#include #include "UniqueId.h" #include "hash_maps.h" #include "AST.h" #include "optimize.h" #include "code-util.h" #include "cfg.h" #include "lower.h" // for AddStmts // Common sub-expression elimination // Author: Johnathon Jamison , 5-2003 static int numLocalReplacements = 0; // keep statistics static int stats_num_times_called = 0; static int stats_numCSE = 0; static int stats_numReplacements = 0; static void print_stats() { cout << "Common Sub-expression Elimination Statistics:" << endl; cout << " Total times called: " << stats_num_times_called << endl; cout << " Number of CSE: " << stats_numCSE << endl; cout << " Number of replacements made: " << stats_numReplacements << endl; cout << endl; } struct OperandKey { union { Decl *variable_operand; const string *literal_operand; } data; OperandKey() { data.variable_operand = NULL; } OperandKey(Decl *op) { data.variable_operand = op; } OperandKey(const string *op) { data.literal_operand = op; } operator void*() const { return (void*)data.variable_operand; } }; struct ExprKey { OperandKey opd1; const string *op; OperandKey opd2; ExprKey(OperandKey o1, const string *o, OperandKey o2) : opd1(o1), op(o), opd2(o2) {} bool operator<(const ExprKey &other) const { if ((void*)opd1 < (void*)other.opd1) { return true; } else if ((void*)opd1 > (void*)other.opd1) { return false; } else if (op < other.op) { return true; } else if (op > other.op) { return false; } else if ((void*)opd2 < (void*)other.opd2) { return true; } else if ((void*)opd2 > (void*)other.opd2) { return false; } else { return false; } } }; struct ExprValue { TreeNode *loc; TreeNode *declaring_block; TreeNode *declaration; ObjectNode *temp; ExprValue(TreeNode *l) : loc(l), declaring_block(NULL), declaration(NULL), temp(NULL) {} }; typedef HASH_MAP(ExprKey, ExprValue) ExprHashTable; static OperandKey getName(TreeNode *t) { assert(t != NULL); assert((isObjectNode(t) && (t->name() != NULL) && isNameNode(t->name())) || isPrimitiveLitNode(t) || isNullPntrNode(t)); if (isObjectNode(t) && isNameNode(t->name())) { assert(t->name() != NULL); assert(t->name()->ident() != NULL); return OperandKey(t->name()->decl()); } if (isPrimitiveLitNode(t)) { return OperandKey(intern(t->literal().asString())); } else { assert(isNullPntrNode(t)); return OperandKey(intern("null")); } } static ExprKey getExprKey(TreeNode *baby_expr) { assert(baby_expr != NULL); assert(baby_expr->isExprNode()); if (/*is_field(baby_expr)*/false) { // 2a. var.field assert(0); } else if (/*is_imm_field(baby_expr)*/false) { // 2b. var.i0.i1....ik.field (where i0, ..., ik are immutable) assert(0); } else if (isUnaryArithNode(baby_expr) || isNotNode(baby_expr) || isComplementNode(baby_expr)) { // 3a. op var (UnaryArithNode, NotNode, ComplementNode) OperandKey opnd0 = getName(baby_expr->opnd0()); const string *opr = intern(baby_expr->oper_name()); return ExprKey(opnd0, opr, OperandKey()); } else if (isBinaryArithNode(baby_expr) || isShiftNode(baby_expr) || isEqualityNode(baby_expr) || isRelationNode(baby_expr) || isBitwiseNode(baby_expr)) { // 3b. var op var (BinaryArithNode, ShiftNode, // EqualityNode, RelationNode, // BitwiseNode, but not LogCondNode) OperandKey opnd0 = getName(baby_expr->opnd0()); const string *opr = intern(baby_expr->oper_name()); OperandKey opnd1 = getName(baby_expr->opnd1()); // Now we want to canonicalize // to catch textually different but equivalent statements if (isMultNode(baby_expr) || isPlusNode(baby_expr) || isEQNode(baby_expr) || isNENode(baby_expr) || isTitaniumArrayEQNode(baby_expr) || isBitAndNode(baby_expr) || isBitOrNode(baby_expr) || isBitXorNode(baby_expr)) { if (opnd0 > opnd1) { OperandKey tmp = opnd1; opnd1 = opnd0; opnd0 = tmp; } } else if (isLTNode(baby_expr)) { OperandKey tmp = opnd1; opnd1 = opnd0; opnd0 = tmp; opr = intern("GTNode"); } else if (isLENode(baby_expr)) { OperandKey tmp = opnd1; opnd1 = opnd0; opnd0 = tmp; opr = intern("GENode"); } return ExprKey(opnd0, opr, opnd1); } else if (/*is(array access)(baby_expr)*/false) { // 4. var[var] (array access) assert(0); } else if (isCastNode(baby_expr)) { // 5. (type) var (CastNode) assert(0); } else if (isInstanceOfNode(baby_expr)) { // 6. var instanceof type (InstanceOfNode) assert(0); } else if (isPointNode(baby_expr)) { // 8. [var, ..., var] (PointNode) assert(0); } else if (isDomainNode(baby_expr)) { // 9. [var : var, var : var, ...], and variants (DomainNode) assert(0); } else { assert(0); } // if baby_expr return ExprKey(OperandKey(), NULL, OperandKey()); } static UniqueId tempGenerator("cse"); static ObjectNode *MakeCSETemporary(TreeNode *expr, TreeNode *&declStmt, TreeNode *&assnStmt) { SourcePosn pos = expr->position(); const string *str = intern(tempGenerator.next()); TreeNode *name = new NameNode (TreeNode::omitted, str, (Decl *)NULL, pos); TreeNode *varDecl = new VarDeclNode(false, expr->type()->addModifiers(Common::CompilerGenerated), name, TreeNode::omitted, pos); Decl *d = new LocalVarDecl(str, varDecl->dtype(), varDecl, true); name->decl(d); declStmt = varDecl; ObjectNode *varNode = new ObjectNode (new NameNode(TreeNode::omitted, str, d, pos), pos); varNode->type(expr->type()); assnStmt = new ExpressionStmtNode(new AssignNode(varNode, expr, pos), pos); return varNode; } typedef HASH_MAP(TreeNode*, TreeNode*) NodeSet; static TreeNode *smallest_containing_block_of(TreeNode *block1, TreeNode *block2) { assert(isBlockNode(block1)); assert(isBlockNode(block2)); NodeSet blocks; for (TreeNode *node = block1; !isMethodDeclNode(node) && !isConstructorDeclNode(node); node = node->parent()) { if (isBlockNode(node)) { blocks.insert(make_pair(node, node)); } } for (TreeNode *node = block2; !isMethodDeclNode(node) && !isConstructorDeclNode(node); node = node->parent()) { if (blocks.find(node) != blocks.end()) { return node; } } assert(0); return NULL; } typedef HASH_MAP(const string*, const string*) VariableSet; static void recursively_add_uses(VariableSet &variables_used, TreeNode *current_node) { llist* uses = current_node->getUses(); for(llist* uses = current_node->getUses(); uses != NULL; uses = uses->tail()) { TreeNode *use_object = uses->front(); assert(use_object != NULL); assert(isObjectNode(use_object)); TreeNode *use_var = use_object->name(); assert(use_var != NULL); assert(isNameNode(use_var)); const string *var_name = use_var->ident(); assert(var_name != NULL); variables_used.insert(make_pair(var_name, var_name)); } for (int i=0; i < current_node->arity(); i++) { recursively_add_uses(variables_used, current_node->child(i)); } } static void insert_declaration(ExprHashTable::iterator item) { if (item->second.temp != NULL) { assert(item->second.declaration != NULL); if (DEBUG_SUBEXPR) { cout << "Inserting declaration: "; item->second.declaration->pseudoprint(cout); cout << endl; } TreeNode *decl_block = item->second.declaring_block; assert(decl_block != NULL); TreeNode *statments = decl_block->stmts(); llist* new_stmts = NULL; llist **curr_stmt_pos = &new_stmts; for (TreeNode::ChildIter statement_iter = statments->allChildren(); !statement_iter.isDone(); statement_iter.next()) { *curr_stmt_pos = cons(*statement_iter); curr_stmt_pos = &(*curr_stmt_pos)->tail(); } new_stmts = cons(item->second.declaration, new_stmts); item->second.declaring_block->stmts(new TreeListNode(new_stmts)); if (DEBUG_SUBEXPR) { cout << "Block after insertion is now: "; item->second.declaring_block->pseudoprint(cout); cout << endl; } stats_numCSE++; } } // private helper for doCommonSubexprElim // performs elimination of common subexpressions on stmts in this bblock static void eliminateSubexprsBblock(Bblock *b) { assert(b != NULL); if (DEBUG_SUBEXPR) { cout << "Doing local elimination on basic block #" << b->number << endl; } // Traverse the CFG list for this block ExprHashTable available_subexprs; for (ListIterator cfgIt = b->cfgIter(); !cfgIt.isDone(); cfgIt.next()) { CfgNode *cfg = *cfgIt; assert(cfg != NULL); TreeNode *current_node = cfg->astNode(); assert(current_node != NULL); // if is a potential eliminator if (isAssignNode(current_node) && !inDummyNode(current_node)) { TreeNode *¤t_assignment = current_node; TreeNode *lhs = current_assignment->opnd0(); assert(lhs != NULL); TreeNode *rhs = current_assignment->opnd1(); assert(rhs != NULL); TreeNode *current_assign_stmt = current_assignment->parent(); assert(isExpressionStmtNode(current_assign_stmt)); if (/*is_field(rhs)*/false) { // 2a. var.field } else if (/*is_imm_field(rhs)*/false) { // 2b. var.i0.i1....ik.field (where i0, ..., ik are immutable) } else if (isUnaryArithNode(rhs) || isNotNode(rhs) || isComplementNode(rhs) || // 3a. op var (UnaryArithNode, NotNode, ComplementNode) isBinaryArithNode(rhs) || isShiftNode(rhs) || isEqualityNode(rhs) || isRelationNode(rhs) || isBitwiseNode(rhs)) { // 3b. var op var (BinaryArithNode, ShiftNode, // EqualityNode, RelationNode, // BitwiseNode, but not LogCondNode) if (DEBUG_SUBEXPR) { cout << "A rhs eligable for eliminating others:"; rhs->pseudoprint(cout); cout << endl; } ExprKey key = getExprKey(rhs); ExprHashTable::iterator item = available_subexprs.find(key); if (item == available_subexprs.end()) { ExprValue value(current_assignment); available_subexprs.insert(make_pair(key, value)); if (DEBUG_SUBEXPR) cout << "Saved " << key.opd1 << ' ' << *key.op << ' ' << key.opd2 << " for possible future use" << endl; } else { if (DEBUG_SUBEXPR) cout << "Previously saved for reuse" << endl; TreeNode *original_assignment = item->second.loc; assert(isAssignNode(original_assignment)); if (item->second.temp == NULL) { TreeNode *original_statement = original_assignment->parent(); assert(isExpressionStmtNode(original_statement)); TreeNode *orig_stmt_parent = original_statement->parent(); assert(isTreeListNode(orig_stmt_parent)); TreeNode *block_node = orig_stmt_parent->parent(); assert(isBlockNode(block_node)); TreeNode *original_rhs = original_assignment->opnd1(); assert(isExprNode(original_rhs)); TreeNode *assnStmt = NULL; TreeNode *declStmt = NULL; item->second.temp = MakeCSETemporary(original_rhs, declStmt, assnStmt); item->second.declaration = declStmt; item->second.declaring_block = block_node; assert(assnStmt != NULL); llist *new_stmts = NULL; llist **curr_stmt_pos = &new_stmts; for (TreeNode::ChildIter old_stmt_pos = orig_stmt_parent->allChildren(); !old_stmt_pos.isDone(); old_stmt_pos.next()) { if (*old_stmt_pos == original_statement) { if (DEBUG_SUBEXPR) { cout << "Inserting assignment statement: "; assnStmt->pseudoprint(cout); cout << endl; } *curr_stmt_pos = cons(assnStmt); curr_stmt_pos = &(*curr_stmt_pos)->tail(); } *curr_stmt_pos = cons(*old_stmt_pos); curr_stmt_pos = &(*curr_stmt_pos)->tail(); } // for block_node->stmts(new TreeListNode(new_stmts)); if (DEBUG_SUBEXPR) cout << "Resetting RHS of original" << endl; original_assignment->opnd1(CloneTree(item->second.temp)); stats_numReplacements++; } if (DEBUG_SUBEXPR) cout << "Resetting RHS of common use" << endl; current_assignment->opnd1(CloneTree(item->second.temp)); stats_numReplacements++; TreeNode *current_node_list = current_assign_stmt->parent(); assert(isTreeListNode(current_node_list)); TreeNode *current_block = current_node_list->parent(); assert(isBlockNode(current_block)); item->second.declaring_block = smallest_containing_block_of(item->second.declaring_block, current_block); } } else if (/*is(array access)(rhs)*/false) { // 4. var[var] (array access) } else if (isCastNode(rhs)) { // 5. (type) var (CastNode) } else if (isInstanceOfNode(rhs)) { // 6. var instanceof type (InstanceOfNode) } else if (isPointNode(rhs)) { // 8. [var, ..., var] (PointNode) } else if (isDomainNode(rhs)) { // 9. [var : var, var : var, ...], and variants (DomainNode) } else { } // if rhs } // if is a potential eliminator // check for invalidation // (1) assignment // (2) non-void method call on right of assignment // (3) void method calls // VariableSet variables_used; // recursively_add_uses(variables_used, current_node); // for (ExprHashTable::iterator item = available_subexprs.begin(); // item != available_subexprs.end(); // item++) { // if ((variables_used.find(item->first.opd1) != variables_used.end()) || // (variables_used.find(item->first.opd2) != variables_used.end())) { // insert_declaration(item); // available_subexprs.erase(item); // } // } } // for for (ExprHashTable::iterator item = available_subexprs.begin(); item != available_subexprs.end(); item++) { insert_declaration(item); } // for } static bool is_assignment(const TreeNode *t) { return isExpressionStmtNode(t) && isAssignNode(t->child(0)); } treeSet *collect_assignments(const TreeNode *t) { assert(t != NULL); treeSet *result = new treeSet(); assert(result != NULL); int a = t->arity(); for (int i = 0; i < a; i++) { const TreeNode *child = t->child(i); assert(child != NULL); treeSet *childs_assignments = collect_assignments(child); result = destructively_union(result, childs_assignments); delete childs_assignments; Worklist w(const_cast(child)); w.filter(is_assignment); result = destructively_union(result, list_to_set(w.asList())); } return result; } // take the given statment, and put it inside a block of its own static void encloseStmtInBlock (TreeNode * stmt) { TreeNode * oldParent = stmt->parent(); llist * nodeList = cons(stmt); TreeNode * block = new BlockNode(nodeList); int children = oldParent->arity(); for (int c = 0; c < children; c++) { if (oldParent->child(c) == stmt) { oldParent->child(c, block); } } } // Allows us to track the locations of fake DefUses // the key is the decl for the given variable paired with // the statement we need to insert the fake DefUse before // // the value is the statement containing the fake defuse typedef map*> DefUseStmtMap; static DefUseStmtMap *fakeDefUseStmts; typedef map DefUseOriginMap; static DefUseOriginMap *fakeDefUseOrigins; // add a fake defuse (x = x) before the given statement, // and keep a record of it // so we can find it later // object should be any ObjectNode representing the // variable we want to use in the FakeDefUse (we will clone it) // static void addFakeDefUseBeforeStmt(TreeNode * stmt, TreeNode * object) { assert(fakeDefUseStmts != NULL); assert(fakeDefUseOrigins != NULL); assert(isObjectNode(object)); // check if we already have a fake defuse before that stmt // and bail out if we do llist *fake_stmts = (*fakeDefUseStmts)[stmt]; for (llist::iterator i = fake_stmts->begin(); i != fake_stmts->end(); i++) { assert(isNameNode((*i)->child(0)->opnd1()->name())); if ((*i)->child(0)->opnd1()->name()->ident() == object->name()->ident()) { return; } } // make a fake defuse // // make sure not to include old def/use information in the newly // created nodel use CloneTree() from optimize.cc to strip old // def/use info TreeNode * fakeDefUse = new AssignNode(CloneTree(object, true), CloneTree(object, true)); // add the fake defuse before the given statement // note that we have to wrap the AssignNode in an ExpressionStmtNode TreeNode * fakeDefUseStmt = new ExpressionStmtNode(fakeDefUse); // if the statement isn't directly contained in a block // (for example, it's the only statment in a branch of an if) // put it in a block of its own, so AddStmts() will work TreeNode *container = stmt->parent()->parent(); if (!isBlockNode(container) && !isSwitchBranchNode(container)) { encloseStmtInBlock(stmt); } llist * newStmts = cons(fakeDefUseStmt); AddStmts(stmt, newStmts); // add the new statement to our data structure (*fakeDefUseStmts)[stmt] = cons(fakeDefUseStmt, (*fakeDefUseStmts)[stmt]); (*fakeDefUseOrigins)[fakeDefUseStmt] = stmt; } struct ExprInfo { bool only_one_use; set uses; ExprInfo(TreeNode *assn_stmt) : only_one_use(true), uses() { uses.insert(assn_stmt); } }; typedef HASH_MAP(ExprKey, ExprInfo) ExprTable; static void insert_fake_defs(ExprTable &subexpr_table, const treeSet::iterator &assignment_iter) { TreeNode *assignment_stmt = const_cast(*assignment_iter); assert(isExpressionStmtNode(assignment_stmt)); TreeNode *assignment_expression = assignment_stmt->child(0); assert(isAssignNode(assignment_expression)); TreeNode *rhs = assignment_expression->opnd1(); assert(isExprNode(rhs)); if (DEBUG_SUBEXPR) { cout << "Possibly inserting fake defs on expr "; rhs->pseudoprint(cout); cout << endl; rhs->print(cout); cout << endl; } if (/*is_field(rhs)*/false) { // 2a. var.field } else if (/*is_imm_field(rhs)*/false) { // 2b. var.i0.i1....ik.field (where i0, ..., ik are immutable) } else if (isUnaryArithNode(rhs) || isNotNode(rhs) || isComplementNode(rhs)) { // 3a. op var (UnaryArithNode, NotNode, ComplementNode) TreeNode *operand = rhs->opnd0(); assert((isObjectNode(operand) && isNameNode(operand->name())) || isPrimitiveLitNode(operand) || isNullPntrNode(operand)); if (isObjectNode(operand)) { addFakeDefUseBeforeStmt(assignment_stmt, operand); } ExprKey key = getExprKey(rhs); ExprTable::iterator item = subexpr_table.find(key); if (item == subexpr_table.end()) { ExprInfo value(assignment_stmt); subexpr_table.insert(make_pair(key, value)); if (DEBUG_SUBEXPR) cout << "Saved " << *key.op << ' ' << key.opd1 << " for possible future use" << endl; } else { if (DEBUG_SUBEXPR) cout << "Previously saved " << *key.op << ' ' << key.opd1 << " for reuse" << endl; item->second.only_one_use = false; assert(item->second.uses.find(assignment_stmt) == item->second.uses.end()); item->second.uses.insert(assignment_stmt); } } else if (isBinaryArithNode(rhs) || isShiftNode(rhs) || isEqualityNode(rhs) || isRelationNode(rhs) || isBitwiseNode(rhs)) { // 3b. var op var (BinaryArithNode, ShiftNode, // EqualityNode, RelationNode, // BitwiseNode, but not LogCondNode) TreeNode *operand1 = rhs->opnd0(); assert((isObjectNode(operand1) && isNameNode(operand1->name())) || isPrimitiveLitNode(operand1) || isNullPntrNode(operand1)); if (isObjectNode(operand1)) { addFakeDefUseBeforeStmt(assignment_stmt, operand1); } TreeNode *operand2 = rhs->opnd1(); assert((isObjectNode(operand2) && isNameNode(operand2->name())) || isPrimitiveLitNode(operand2) || isNullPntrNode(operand2)); if (isObjectNode(operand2)) { addFakeDefUseBeforeStmt(assignment_stmt, operand2); } ExprKey key = getExprKey(rhs); ExprTable::iterator item = subexpr_table.find(key); if (item == subexpr_table.end()) { ExprInfo value(assignment_stmt); subexpr_table.insert(make_pair(key, value)); if (DEBUG_SUBEXPR) cout << "Saved " << key.opd1 << ' ' << *key.op << ' ' << key.opd2 << " for possible future use" << endl; } else { if (DEBUG_SUBEXPR) cout << "Previously saved " << key.opd1 << ' ' << *key.op << ' ' << key.opd2 << " for reuse" << endl; item->second.only_one_use = false; item->second.uses.insert(assignment_stmt); } } else if (/*is(array access)(rhs)*/false) { // 4. var[var] (array access) } else if (isCastNode(rhs)) { // 5. (type) var (CastNode) } else if (isInstanceOfNode(rhs)) { // 6. var instanceof type (InstanceOfNode) } else if (isPointNode(rhs)) { // 8. [var, ..., var] (PointNode) } else if (isDomainNode(rhs)) { // 9. [var : var, var : var, ...], and variants (DomainNode) } else { } // if rhs } // check if the given node is a fake defuse static bool isFakeDefUse(TreeNode * assign) { if (!isAssignNode(assign->child(0))) return false; if (fakeDefUseOrigins->find(assign) != fakeDefUseOrigins->end()) { return true; } else { return false; } // TreeNode * lhs = assign->opnd0(); // TreeNode * rhs = assign->opnd1(); // if (!isObjectNode(lhs) || !isObjectNode(rhs)) return false; // return isSameObject(lhs, rhs); } // Check if from is the only definition that reaches to, ignoring // intervening fake defuses static bool defReachesHelper(TreeNode *from_stmt, const set &to_stmts, set &fakeDefUses, set &fakeDefUsesToIgnore) { if (DEBUG_SUBEXPR) { cout << "calling defReachesHelper("; from_stmt->pseudoprint(cout, 0); cout << ")" << endl; } assert(isExpressionStmtNode(from_stmt)); assert(isAssignNode(from_stmt->child(0))); TreeNode *from = from_stmt->child(0)->opnd1(); assert(isObjectNode(from)); if (DEBUG_SUBEXPR) { cout << "getting defs on: "; from->name()->pseudoprint(cout, 0); cout << endl; } llist * defsList = from->getDefs(); assert(defsList != NULL); for(; defsList != NULL; defsList = defsList->tail()) { TreeNode * def = defsList->front(); if (DEBUG_SUBEXPR) { cout << "defReachesHelper(): inspecting def:"; def->pseudoprint(cout, 0); cout << endl; } if (isFakeDefUse(def->parent())) { if (fakeDefUsesToIgnore.find(def->parent()) != fakeDefUsesToIgnore.end()) { if (DEBUG_SUBEXPR) cout << "defReachesHelper(): ignoring" << endl; } else { fakeDefUsesToIgnore.insert(def->parent()); if (to_stmts.find((*fakeDefUseOrigins)[def->parent()]) != to_stmts.end()) { if (DEBUG_SUBEXPR) cout << "found a CSE def" << endl; fakeDefUses.insert(def->parent()); } else { if (DEBUG_SUBEXPR) cout << "passing through this def" << endl; if (!defReachesHelper(def->parent(), to_stmts, fakeDefUses, fakeDefUsesToIgnore)) { return false; } } } } else { if (DEBUG_SUBEXPR) { cout << "encountered a real def:" << endl; def->pseudoprint(cout, 0); cout << endl; } return false; } } return true; } // Check if from is the only definition that reaches to, ignoring // intervening fake defuses static bool defReaches (TreeNode *from_stmt, const set &to_stmts, set &fakeDefUses) { // make an empty set of fake defuses to ignore set < TreeNode * > fakeDefUsesToIgnore; fakeDefUsesToIgnore.insert(from_stmt); return defReachesHelper(from_stmt, to_stmts, fakeDefUses, fakeDefUsesToIgnore); } static int elim_CSE_for_assign(TreeNode *assignment_stmt, const set &other_assignments, llist *&decls) { assert(isExpressionStmtNode(assignment_stmt)); TreeNode *assignment_expr = assignment_stmt->child(0); assert(isAssignNode(assignment_expr)); if (DEBUG_SUBEXPR) { cout << "Eliminating CSE on assign "; assignment_expr->pseudoprint(cout); cout << endl; } assert(fakeDefUseStmts != NULL); llist *fake_stmts = (*fakeDefUseStmts)[assignment_stmt]; if (fake_stmts == NULL) return 0; bool okay = true; set fakeDefs; for (llist::iterator i = fake_stmts->begin(); i != fake_stmts->end(); i++) { fakeDefs.clear(); okay = okay && defReaches(*i, other_assignments, fakeDefs); } if (!okay) return 0; if (DEBUG_SUBEXPR) cout << "we can eliminate" << endl; TreeNode *assnStmt = NULL; TreeNode *declStmt = NULL; TreeNode *temp_object = NULL; for (set::iterator i = fakeDefs.begin(); i != fakeDefs.end(); i++) { TreeNode *original_assignment_stmt = (*fakeDefUseOrigins)[*i]; assert(original_assignment_stmt != NULL); assert(isExpressionStmtNode(original_assignment_stmt)); if (DEBUG_SUBEXPR) { cout << "Origin of CSE: "; original_assignment_stmt->pseudoprint(cout); cout << endl; } TreeNode *original_assignment = original_assignment_stmt->child(0); assert(isAssignNode(original_assignment)); TreeNode *lhs = original_assignment->opnd0(); assert(isObjectNode(lhs)); if (temp_object == NULL) { if (DEBUG_SUBEXPR) cout << "Creating temporary" << endl; temp_object = MakeCSETemporary(CloneTree(lhs, true), declStmt, assnStmt); decls = cons(declStmt, decls); stats_numCSE++; if (DEBUG_SUBEXPR) cout << "created" << endl; } if (DEBUG_SUBEXPR) cout << "cloning tree" << endl; TreeNode *assnStmt_copy = CloneTree(assnStmt); if (DEBUG_SUBEXPR) cout << "resetting rhs" << endl; assnStmt_copy->child(0)->opnd1(CloneTree(lhs, true)); if (DEBUG_SUBEXPR) cout << "inserting assignment" << endl; llist *new_stmts = NULL; llist **curr_stmt_pos = &new_stmts; for (TreeNode::ChildIter old_stmt_pos = original_assignment_stmt->parent()->allChildren(); !old_stmt_pos.isDone(); old_stmt_pos.next()) { *curr_stmt_pos = cons(*old_stmt_pos); curr_stmt_pos = &(*curr_stmt_pos)->tail(); if (*old_stmt_pos == original_assignment_stmt) { if (DEBUG_SUBEXPR) { cout << "Inserting assignment statement: "; assnStmt_copy->pseudoprint(cout); cout << endl; } *curr_stmt_pos = cons(assnStmt_copy); curr_stmt_pos = &(*curr_stmt_pos)->tail(); stats_numReplacements++; } } // for TreeNode *orig_stmt_parent = original_assignment_stmt->parent(); assert(isTreeListNode(orig_stmt_parent)); TreeNode *block_node = orig_stmt_parent->parent(); assert(isBlockNode(block_node)); block_node->stmts(new TreeListNode(new_stmts)); if (DEBUG_SUBEXPR) cout << "complete" << endl; } if (DEBUG_SUBEXPR) { cout << "Changing assignment statement:"; assignment_stmt->pseudoprint(cout); cout << endl; } assignment_stmt->child(0)->opnd1(CloneTree(temp_object)); if (DEBUG_SUBEXPR) { cout << "To:"; assignment_stmt->pseudoprint(cout); cout << endl; } stats_numReplacements++; return 1; } static int eliminate_CSE(ExprTable::iterator &item, llist *&decls) { if (DEBUG_SUBEXPR) cout << "eliminating_CSE called" << endl; int numCSEsEliminated = 0; ExprInfo info = item->second; if (DEBUG_SUBEXPR) { cout << "eliminating CSEs for " << item->first.opd1 << ' ' << *item->first.op << ' ' << item->first.opd2 << endl; } if (info.only_one_use) return 0; if (DEBUG_SUBEXPR) { int count = 0; cout << "CSEs" << endl; for (set::iterator i = info.uses.begin(); i != info.uses.end(); i++) { count++; assert(isExpressionStmtNode(*i)); TreeNode *assignment_expr = (*i)->child(0); assert(isAssignNode(assignment_expr)); assignment_expr->pseudoprint(cout); cout << endl; } cout << "There are " << count << " CSEs." << endl; } for (set::iterator i = info.uses.begin(); i != info.uses.end(); i++) { numCSEsEliminated += elim_CSE_for_assign(*i, info.uses, decls); } return numCSEsEliminated; } // remove the given statment from its enclosing block static void removeStmt(TreeNode * stmt) { TreeNode * container = stmt->parent()->parent(); assert(isBlockNode(container) || isSwitchBranchNode(container)); TreeListNode *s = container->stmts(); int c = s->arity(); llist *t = NULL; for (int i=c-1; i>=0; i--) { TreeNode * currentStmt = s->child(i); if (currentStmt != stmt) { t = cons(currentStmt, t); } } container->stmts(new TreeListNode(t)); } static int remove_fake_defs(ExprTable subexpr_table) { for (DefUseOriginMap::iterator fakeDefUse_iter = fakeDefUseOrigins->begin(); fakeDefUse_iter != fakeDefUseOrigins->end(); fakeDefUse_iter++) { TreeNode * fakeDefUse = fakeDefUse_iter->first; removeStmt(fakeDefUse); } } // performs global common sub-expression elimination on the enclosing method // returns the number of replacements made int doGlobalCSE(TreeNode *method_decl_node) { if (DEBUG_SUBEXPR) cout << "called doGlobalCSE" << endl; assert(method_decl_node != NULL); assert(isMethodDeclNode(method_decl_node) || isConstructorDeclNode(method_decl_node)); // Methods without stmts don't have CFGs. assert(method_decl_node->getBblockRoot() != NULL); assert(fakeDefUseStmts == NULL); fakeDefUseStmts = new DefUseStmtMap(); assert(fakeDefUseOrigins == NULL); fakeDefUseOrigins = new DefUseOriginMap(); treeSet *assign_set = collect_assignments(method_decl_node); assert(assign_set != NULL); if (DEBUG_SUBEXPR) { cout << "Assignments for common subexpression elimination"; for (treeSet::iterator i = assign_set->begin(); i != assign_set->end(); i++) { assert(*i != NULL); (*i)->pseudoprint(cout, 0); } cout << "\nEnd list" << endl; } int numGlobalReplacements = 0; ExprTable subexpr_table; // Get all possible expressions for (treeSet::iterator i = assign_set->begin(); i != assign_set->end(); i++) { insert_fake_defs(subexpr_table, i); } delete assign_set; if (DEBUG_SUBEXPR) cout << "Fake defs inserted" << endl; if (DEBUG_SUBEXPR) { method_decl_node->pseudoprint(cout); cout << endl; } invalidateCFG(); redoDefUse(method_decl_node); if (DEBUG_SUBEXPR) cout << "Def/Use redid" << endl; llist *decls = NULL; if (DEBUG_SUBEXPR) cout << "now to eliminate CSEs" << endl; for (ExprTable::iterator i = subexpr_table.begin(); i != subexpr_table.end(); i++) { numGlobalReplacements += eliminate_CSE(i, decls); } if (DEBUG_SUBEXPR) cout << "now CSEs are eliminated" << endl; if (decls != NULL) { if (DEBUG_SUBEXPR) { cout << "inserting CSE temporary decls into method" << endl; } assert(isBlockNode(method_decl_node->body())); AddStmts(method_decl_node->body()->stmts()->child(0), decls); } if (DEBUG_SUBEXPR) cout << "removing added statements" << endl; remove_fake_defs(subexpr_table); method_decl_node->checkIF(true); delete fakeDefUseStmts; fakeDefUseStmts = NULL; delete fakeDefUseOrigins; fakeDefUseOrigins = NULL; if (DEBUG_SUBEXPR) { cout << "\nGlobal Common Subexpression Elimination Occured" << endl; } return numGlobalReplacements; } extern TreeNode *fixSubtreeSharing(TreeNode *t); // main entry point for copy propagation - // performs common sub-expression elimination on the enclosing method // returns the number of replacements made int doCommonSubexprElim(TreeNode *t) { // return 0; if (DEBUG_SUBEXPR) cout << "Called doCommonSubexprElim" << endl; assert(t != NULL); static bool first_time = true; if (first_time) { if (DEBUG_SUBEXPR) atexit(print_stats); first_time = false; } stats_num_times_called++; TreeNode *method_decl_node = enclosingMethod(t); assert(method_decl_node != NULL); assert(isMethodDeclNode(method_decl_node) || isConstructorDeclNode(method_decl_node)); int chk_als = checkAliasing(method_decl_node); assert(chk_als == 0); fixSubtreeSharing(method_decl_node); // Methods without stmts don't have CFGs. if (!method_decl_node->getBblockRoot()) { return 0; } // return 0; numLocalReplacements = 0; // TraverseBblocks(method_decl_node->getBblockRoot(), eliminateSubexprsBblock); method_decl_node->fixParent(); method_decl_node->checkIF(true); int numGlobalReplacements = doGlobalCSE(method_decl_node); if (DEBUG_SUBEXPR) { cout << "\nCommon Subexpression Elimination Occured" << endl; cout << numGlobalReplacements << " CSEs eliminated" << endl; cout << "After modifications:"; method_decl_node->pseudoprint(cout); cout << endl; } chk_als = checkAliasing(method_decl_node); assert(0 == chk_als); return numLocalReplacements + numGlobalReplacements; }