#ifndef _INTVECTOR_H_ #define _INTVECTOR_H_ /* Vectors of ints, represented as a pointer to an array of ints, the first of which is the vector length. After being constructed, the length is not mutable. Bounds checks are always performed. */ #include #include #include #include #include "llist.h" #include "int2string.h" #include #include "gputil.h" #include #include "using-std.h" class intvector { public: /* Constructors & Destructor */ intvector(int n, int *vals = NULL) { data = new int [n + 1]; assert(data != NULL); data[0] = n; if (vals) memcpy((void *) (data + 1), (void *) vals, n * sizeof(int)); } /* Make an intvector out of the data in l. */ intvector(const llist *l) { int n = l->size(); data = new int [n + 1]; data[0] = n; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { data[i + 1] = l->front(); l = l->tail(); } } ~intvector() { delete[] data; } /* Utils */ inline size_t size() const { return data[0]; } inline int dot(intvector const *v) const { int n = size(); assert(v->size() == (size_t) n); int sum = 0; while (n-- > 0) sum += (*this)[n] * (*v)[n]; return sum; } inline double dot_double(intvector const *v) const { int n = size(); assert(v->size() == (size_t) n); double sum = 0; while (n-- > 0) sum += (*this)[n] * (*v)[n]; return sum; } intvector *copy() const { int n = size(); intvector *result = new intvector(n, NULL); while (n-- > 0) (*result)[n] = (*this)[n]; return result; } bool equals(intvector const *v) const { int n = size(); assert(v->size() == (size_t) n); while (n-- > 0) if ((*this)[n] != (*v)[n]) return false; return true; } /* Non-destructive. */ intvector *plus(intvector const *v) const { return copy()->destructive_sum(v); } intvector *minus(intvector const *v) const { intvector *r, *tmp; r = plus(tmp = v->times(-1)); delete tmp; return r; } intvector *times(intvector const *v) const { return copy()->destructive_product(v); } intvector *times(int k) const { return copy()->destructive_product(k); } llist *to_list() const { int n = size(); llist *result = NULL; while (n-- >= 0) push(result, (*this)[n]); return result; } int first() const { return (*this)[0]; } int last() const { return (*this)[size() - 1]; } /* An intvector same as this but without last component. E.g., [3, 4] -> [3]. */ intvector *chop_last() const { return new intvector(size() - 1, data + 1); } /* An intvector same as this but without first component. E.g., [3, 4] -> [4]. */ intvector *chop_first() const { return new intvector(size() - 1, data + 2); } intvector *destructive_sum(intvector const *v) { int n = size(); assert(v->size() == (size_t) n); while (n-- > 0) (*this)[n] += (*v)[n]; return this; } intvector *destructive_product(int k) { int n = size(); while (n-- > 0) (*this)[n] *= k; return this; } intvector *destructive_product(intvector const *v) { int n = size(); assert(v->size() == (size_t) n); while (n-- > 0) (*this)[n] *= (*v)[n]; return this; } /* Return index of first value that is not x. If all are x, return -1. */ inline int find_not(int x) const { int n = size(); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) if ((*this)[i] != x) return i; return -1; } /* Return index of first value that is x. If all are not x, return -1. */ inline int find(int x) const { int n = size(); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) if ((*this)[i] == x) return i; return -1; } inline int find_non_zero() const { return find_not(0); } inline bool contains(int x) const { return (find(x) >= 0); } int gcd() const; bool has_unit_gcd() const { return gcd() == 1; } intvector *approximate_with_unit_vector() const; bool lexicographically_precedes(intvector const *) const; double norm() const { return sqrt(dot_double(this)); } bool is_parallel(const intvector *v) const { assert(!is_zero() && !v->is_zero()); return square(v->dot(this)) == abs(v->dot(v) * this->dot(this)); } /* True iff this contains exactly one non-zero element. */ bool is_axis_aligned() const { int n = size(), non_zeros = 0; while (n-- > 0) if ((*this)[n] != 0) if (++non_zeros > 1) return false; return (non_zeros == 1); } bool is_zero() const { int n = size(); while (n-- > 0) if ((*this)[n] != 0) return false; return true; } intvector *dreverse() { std::reverse(data + 1, data + 1 + size()); return this; } intvector *reverse() const { return copy()->dreverse(); } /* Printing Utils */ string to_string() const { string result("["); int n = size(); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { if (i > 0) result += ", "; result += i2s(data[i + 1]); } return result + "]"; } void print(ostream &o) { o << to_string(); } void print() { print(cout); } /* Accessors */ inline int & operator[](size_t i) { assert(i < size() && "Bounds checking error"); return data[i + 1]; } inline const int & operator[](size_t i) const { assert(i < size() && "Bounds checking error"); return data[i + 1]; } private: int *data; }; intvector *multiple_with_min_length(intvector const *v, double l); intvector *sum_intvectors(llist *l, int n = -1); intvector *zero_vector(int n); intvector *unit_vector(int i, int n); int lexicographically_first(llist *l, llist *c); int lexicographically_last(llist *l, llist *c); int lexicographically_first(llist *l); int lexicographically_last(llist *l); intvector * excise_lexicographically_first(llist *&l); intvector * excise_lexicographically_last(llist *&l); void qsort_intvectors(intvector **a, int n); string llist_intvector_to_string(llist *l); string intvectors_to_string(intvector **a, size_t n); #endif