/* A Bison parser, made by GNU Bison 1.875c. */ /* Skeleton parser for GLR parsing with Bison, Copyright (C) 2002, 2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ /* Tokens. */ #ifndef YYTOKENTYPE # define YYTOKENTYPE /* Put the tokens into the symbol table, so that GDB and other debuggers know about them. */ enum yytokentype { ABSTRACT = 258, ASSERT = 259, BOOLEAN = 260, BREAK = 261, BROADCAST = 262, BYTE = 263, CASE = 264, CATCH = 265, CHAR = 266, CLASS = 267, CONTINUE = 268, DEFAULT = 269, DO = 270, DOUBLE = 271, ELSE = 272, EXTENDS = 273, FINAL = 274, FINALLY = 275, FLOAT = 276, FOR = 277, FOREACH = 278, IF = 279, IMPLEMENTS = 280, IMPORT = 281, INSTANCEOF = 282, INT = 283, INTERFACE = 284, IMMUTABLE = 285, INLINE = 286, LOCAL = 287, LONG = 288, NATIVE = 289, NEW = 290, NULL_VAL = 291, OPERATOR = 292, OVERLAP = 293, _PACKAGE = 294, PRIVATE = 295, PROTECTED = 296, PUBLIC = 297, POLYSHARED = 298, NONSHARED = 299, PARTITION = 300, RETURN = 301, SHORT = 302, STATIC = 303, SUPER = 304, SWITCH = 305, SYNCHRONIZED = 306, STRICTFP = 307, SINGLE = 308, SGLOBAL = 309, TEMPLATE = 310, THIS = 311, THROW = 312, THROWS = 313, TRANSIENT = 314, TRY = 315, VOID = 316, VOLATILE = 317, WHILE = 318, TRUE_LITERAL = 319, FALSE_LITERAL = 320, IDENTIFIER = 321, INT_LITERAL = 322, LONG_LITERAL = 323, FLOAT_LITERAL = 324, DOUBLE_LITERAL = 325, CHARACTER_LITERAL = 326, STRING_LITERAL = 327, CAND = 328, COR = 329, EQ = 330, NE = 331, LE = 332, GE = 333, LSHIFTL = 334, ASHIFTR = 335, LSHIFTR = 336, PLUS_ASG = 337, MINUS_ASG = 338, MULT_ASG = 339, DIV_ASG = 340, REM_ASG = 341, LSHIFTL_ASG = 342, ASHIFTR_ASG = 343, LSHIFTR_ASG = 344, AND_ASG = 345, XOR_ASG = 346, OR_ASG = 347, PLUSPLUS = 348, MINUSMINUS = 349, GUARDS = 350 }; #endif #define ABSTRACT 258 #define ASSERT 259 #define BOOLEAN 260 #define BREAK 261 #define BROADCAST 262 #define BYTE 263 #define CASE 264 #define CATCH 265 #define CHAR 266 #define CLASS 267 #define CONTINUE 268 #define DEFAULT 269 #define DO 270 #define DOUBLE 271 #define ELSE 272 #define EXTENDS 273 #define FINAL 274 #define FINALLY 275 #define FLOAT 276 #define FOR 277 #define FOREACH 278 #define IF 279 #define IMPLEMENTS 280 #define IMPORT 281 #define INSTANCEOF 282 #define INT 283 #define INTERFACE 284 #define IMMUTABLE 285 #define INLINE 286 #define LOCAL 287 #define LONG 288 #define NATIVE 289 #define NEW 290 #define NULL_VAL 291 #define OPERATOR 292 #define OVERLAP 293 #define _PACKAGE 294 #define PRIVATE 295 #define PROTECTED 296 #define PUBLIC 297 #define POLYSHARED 298 #define NONSHARED 299 #define PARTITION 300 #define RETURN 301 #define SHORT 302 #define STATIC 303 #define SUPER 304 #define SWITCH 305 #define SYNCHRONIZED 306 #define STRICTFP 307 #define SINGLE 308 #define SGLOBAL 309 #define TEMPLATE 310 #define THIS 311 #define THROW 312 #define THROWS 313 #define TRANSIENT 314 #define TRY 315 #define VOID 316 #define VOLATILE 317 #define WHILE 318 #define TRUE_LITERAL 319 #define FALSE_LITERAL 320 #define IDENTIFIER 321 #define INT_LITERAL 322 #define LONG_LITERAL 323 #define FLOAT_LITERAL 324 #define DOUBLE_LITERAL 325 #define CHARACTER_LITERAL 326 #define STRING_LITERAL 327 #define CAND 328 #define COR 329 #define EQ 330 #define NE 331 #define LE 332 #define GE 333 #define LSHIFTL 334 #define ASHIFTR 335 #define LSHIFTR 336 #define PLUS_ASG 337 #define MINUS_ASG 338 #define MULT_ASG 339 #define DIV_ASG 340 #define REM_ASG 341 #define LSHIFTL_ASG 342 #define ASHIFTR_ASG 343 #define LSHIFTR_ASG 344 #define AND_ASG 345 #define XOR_ASG 346 #define OR_ASG 347 #define PLUSPLUS 348 #define MINUSMINUS 349 #define GUARDS 350 #if ! defined (YYSTYPE) && ! defined (YYSTYPE_IS_DECLARED) #line 190 "parser.yy" typedef union YYSTYPE { SimpTerminalInfo SimpTerminal; /* Terminal symbols with only position. */ TerminalInfo Terminal; /* Terminal symbols with ASCII string data. */ StrTerminalInfo StrTerminal; /* Terminal symbols with Unicode string data. */ CharTerminalInfo CharTerminal; /* Terminal symbols with Unicode char data. */ long Int; /* Simple integer values */ bool Bool; CompileUnitNode* CompileUnit; TreeNode* Tree; TypeNode* Type; CatchNode* Catch; llist* TreeList; llist* TypeList; llist* CatchList; Common::Modifiers Modifiers; llist* DeclaratorList; TryNode *Try; TypeDeclNode *TypeDecl; } YYSTYPE; /* Line 2043 of glr.c. */ #line 242 "y.tab.h" # define YYSTYPE_IS_DECLARED 1 # define YYSTYPE_IS_TRIVIAL 1 #endif extern YYSTYPE yylval; #if ! defined (YYLTYPE) && ! defined (YYLTYPE_IS_DECLARED) typedef struct YYLTYPE { char yydummy; } YYLTYPE; # define YYLTYPE_IS_DECLARED 1 # define YYLTYPE_IS_TRIVIAL 1 #endif