public class Multigrid { public Multigrid nextCoarser; public RectDomain<2> D, interiorD; public Domain<2> borderD; // D - interiorD public Domain<2> red, black; // red and black checkboard of interiorD public double[2d] phi, res, rhs; public double h, k; public int x, y; public Multigrid(int x0, int y0, double h0) { x = x0; y = x0; h = h0; k = 6.0 * h * h; // used in stencils System.out.println(Ti.thisProc() + "Multigrid construction: x = " + x + ", y = " + y + ", h = " + h); D = [0 : x + 2, 0 : y + 2]; interiorD = [1 : x + 1, 1 : y + 1]; borderD = D - interiorD; { RectDomain<2> red1 = [[1, 1] : [x + 1, y + 1] : [2, 2]]; RectDomain<2> red2 = [[2, 2] : [x + 1, y + 1] : [2, 2]]; RectDomain<2> black1 = [[1, 2] : [x + 1, y + 1] : [2, 2]]; RectDomain<2> black2 = [[2, 1] : [x + 1, y + 1] : [2, 2]]; red = red1 + red2; black = black1 + black2; } phi = new double[D]; res = new double[D]; rhs = new double[D]; if (x > 3 || y > 3) nextCoarser = new Multigrid(x / 2, y / 2, h * 2.0); } public void relax() { if (Ti.thisProc() == 0) System.out.println("Relaxing"); print(rhs); gsrb(); gsrb(); if (nextCoarser != null) { foreach (p within nextCoarser.D) nextCoarser.phi[p] = 0.; residual(); average(); nextCoarser.relax(); interpolate(); } gsrb(); gsrb(); print(phi); if (Ti.thisProc() == 0) System.out.println("Done"); } public void gsrb() { boundary(phi); for (Domain<2> D = red; D != (Domain<2>)null; D = (D == red ? black : null)) { foreach (q within D) res[q] = ( (phi[n(q)] + phi[s(q)] + phi[e(q)] + phi[w(q)]) * 4.0 + (phi[ne(q)] + phi[se(q)] + phi[nw(q)] + phi[sw(q)]) - 20.0 * phi[q] - k * rhs[q] ) * 0.05; foreach (q within D) phi[q] += res[q]; } } public void boundary(double[2d] a) { foreach (p within borderD) a[p] = 0; } public void residual() { boundary(phi); foreach (q within interiorD) res[q] = ( (phi[n(q)] + phi[s(q)] + phi[e(q)] + phi[w(q)]) * 4.0 + (phi[ne(q)] + phi[se(q)] + phi[nw(q)] + phi[sw(q)]) - 20.0 * phi[q] - k * rhs[q]) / -k; boundary(res); } public void average() { foreach (q within nextCoarser.interiorD) { Point<2> qfine = q + q; nextCoarser.rhs[q] = .0625 * (4.0 * res[qfine] + (res[e(qfine)] + res[w(qfine)] + res[n(qfine)] + res[s(qfine)]) * 2.0 + res[ne(qfine)] + res[nw(qfine)] + res[se(qfine)] + res[sw(qfine)]); } } public void interpolate() { double[2d] coarse = nextCoarser.phi; foreach (q within nextCoarser.interiorD) { Point <2> q2 = q + q; phi[sw(q2)] += .25 * (coarse[q] + coarse[sw(q)] + coarse[w(q)] + coarse[s(q)]); phi[s(q2)] += .5 * (coarse[q] + coarse[s(q)]); phi[w(q2)] += .5 * (coarse[q] + coarse[w(q)]); phi[q2] += coarse[q]; } boundary(phi); } // Since the stencil is symmetric, don't go complaining if you // think north and south are backwards here. It doesn't matter. // (Let's hope these are inlined.) public static Point<2> n(Point<2> p) { return p + [0, 1]; } public static Point<2> s(Point<2> p) { return p + [0, -1]; } public static Point<2> e(Point<2> p) { return p + [1, 0]; } public static Point<2> w(Point<2> p) { return p + [-1, 0]; } public static Point<2> ne(Point<2> p) { return p + [1, 1]; } public static Point<2> nw(Point<2> p) { return p + [-1, 1]; } public static Point<2> se(Point<2> p) { return p + [1, -1]; } public static Point<2> sw(Point<2> p) { return p + [-1, -1]; } public void print(double[2d] a) { if (Ti.thisProc() == 0) { System.out.println(""); for (int j = y; j >= 0; j--) { // System.out.print("j = " + j + ":\t"); for (int i = 0; i <= x; i++) System.out.print(a[[i, j]] + "\t"); System.out.println(""); } } } public static void main(String[] args) { int x = 8, y = 8; Multigrid m = new Multigrid(x, y, 0.0625); for (int i = 1; i < x; i++) for (int j = 1; j < y; j++) m.rhs[[i, j]] = i * i + j * j; // m.print(m.rhs); // m.print(m.phi); // m.gsrb(); m.relax(); // m.print(m.phi); } }