$_\'" } @envargs)) =~ s/#/\\#/g; foreach my $spawner (@spawners) { unless (defined $realprog) { chomp($realprog = `which "$spawner" 2> /dev/null`); } if (! -x "$realprog") { # Can't find that spawner - Assume we're not using it print "gasnetrun: warning: cannot find \'$spawner\'\n" if ($verbose); next; } my $tmpfile = "$tmpdir/$spawner"; unshift @tmpfiles, "$tmpfile"; print "gasnetrun: building '$tmpfile' to wrap '$realprog'\n" if ($verbose); open (TMPSPAWN, ">$tmpfile") or die "gasnetrun: cannot open $tmpfile"; print TMPSPAWN <