import*; import java.util.*; public class Fish { public int proc; public double m; public Cart2d f; public Cart2d pos; public Cart2d vel; public Fish() { pos = new Cart2d(); vel = new Cart2d(); f = new Cart2d(); } public Fish(double m, double x, double y) { this.m = m; pos = new Cart2d(x, y); vel = new Cart2d(); f = new Cart2d(); proc = 0; } public void timestep(double dt) { pos.x += dt*vel.x; pos.y += dt*vel.y; vel.x += dt*f.x/m; vel.y += dt*f.y/m; Aquarium.bounce(this); } public String toString() { return "("+m+","+f+","+vel+","+pos+")"; } } public class Cart2d { public double x, y; public Cart2d() { x = 0.0; y = 0.0; } public Cart2d(double x, double y) { this.x = x; this.y = y; } public void subtract(Cart2d a, Cart2d b) { x = a.x-b.x; y = a.y-b.y; } public double magnitude() { return (x*x+y*y); } public double distance(Cart2d a) { return Math.sqrt((x-a.x)*(x-a.x)+(y-a.y)*(y-a.y)); } public String toString() { return "("+x+","+y+")"; } } public class Aquarium { public static int n_fish = 10; public static double max_norm_change = 0.01; public static double max_dt = 0.1; public static double min_dt = 0.0; public static double end_time = 0.25; public static int max_steps = 1000; public static double min_r = 0.1; public static double min_r2 = min_r * min_r; public static double G = 1.0; public static double output_interval = 0.05; public static String output_file = "stdout"; public static int outputp = 1; public static int circlep = 1; public static double FISH_MASS = 1.0; public static double LEFT_WALL = 1.0; public static double RIGHT_WALL = 2.0; public static double WALL_SEP = RIGHT_WALL-LEFT_WALL; public static double max(double a, double b) { if(a>b) return a; return b; } public static double min(double a, double b) { if(a RIGHT_WALL) { if(F.pos.x < LEFT_WALL) { F.pos.x = 2.0*LEFT_WALL-F.pos.x; F.vel.x = -F.vel.x; } if(F.pos.x > RIGHT_WALL) { F.pos.x = 2.0*RIGHT_WALL-F.pos.x; F.vel.x = -F.vel.x; } } while(F.pos.y < LEFT_WALL || F.pos.y > RIGHT_WALL) { if(F.pos.y < LEFT_WALL) { F.pos.y = 2.0*LEFT_WALL-F.pos.y; F.vel.y = -F.vel.y; } if(F.pos.y > RIGHT_WALL) { F.pos.y = 2.0*RIGHT_WALL-F.pos.y; F.vel.y = -F.vel.y; } } } public static single void main(String single [] single args) { get_options(args); // first check arguments int single N = broadcast n_fish from 0; int single MAXSTEPS = broadcast max_steps from 0; double single ENDTIME = broadcast end_time from 0; int single i; // Synchronous index int j, k; // Asynchronous indices double single curr_time = 0.0; double output_time = 0.0; double single dt = 0.0; double single max_norm; int single steps; PrintStream FILE; Timer total_time, comm_time; int single NperProc = ((int)Math.floor(((double)N) / ((double)(Ti.numProcs())))); Double.setPrecision(4); /* DOB: ensure deterministic output */ if(Ti.thisProc() == 0) { if(outputp == 1) { try { if (output_file.equals("stdout")) FILE = System.out; else FILE = new PrintStream(new FileOutputStream(output_file)); FILE.println("n_fish: "+N); } catch(IOException fileerr) { System.out.println("IO Error: "+fileerr); System.exit(1); } } } total_time = new Timer(); comm_time = new Timer(); int startIndex = NperProc*Ti.thisProc(); int endIndex = NperProc*(Ti.thisProc()+1); if(Ti.thisProc() == Ti.numProcs()-1) endIndex = N; Fish [] single particles = new Fish[N]; Fish [] myparticles = new Fish[endIndex-startIndex]; total_time.start(); comm_time.start(); Ti.barrier(); comm_time.stop(); /* This initialization code you can try to improve (what is it really doing now?). */ Random R = new Random(100); /* DOB: ensure deterministic output */ for(i = 0; i < N; i++) { int single proc = Math.min(Ti.numProcs()-1, ((int)Math.floor(((double)i)/((double)(NperProc))))); if(Ti.thisProc() == proc) { double mass = 1.0, x, y; if(circlep == 1) { double angle = i * (2.0 * Math.PI / N); x = unscale_coord(0.5*Math.cos(angle)+0.5); y = unscale_coord(0.5*Math.sin(angle)+0.5); } else { x = unscale_coord(R.nextDouble()); y = unscale_coord(R.nextDouble()); } particles[i] = new Fish(mass, x, y); particles[i].proc = proc; } comm_time.start(); particles[i] = broadcast particles[i] from proc; comm_time.stop(); } for(output_time = 0.0, curr_time = 0.0, steps = 0; curr_time <= ENDTIME && steps < MAXSTEPS; curr_time += dt, ++steps) { /* Wait for everyone to catch up. Is this barrier necessary? */ comm_time.start(); Ti.barrier(); comm_time.stop(); /* Output results to a file if desired. */ if(Ti.thisProc() == 0 && outputp == 1 && curr_time >= output_time) { double cg_x = 0.0; double cg_y = 0.0; FILE.println(""+curr_time+" ("+dt+")"); for(k = 0; k < N; k++) { cg_x += particles[k].pos.x; cg_y += particles[k].pos.y; FILE.println(" "+k+":"+" ("+scale_coord(particles[k].pos.x)+", "+scale_coord(particles[k].pos.y)+")"); } cg_x /= N; cg_y /= N; FILE.println(" cg: ("+scale_coord(cg_x)+", "+scale_coord(cg_y)+")"); output_time = curr_time + output_interval; } /* Copy fish locally. */ for(j = startIndex; j < endIndex; j++) { myparticles[j-startIndex] = particles[j]; particles[j].proc = Ti.thisProc(); } /* Modify forces on local fish from all the fish at once. */ for(j = 0; j < myparticles.length; j++) { myparticles[j].f.x = 0.0; myparticles[j].f.y = 0.0; for(k = 0; k < N; k++) { double dx = particles[k].pos.x - myparticles[j].pos.x; double dy = particles[k].pos.y - myparticles[j].pos.y; if(dx != 0.0 || dy != 0.0) { double r2 = Math.max(dx*dx+dy*dy, min_r2); double r = Math.sqrt(r2); double a = G * FISH_MASS / r2; myparticles[j].f.x += a * dx / r; myparticles[j].f.y += a * dy / r; } } } /* Compute the norm to determine timestep. */ double local_max_norm = 0.0; for(j = 0; j < myparticles.length; j++) { local_max_norm = Math.max(local_max_norm, Math.abs(myparticles[j].vel.x)); local_max_norm = Math.max(local_max_norm, Math.abs(myparticles[j].vel.y)); local_max_norm = Math.max(local_max_norm, Math.abs(myparticles[j].f.x)); local_max_norm = Math.max(local_max_norm, Math.abs(myparticles[j].f.y)); } comm_time.start(); max_norm = Reduce.max(local_max_norm); comm_time.stop(); dt = broadcast Math.min(Math.max(max_norm_change / max_norm, min_dt), max_dt) from 0; /* Update the positions of the local particles based on timestep. */ for(j = 0; j < myparticles.length; j++) myparticles[j].timestep(dt); /* Copy the particles to the other processors. Is this approach the fastest? */ comm_time.start(); for(i = 0; i < N; i++) { int single proc = broadcast particles[i].proc from 0; particles[i] = broadcast particles[i] from proc; } comm_time.stop(); } total_time.stop(); double maxcommtime = Reduce.max(comm_time.millis(), 0); double totalcommtime = Reduce.add(comm_time.millis(), 0); double maxtotaltime = Reduce.max(total_time.millis(), 0); double totaltotaltime = Reduce.add(total_time.millis(), 0); Ti.barrier(); if(Ti.thisProc() == 0) { System.out.println("done."); /* DOB: ensure deterministic output */ /* System.out.println("Number of processors: "+Ti.numProcs()); System.out.println("Total combined time taken: "+totaltotaltime); System.out.println("Maximum time taken for a process: "+maxtotaltime); System.out.println("Total combined time in communication: "+totalcommtime); System.out.println("Maximum time in communication for a process: "+maxcommtime); */ if(outputp == 1 && FILE != System.out) FILE.close(); } } }