public final class Multigrid { public Multigrid nextCoarser; public RectDomain<3> D, interiorD; // public Domain<3> borderD; // D - interiorD public double[3d] u, v, r; public int x, y, z; public static final double a[] = new double[4]; public static final double c[] = new double[4]; static { a[0] = -8.d / 3.d; a[1] = 0.d; a[2] = 1.d / 6.d; a[3] = 1.d / 12.d; // assumes class 'A' or 'S' c[0] = -3.d / 8.d; c[1] = 1.d / 32.d; c[2] = -1.d / 64.d; c[3] = 0.d; } public Multigrid(int x0, int y0, int z0) { x = x0; y = y0; z = z0; D = [[1, 1, 1] : [x + 1, y + 1, z + 1]]; interiorD = [[2, 2, 2] : [x, y, z]]; // borderD = D - interiorD; u = new double[D]; v = new double[D]; r = new double[D]; if (x > 3) nextCoarser = new Multigrid(x / 2, y / 2, z / 2); } // Zero out a double[3d]. public static void zero3(double[3d] u) { foreach (p within u.domain()) u[p] = 0.0; } // psinv() applies an approximate inverse as smoother: u = u + Cr. public final void psinv() { RectDomain<2> Dyz = [[2, 2] : [y, z]]; double[1d] r1 = new double[[1 : x + 1]]; double[1d] r2 = new double[[1 : x + 1]]; int q; foreach (p within Dyz) { double[3d] tr = r.translate([0, -p[0], -p[1]]); double[3d] tu = u.translate([0, -p[0], -p[1]]); for (q = 1; q <= x; q++) { r1[[q]] = tr[[q, -1, 0]] + tr[[q, 1, 0]] + tr[[q, 0, -1]] + tr[[q, 0, 1]]; r2[[q]] = tr[[q, 1, 1]] + tr[[q, 1, -1]] + tr[[q, -1, 1]] + tr[[q, -1, -1]]; } for (q = 2; q < x; q++) { tu[[q, 0, 0]] += c[0] * tr[[q, 0, 0]] + c[1] * (tr[[q - 1, 0, 0]] + tr[[q + 1, 0, 0]] + r1[[q]]) + c[2] * (r2[[q]] + r1[[q - 1]] + r1[[q + 1]]) // enable line below if c[3] is non-zero // + c[3] * (r2[[q - 1]] + r2[[q + 1]]) ; } } } // interp() adds the trilinear interpolation of the correction from // the coarser grid to the current approximation: u = u + Qu'. // Note that this is written for a vector architecture and could be // improved for cache machines. public final void interp() { int nx = nextCoarser.x; int ny = nextCoarser.y; int nz = nextCoarser.z; double[1d] z1 = new double[[1 : nx + 2]]; double[1d] z2 = new double[[1 : nx + 2]]; double[1d] z3 = new double[[1 : nx + 2]]; RectDomain<2> Dyz = [[1, 1] : [ny, nz]]; //assert(nx != 3 && ny != 3 && nz != 3); // see mg.f lines 823, 861--939 foreach (p within Dyz) { Point<3> temp = [0, -p[0], -p[1]]; double[3d] z = nextCoarser.u.translate(temp); double[3d] tu = u.translate(temp * 2 - [1, 1, 1]); int q; for (q = 1; q <= nx; q++) { z1[[q]] = z[[q, 1, 0]] + z[[q, 0, 0]]; z2[[q]] = z[[q, 0, 1]] + z[[0, 0, 0]]; z3[[q]] = z[[q, 1, 1]] + z[[q, 0, 1]] + z1[[q]]; } z1[[q]] = 0.0; z2[[q]] = 0.0; z3[[q]] = 0.0; for (q = 1; q <= nx; q++) { u[[2 * q, 0, 0]] += z[[q, 0, 0]]; u[[2 * q + 1, 0, 0]] += 0.5 * (z[[q + 1, 0, 0]] + z[[q, 0, 0]]); } for (q = 1; q <= nx; q++) { u[[2 * q, 1, 0]] += 0.5 * z1[[q]]; u[[2 * q + 1, 1, 0]] += 0.25 * (z1[[q]] + z1[[q + 1]]); } for (q = 1; q <= nx; q++) { u[[2 * q, 0, 1]] += 0.5 * z2[[q]]; u[[2 * q + 1, 0, 1]] += 0.25 * (z2[[q]] + z2[[q + 1]]); } for (q = 1; q <= nx; q++) { u[[2 * q, 1, 1]] += 0.25 * z3[[q]]; u[[2 * q + 1, 1, 1]] += 0.125 * (z3[[q]] + z3[[q + 1]]); } } } // Compute r = v - Au. Unoptimized. (Note: u and v may be aliased.) public final void resid(double[3d] u, double[3d] v, double[3d] r) { foreach (p within interiorD) { r[p] = v[p] - a[0] * u[p] - a[2] * (sum_two_neighbors(u, p)) - a[3] * (sum_three_neighbors(u, p)) // enable line below if a[3] is non-zero // - a[1] * (sum_one_neighbors(u, p)) ; } } // Compute s = r' = P r, i.e., project onto the next Coarser grid. public final void rprj3() { double[3d] s = nextCoarser.r; foreach (p within nextCoarser.interiorD) { Point<3> p2 = p * 2 -[1, 1, 1]; s[p] = 0.5 * r[p2] + 0.25 * (sum_one_neighbors(r, p2)) + 0.125 * (sum_two_neighbors(r, p2)) + 0.0625 * (sum_three_neighbors(r, p2)); } } // Do all of a V-cycle except for some initial and final steps in mg3P(). public final void down_and_up() { if (nextCoarser == null) { zero3(u); psinv(); } else { rprj3(); nextCoarser.down_and_up(); zero3(u); interp(); resid(u, u, r); psinv(); } } // Do a complete V-cycle. public final void mg3P() { rprj3(); nextCoarser.down_and_up(); interp(); resid(u, v, r); psinv(); } // Since the stencils are symmetric, don't go complaining if you // think north and south are backwards here. It doesn't matter. // (Let's hope these are inlined.) public static Point<3> up(Point<3> p) { return p + [0, 0, 1]; } public static Point<3> down(Point<3> p) { return p + [0, 0, -1]; } public static Point<3> n(Point<3> p) { return p + [0, 1, 0]; } public static Point<3> s(Point<3> p) { return p + [0, -1, 0]; } public static Point<3> e(Point<3> p) { return p + [1, 0, 0]; } public static Point<3> w(Point<3> p) { return p + [-1, 0, 0]; } public static Point<3> ne(Point<3> p) { return p + [1, 1, 0]; } public static Point<3> nw(Point<3> p) { return p + [-1, 1, 0]; } public static Point<3> se(Point<3> p) { return p + [1, -1, 0]; } public static Point<3> sw(Point<3> p) { return p + [-1, -1, 0]; } // Sum elements within 3x3x3 cube centered on A[p] that are // distance 1 from A[p]. public static double sum_one_neighbors(double[3d] A, Point<3> p) { return A[n(p)] + A[s(p)] + A[e(p)] + A[w(p)] + A[up(p)] + A[down(p)]; } // Sum elements within 3x3x3 cube centered on A[p] that are // taxicab distance 2 from A[p]. public static double sum_two_neighbors(double[3d] A, Point<3> p) { return A[ne(p)] + A[se(p)] + A[nw(p)] + A[sw(p)] + A[up(n(p))] + A[up(s(p))] + A[up(e(p))] + A[up(w(p))] + A[down(n(p))] + A[down(s(p))] + A[down(e(p))] + A[down(w(p))]; } // Sum elements within 3x3x3 cube centered on A[p] that are // taxicab distance 3 from A[p]. public static double sum_three_neighbors(double[3d] A, Point<3> p) { return A[up(ne(p))] + A[up(se(p))] + A[up(nw(p))] + A[up(sw(p))] + A[down(ne(p))] + A[down(se(p))] + A[down(nw(p))] + A[down(sw(p))]; } public void print(double[3d] a) { if (Ti.thisProc() == 0) { System.out.println(""); for (int j = y; j >= 0; j--) { // System.out.print("j = " + j + ":\t"); for (int i = 0; i <= x; i++) System.out.print(a[[i, j, 2]] + "\t"); System.out.println(""); } } } public static void main(String[] args) { } }