import*; public class Ramp2dm { static final int dimensions = 2; static final RectDomain<1> Ddims = [1:dimensions], Ddirs = [-1:1:2]; protected static double [1d][1d] ends = new double[Ddims][Ddirs]; protected static double shockloc = 0.2; // originally 0.1 protected static double shockangle = 30.0 * (Math.PI / 180.0); protected static double slope = 1.0 / Math.tan(shockangle); protected static double shockloctop, shockspeed; protected static double gamma = 1.4; protected static double smallthresh = 1e-6; protected static double p0 = 1.0, c0 = 1.0, rho0 = gamma * p0 / (c0 * c0); protected static double mach = 10.0, s1 = mach * c0; protected static double p1 = p0 * (2.0 * gamma * mach * mach - gamma + 1.0) / (gamma + 1.0); protected static double v1 = (p1 - p0) / (s1 * rho0); protected static double ux1 = v1 * Math.cos(shockangle); protected static double uy1 = -v1 * Math.sin(shockangle); protected static double rho1 = rho0 / (1.0 - v1 / s1); protected static Quantities2 q0, q1; protected static Vector4 [1d] q0flux, q1flux; single public static void main(String args[]) { int single numProcs = Ti.numProcs(); RectDomain<1> single Dprocs = [0 : numProcs-1]; int myProc = Ti.thisProc(); /* Get command-line arguments: inputfile, s, totaltime, outputfile */ boolean myprintOut, myreadFile; String myinputfile, myoutputfile, mygridhfile; int mys; double mytotaltime; try { int myarglen = args.length; if (myarglen < 3) exitinfo(); myinputfile = args[0]; mys = Integer.parseInt(args[1]); mytotaltime = new Double(args[2]).doubleValue(); myprintOut = (myarglen >= 4); if (myprintOut) myoutputfile = args[3]; myreadFile = (myarglen >= 5); if (myreadFile) mygridhfile = args[4]; } catch (Exception e) { exitinfo(); } int single s = broadcast mys from 0; double single totaltime = broadcast mytotaltime from 0; boolean single printOut = broadcast myprintOut from 0; boolean single readFile = broadcast myreadFile from 0; /* Set up Amr2 with global parameters in myinputfile. */ DataInputStream in = Amr2.SetupInput(null, myinputfile, new Ramp2dmBoundaryFlux()); /* Initialize processes. */ System.out.println("initializing process " + myProc); // The "single" modifier makes it look as if this sets all the // processes to be the same. Amr2.myself = new Amr2Process(null); Amr2.processes = new Amr2Process[Dprocs];; /* Real coordinates of sides of computational domain. */ ends[1][-1] = 0.0; ends[1][+1] = 1.0; ends[2][-1] = 0.0; ends[2][+1] = 0.25; /* Set initial primitive quantities. */ Quantities2.gammaSet(gamma); Quantities2.setThresholds(smallthresh, smallthresh); // recall order rho, ux, uy, p q0 = new Quantities2(rho0, 0.0, 0.0, p0); q1 = new Quantities2(rho1, ux1, uy1, p1); /* These are used for finding boundary fluxes while solving. */ q0flux = new Vector4[Ddims]; q1flux = new Vector4[Ddims]; foreach (pd in Ddims) { q0flux[pd] = q0.solidBndryFlux(pd[1]); q1flux[pd] = q1.getFlux(pd[1]); } shockloctop = shockloc + (ends[2][+1] - ends[2][-1]) * Math.tan(shockangle); shockspeed = s1 / Math.cos(shockangle); /* Read in patches. */ double single time0 = 0.0; if (readFile) { time0 =; // Read in hierarchy. // Need to run load balancing for levels > 0. // Idea: // For level 0, assign as before. // For levels > 0, put ALL patches into proc 0. // Then get U from q. Also find adjacent, coarser. // Then regrid to get something more balanced. double timediscard = Amr2.myself.Process(s, totaltime, time0, true); } else { Amr2.myself.GetPatches(new Ramp2dmInit()); } /* Process the patches. */ // start logging Logger.begin(); long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); double timesim = Amr2.myself.Process(s, totaltime, time0, false); // end logging Logger.end(); long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); Ti.barrier(); /* Output */ System.out.println("time = " + (endTime - startTime) / 1000 + " sec"); if (myProc == 0 && printOut) WriteHierarchy.write(myoutputfile, timesim); } private final static void exitinfo() { if (Ti.thisProc() == 0) { System.out.println("Usage: ./Ramp2dm [inputfile] [s] [t] [[outputfile]] [[[gridhierarchyfile]]]"); System.out.println(" [s] is number of time steps, or 0 if using [t]") ; System.out.println(" [t] is total time, or 0 if using [s]"); System.exit(0); } } }