#include #include #include "AST.h" #include "StringSet.h" #include "code-util.h" #include "optimize.h" #include "types.h" #include "streq.h" #include "lower.h" #include #include extern bool debug_defs; #define debug_pure debug_defs /* Always returns a positive integer unless a and b are both 0. */ int gcd(int a, int b) { if (a < 0) a = -a; if (b < 0) b = -b; if (a > b) swap(b, a); /* 0 <= a <= b */ if (a == 0) return b; if (a == 1 || b == 1 || a == b) return a; return gcd(b % a, a); } // Convert any int into a unique alphanumeric string. string int2alpha(int i) { if (i < 0) return string("9") + int2alpha(-i); else if (i < 26) return string("") + (char) ('A' + i); else if (i < 52) return string("") + (char) ('a' + i - 26); else if (i < 61) return string("") + (char) ('0' + i - 52); else return int2alpha(i / 61) + int2alpha(i % 61); } static int64 getMicrosecondTimeStamp(void) { int64 retval; struct timeval tv; if (gettimeofday(&tv, NULL)) { perror("gettimeofday"); abort(); } retval = ((int64)tv.tv_sec) * 1000000 + tv.tv_usec; return retval; } // output tc compile status info extern int compile_verbose_level; extern void compile_status(int verbose_level, string message) { assert(verbose_level >= 0 && verbose_level <= 4); if (compile_verbose_level >= verbose_level) { static int64 starttime = -1; char timestr[20]; int64 timeval; int mins; double secs; if (starttime == -1) starttime = getMicrosecondTimeStamp(); timeval = getMicrosecondTimeStamp() - starttime; mins = (int)(timeval/(1000000*60)); secs = ((double)(timeval - ((int64)mins)*1000000*60))/1000000.0; sprintf(timestr,"%02i:%06.3f",mins,secs); cout << timestr << ": "; for (int i=1; i < verbose_level; i++) cout << " "; cout << message << endl; } } // unique(p) always returns the same string for the same p but // unique(p) != unique(q) if p != q. string &unique(void *p) { static map_void_to_string m; string &r = m[p]; if (r == "") return (r = string("<") + int2string(uniqueInt(p)) + string(">")); else return r; } // uniqueInt(p) always returns the same positive integer for the same p but // uniqueInt(p) != uniqueInt(q) if p != q. int &uniqueInt(void *p) { static map_void_to_int m; static int i = 0; int &r = m[p]; if (r != 0) return r; else return (r = ++i); } /* Always return the same int for the same pair. Always return different results for and if w != w'. May or may not return the same result for and if v != v'. */ int unique2(void *v, void *w) { static map_void_to_int start; static map_void_void_to_int m; int &r = m[v][w]; if (r > 0) return r; else return (r = ++(start[v])); } void appendWithCommaOperator(string &s, const string &o) { string v = '(' + o + ')'; s = (s == "") ? v : (s + ", " + v); } void appendWithSemicolon(string &s, const string &o) { s = (s == "") ? o : (s + "; " + o); } Decl * getRectDomainMethodDecl(int arity, const string *name) { return getRectDomainDecl(makeRectDomainType(arity))->environ()-> lookupProper(name, Decl::Method); } Decl * getDomainMethodDecl(int arity, const string *name) { return getDomainDecl(makeDomainType(arity))->environ()-> lookupProper(name, Decl::Method); } string nameOfEnclosingMethod(const TreeNode *t) { return *(enclosingMethod(t)->simpName()->ident()); } TreeNode *enclosingMethod(const TreeNode *t) { while (true) if (t == NULL || isMethodDeclNode(t) || isConstructorDeclNode(t)) return (TreeNode *) t; else t = t->parent(); } StatementNode *enclosingStmt(const TreeNode *t) { while (true) if (t == NULL || t->isStatementNode()) return (StatementNode *) t; else t = t->parent(); } TreeNode *enclosingForeach(const TreeNode *t) { while (true) if (t == NULL || isForEachStmtNode(t)) return (TreeNode *) t; else t = t->parent(); } TreeNode *enclosingDummy(const TreeNode *t) { while (true) if (t == NULL || isDummyNode(t)) return (TreeNode *) t; else t = t->parent(); } static void show_once(TreeNode *t) { static set s; if (s.find(t) == s.end()) { s.insert(t); char x[40]; sprintf(x, "%lx is:\n", (long) t); cout << endl << x << pseudocode(t) << endl; } } /* In the subtree rooted at t, return a list of all StatementNodes excluding t itself. */ llist *all_substmts(TreeNode *t) { #if 0 static int recursion_count = 0; ++recursion_count; show_once(t); { char s[50]; sprintf(s, "%4d all_substmts(%lx): children are\n", recursion_count, (long) t); cout << s; foriter (p, t->allChildren(), TreeNode::ChildIter) { sprintf(s, " %lx\n", (long) (*p)); cout << s; } } #endif llist *result = NULL; foriter (p, t->allChildren(), TreeNode::ChildIter) { if ((*p)->isStatementNode()) push(result, static_cast(*p)); result = extend(result, all_substmts(*p)); } #if 0 { char s[50]; sprintf(s, "%4d all_substmts(%lx): done\n", recursion_count, (long) t); cout << s; } --recursion_count; #endif return result; } /* If a is an ancestor of b, return b. Else return NULL. Requires that the parent pointers on the AST are set correctly. */ TreeNode *isAncestor(TreeNode *a, TreeNode *b) { if (a == b) return b; else if (b == NULL || b->parent() == NULL) return NULL; else return (isAncestor(a, b->parent()) ? b : NULL); } /* Return the first element of l that has a as an ancestor. Return NULL if no element of l has a as an ancestor. */ TreeNode *isAncestorOfAny(TreeNode *a, llist *l) { if (l != NULL) { TreeNode *x = isAncestor(a, l->front()); return (x == NULL) ? isAncestorOfAny(a, l->tail()) : x; } return NULL; } bool compareLists(const llist *t, const llist *u) { return ((t == NULL) == (u == NULL)) && (t == NULL || (COMPARE(t->front().first, u->front().first) && COMPARE(t->front().second, u->front().second) && compareLists(t->tail(), u->tail()))); } bool compareLists(const llist *t, const llist *u) { return ((t == NULL) == (u == NULL)) && (t == NULL || COMPARE(t->front(), u->front()) && compareLists(t->tail(), u->tail())); } // Returns whether s appears in z, a list of n strings. static bool strFind(const string& s, const char **z) { static map< const char **, StringSet *, less< const char ** > > memo; StringSet *& S = memo[z]; if (S == NULL) { S = new StringSet; while (*z) S->insert(*z++); } return (S->count(s) > 0); } /* If t is a call to binary +, -, *, /, or %, then return the op (e.g., '+'). Otherwise return '\0'. */ char arithCall(const TreeNode *t) { char *s = "+-*/%"; if (isOFAN(t->child(0)) && isNameNode(t->child(0)->child(1))) { const TreeNode *namenode = t->child(0)->child(1); if (!namenode->qualifier()->absent()) return false; const string methodName = *namenode->ident(); for (int i = 0; ; i++) if (s[i] == '\0' || methodName.c_str()[0] == s[i] && methodName.c_str()[1] == '\0') return s[i]; } return false; } bool isPointOrIntegralType(const TypeNode *t) { return t->isPointType() || t->isIntegralType(); } bool isTiOrNumericType(const TreeNode *x) { assert(x->isExprNode()); return isTiOrNumericType(((ExprNode *) x)->type()); } bool isTiOrNumericType(const TypeNode *t) { return (t->isArithType() || t->isPointType() || t->isDomainType() || t->isRectDomainType() || t->isTitaniumArrayType()); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* Terminology: A "side-effect free" method has no side effects that are visible to the callee. A pure method always returns the same value for the same arguments and is "side-effect free." */ static const char *PointStaticPureMethods[] = { "all", "direction", 0 }; static const char *RectDomainStaticPureMethods[] = { 0 }; static const char *DomainStaticPureMethods[] = { "toDomain", 0 }; static const char *GridStaticPureMethods[] = { 0 }; static const char *PointPureMethods[] = { "arity", "+", "-", "*", "/", "<", ">", "<=", ">=", "==", "!=", 0 }; static const char *GridPureMethods[] = { "domain", "arity", "translate", "restrict", "inject", "project", "slice", "transpose", 0 }; static const char *RectDomainPureMethods[] = { "isRectangular", "arity", "min", "max", "boundingBox", "stride", "size", "isNull", "isNotNull", "contains", "accrete", "shrink", "border", "slice", "+", "-", "*", "/", "<", ">", "<=", ">=", "==", "!=", 0 }; static const char *DomainPureMethods[] = { "isRectangular", "arity", "min", "max", "boundingBox", "stride", "size", "isNull", "isNotNull", "contains", "RectDomainList", "PointList", "+", "-", "*", "/", "<", ">", "<=", ">=", "==", "!=", 0 }; static const char *PureMethods[] = { "Math.abs", "Math.round", "Math.max", "Math.min", "Math.sin", "Math.cos", "Math.tan", "Math.asin", "Math.acos", "Math.atan", "Math.exp", "Math.log", "Math.sqrt", "Math.IEEEremainder", "Math.ceil", "Math.floor", "Math.rint", "Math.atan2", "Math.pow", "Ti.thisProc", "Ti.numProcs", 0 }; static const char *SideEffectFreeMethods[] = {"Math.random", 0}; static bool methodNameFind(const TreeNode *t, const char *strs[]) { assert(isNameNode(t)); return strFind(*t->ident(), strs); } // md is a MethodDeclNode or MethodSignatureNode. Returns true if the // method is known to be pure or appears in the SideEffectFreeMethods list bool isKnownSideEffectFree(const TreeNode *md) { if (md == NULL) return false; if (isKnownPure(md)) return true; string s = *md->decl()->container()->name() + '.' + *md->decl()->name(); if (isInJavaLang(md->decl()->container()) && strFind(s, SideEffectFreeMethods)) return true; return false; } bool isPureCallThatCannotFail(const TreeNode *t) { if (t == NULL) return false; if (isMethodCallNode(t) && t->isPureFunction()) { char op = arithCall(t); if (op) { if (op == '/') return false; // could be division by 0 else { TypeNode *t0, *t1; if ((t->method()->decl()->source()->flags() & Common::Static) == 0) { // cout << PCODE(t); // cout << ": not static, arity = " << t->args()->arity() << endl; if (t->args()->arity() != 1) return false; t0 = t->method()->accessedObjectType(); t1 = t->args()->child(0)->type(); } else { // cout << PCODE(t); // cout << ": static, arity = " << t->args()->arity() << endl; if (t->args()->arity() != 2) return false; t0 = t->args()->child(0)->type(); t1 = t->args()->child(1)->type(); } // cout << "types are ok: " << // (isTiOrNumericType(t0) && isTiOrNumericType(t1)) << endl; return (isTiOrNumericType(t0) && isTiOrNumericType(t1)); } } else return true; } else if (isUnaryArithNode(t) || isBinaryArithNode(t) || isShiftNode(t) || isRelationNode(t) || isRelationNode(t) || isBitwiseNode(t) || isLogCondNode(t)) { return true; } else return false; } bool isMethodCallWhereinNoExceptionsCanBeThrown(const MethodCallNode *t) { return t->isPureFunction() || isGridMethod(t); } bool isSideEffectFreeAndCannotFail(const TreeNode *t) { return (t == NULL) ? false : (isPureCallThatCannotFail(t) || isPointArrayAccessNode(t) && isIntLiteralInRange(t->index(), 1, t->array()->type()->tiArity())); } // method is a MethodDeclNode or MethodSignatureNode or // ConstructorDeclNode bool isKnownPure(const TreeNode *m) { if (m == NULL) return false; string name = *m->decl()->container()->name(); if ((m->flags() & Common::Static) != 0) { if (isInSystemPackage(m->decl()->container(), "ti", "internal")) { if (name == "tiPoint") return methodNameFind(m->simpName(), PointStaticPureMethods); else if (name == "tiRectDomain") return methodNameFind(m->simpName(), RectDomainStaticPureMethods); else if (name == "tiDomain") return methodNameFind(m->simpName(), DomainStaticPureMethods); else if (name == "tiArray" || name == "tiArrayM1" || name == "tiJArray" || name == "tiArrayL") return methodNameFind(m->simpName(), GridStaticPureMethods); } else if (isInSystemPackage(m->decl()->container(), "java", "lang") || isInSystemPackage(m->decl()->container(), "ti", "lang")) { string s = *m->decl()->container()->name() + '.' + *m->decl()->name(); bool r = strFind(s, PureMethods); return r; } } else { if (isInSystemPackage(m->decl()->container(), "ti", "internal")) { if (name == "tiPoint") return methodNameFind(m->simpName(), PointPureMethods); else if (name == "tiRectDomain") return methodNameFind(m->simpName(), RectDomainPureMethods); else if (name == "tiDomain") return methodNameFind(m->simpName(), DomainPureMethods); else if (name == "tiArray" || name == "tiArrayM1" || name == "tiJArray" || name == "tiArrayL") return methodNameFind(m->simpName(), GridPureMethods); } } return false; } bool isAnyGridMethod(const MethodCallNode *t) { TreeNode *m = t->method(); return isOFAN(m) && m->object()->type()->isTitaniumArrayType(); } /* If methodName is non-empty then true iff t a call to a that particular grid method. If methodName is empty then true iff t a call to any grid method. */ bool isGridMethod(const TreeNode *t, string methodName) { if (methodName.empty()) return isMethodCallNode(t) && isAnyGridMethod((MethodCallNode *) t); MethodCallNode *m; ObjectFieldAccessNode *o; return isMethodCallNode(t) && isAnyGridMethod(m = ((MethodCallNode *) t)) && isOFAN(m->method()) && ((o = ((ObjectFieldAccessNode *) m->method()))) && (*(o->simpName()->ident()) == methodName); } /* Assumes isGridMethod(t) is true. */ bool isGridMethodMutating(const MethodCallNode *t) { return !t->isPureFunction(); } bool doesNotReadOrWriteNonArgs(const MethodCallNode *t) { if (t == NULL) return false; const TreeNode *m = t->decl()->source(); if (m == NULL) return false; string name = *m->decl()->container()->name(); if ((m->flags() & Common::Static) != 0) { if (isInSystemPackage(m->decl()->container(), "ti", "internal")) { if (name == "tiPoint") return methodNameFind(m->simpName(), PointStaticPureMethods); else if (name == "tiRectDomain") return methodNameFind(m->simpName(), RectDomainStaticPureMethods); else if (name == "tiDomain") return methodNameFind(m->simpName(), DomainStaticPureMethods); else if (name == "tiArray" || name == "tiArrayM1" || name == "tiJArray" || name == "tiArrayL") return methodNameFind(m->simpName(), GridStaticPureMethods); } else if (isInSystemPackage(m->decl()->container(), "java", "lang") || isInSystemPackage(m->decl()->container(), "ti", "lang")) { string s = *m->decl()->container()->name() + '.' + *m->decl()->name(); bool r = strFind(s, PureMethods); return r; } } else { if (isInSystemPackage(m->decl()->container(), "ti", "internal")) { if (name == "tiPoint") return methodNameFind(m->simpName(), PointPureMethods); else if (name == "tiRectDomain") return methodNameFind(m->simpName(), RectDomainPureMethods); else if (name == "tiDomain") return methodNameFind(m->simpName(), DomainPureMethods); else if (name == "tiArray" || name == "tiArrayM1" || name == "tiJArray" || name == "tiArrayL") return methodNameFind(m->simpName(), GridPureMethods); } } return false; } /* True iff d is in the system package n1.n2. */ bool isInSystemPackage(const Decl *d, const string &n1, const string &n2) { Decl *d2 = d->container(); Decl *d1 = d2->container(); return (*d1->name() == n1 && *d2->name() == n2 && d1->container() == PackageDecl::System); } bool isInJavaLang(const Decl *d) { return isInSystemPackage(d, "java", "lang"); } bool isInJavaIO(const Decl *d) { return isInSystemPackage(d, "java", "io"); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool isIntLiteralInRange(const TreeNode *t, int lo, int hi) { while (isCastNode(t)) t = t->opnd0(); return (isPrimitiveLitNode(t) && (t->literal().kind() == Common::IntKind || t->literal().kind() == Common::ShortKind || t->literal().kind() == Common::LongKind) && t->literal().intValue() <= hi && t->literal().intValue() >= lo); } bool isConstantOrCastOfConstant(const TreeNode *t) { return (isPrimitiveLitNode(t) || isCastNode(t) && isConstantOrCastOfConstant(t->opnd0())); } bool isNullOrCastOfNull(const TreeNode *t) { return (isNullPntrNode(t) || isCastNode(t) && isNullOrCastOfNull(t->opnd0())); } bool isTrivialPointOrDomain(const TreeNode *t) { return (isObjectNode(t) && isLocalOrParam(t->decl()) || isPointNode(t) || isDomainNode(t) || isCodeLiteralExprNode(t) && t->codeString() == callNoArgConstructor(((ExprNode *) t)->type()) || isCastNode(t) && isTrivialPointOrDomain(t->child(0))); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #define IS_NODE(FOO) \ bool is ## FOO ## Node(const TreeNode *t) \ { \ return (streq(t->oper_name(), #FOO "Node")); \ } IS_NODE(MethodCall) IS_NODE(MethodCallAssign) IS_NODE(Domain) IS_NODE(Point) // Return true if this is an object field access node that // is accessing an instance (non-static) field of an immutable object. bool isIIFAN(const TreeNode *t) { return (isOFAN(t) && t->object()->type()->isImmutable() && isFieldDeclNode(t->simpName()->decl()->source()) && !(t->simpName()->decl()->modifiers() & Common::Static)); } bool isCodeLiteralFAN(const TreeNode *t) { return (streq(t->oper_name(), "CodeLiteralFieldAccessNode")); } bool isOFAN(const TreeNode *t) { return (streq(t->oper_name(), "ObjectFieldAccessNode")); } bool isTypeFAN(const TreeNode *t) { return (streq(t->oper_name(), "TypeFieldAccessNode")); } // return true iff this is a FAN which accesses a static field bool isStaticFAN(const TreeNode *t) { return isTypeFAN(t) || (isOFAN(t) && (t->simpName()->decl()->modifiers() & Common::Static)); } bool isThisFAN(const TreeNode *t) { return (streq(t->oper_name(), "ThisFieldAccessNode")); } bool isSFAN(const TreeNode *t) { return (streq(t->oper_name(), "SuperFieldAccessNode")); } IS_NODE(ArrayInit) IS_NODE(Return) IS_NODE(ThisConstructorCall) IS_NODE(SuperConstructorCall) IS_NODE(Name) IS_NODE(TypeName) IS_NODE(This) IS_NODE(Object) IS_NODE(EmptyStmt) IS_NODE(IfStmt) IS_NODE(ForEachStmt) IS_NODE(ForEachPair) IS_NODE(Reorder) IS_NODE(UpdatePointBeforeStmt) IS_NODE(HasNoOverlap) IS_NODE(MethodDecl) IS_NODE(ConstructorDecl) bool isTreeListNode(const TreeNode *t) { return (streq(t->oper_name(), "*list*")); } IS_NODE(TemplateDecl) IS_NODE(TemplateInstanceDecl) IS_NODE(MethodSignature) IS_NODE(CompileUnit) IS_NODE(Block) IS_NODE(Not) IS_NODE(Complement) IS_NODE(Goto) IS_NODE(LabeledStmt) IS_NODE(TryStmt) IS_NODE(UnaryMinus) IS_NODE(UnaryPlus) bool isUnaryArithNode(const TreeNode *t) { return isUnaryPlusNode(t) || isUnaryMinusNode(t); } IS_NODE(Mult) IS_NODE(Div) IS_NODE(Rem) IS_NODE(Plus) IS_NODE(Minus) bool isBinaryArithNode(const TreeNode *t) { return isMultNode(t) || isDivNode(t) || isRemNode(t) || isPlusNode(t) || isMinusNode(t); } IS_NODE(LeftShiftLog) IS_NODE(RightShiftLog) IS_NODE(RightShiftArith) bool isShiftNode(const TreeNode *t) { return isLeftShiftLogNode(t) || isRightShiftLogNode(t) || isRightShiftArithNode(t); } IS_NODE(LT) IS_NODE(GT) IS_NODE(LE) IS_NODE(GE) bool isRelationNode(const TreeNode *t) { return isLTNode(t) || isGTNode(t) ||isLENode(t) || isGENode(t); } IS_NODE(EQ) IS_NODE(NE) IS_NODE(TitaniumArrayEQ) bool isEqualityNode(const TreeNode *t) { return isEQNode(t) || isNENode(t) || isTitaniumArrayEQNode(t); } IS_NODE(BitAnd) IS_NODE(BitOr) IS_NODE(BitXor) bool isBitwiseNode(const TreeNode *t) { return isBitAndNode(t) || isBitOrNode(t) || isBitXorNode(t); } IS_NODE(Cand) IS_NODE(Cor) bool isLogCondNode(const TreeNode *t) { return isCandNode(t) || isCorNode(t); } bool isOmittedNode(const TreeNode *t) { return (streq(t->oper_name(), "-*-")); } IS_NODE(Cast) IS_NODE(InstanceOf) bool isDynamicTypeNode(const TreeNode *t) { return isCastNode(t) || isInstanceOfNode(t); } IS_NODE(FieldDecl) IS_NODE(ClassDecl) IS_NODE(InterfaceDecl) IS_NODE(StaticInit) IS_NODE(CodeLiteralExpr) IS_NODE(Allocate) IS_NODE(AllocateSpace) IS_NODE(AllocateArray) IS_NODE(IBroadcast) IS_NODE(VarDecl) IS_NODE(Assign) IS_NODE(Synchronized) IS_NODE(Parameter) IS_NODE(NullPntr) IS_NODE(StringLit) IS_NODE(PrimitiveLit) IS_NODE(PreIncr) IS_NODE(PreDecr) IS_NODE(PostIncr) IS_NODE(PostDecr) IS_NODE(ExpressionStmt) IS_NODE(Dummy) IS_NODE(SwitchBranch) IS_NODE(For) IS_NODE(Do) IS_NODE(While) IS_NODE(Break) IS_NODE(Continue) ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool StatementNode::isStatementNode() const { return true; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Kinds of variables, constants ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool isConstant(const TreeNode *t) { return t->isLitNode(); } bool isFormalParamDecl(const Decl *d) { return (d->category() == Decl::Formal); } bool isLocalVarDecl(const Decl *d) { return (d->category() == Decl::LocalVar); } bool isFormalParam(const TreeNode *t) { return ((isNameNode(t) && isFormalParamDecl(t->decl())) || (isObjectNode(t)) && isFormalParam(t->child(0))); } bool isLocalVar(const TreeNode *t) { return ((isNameNode(t) && isLocalVarDecl(t->decl())) || (isObjectNode(t)) && isLocalVar(t->child(0))); } Decl *getDeclFromLocalOrFormal(const TreeNode *t) { if (isNameNode(t)) return t->decl(); else return t->child(0)->decl(); } IS_NODE(MultAssign) IS_NODE(DivAssign) IS_NODE(RemAssign) IS_NODE(PlusAssign) IS_NODE(MinusAssign) IS_NODE(LeftShiftLogAssign) IS_NODE(RightShiftLogAssign) IS_NODE(RightShiftArithAssign) IS_NODE(BitAndAssign) IS_NODE(BitXorAssign) IS_NODE(BitOrAssign) IS_NODE(LazyOptimize) bool TreeNode::isExprNode() const { return false; } bool ExprNode::isExprNode() const { return true; } bool isExprNode(const TreeNode *t) { return t->isExprNode(); } bool TreeNode::isArrayAccessNode() const { return false; } bool ArrayAccessNode::isArrayAccessNode() const { return true; } bool isArrayAccessNode(const TreeNode *t) { return t->isArrayAccessNode(); } IS_NODE(TitaniumArrayAccess) IS_NODE(JavaArrayAccess) IS_NODE(PointArrayAccess) IS_NODE(SRArrayAccess) IS_NODE(OSRArrayAccess) IS_NODE(MonitorFetchClass) IS_NODE(MonitorFetchInstance) IS_NODE(MonitorLock) IS_NODE(MonitorUnlock) bool isMonitorFetchNode(const TreeNode *t) { return isMonitorFetchClassNode(t) || isMonitorFetchInstanceNode(t); } bool isMonitorUseNode(const TreeNode *t) { return isMonitorLockNode(t) || isMonitorUnlockNode(t); } IS_NODE(Catch) /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool isTrue(const TreeNode *t) { return (isPrimitiveLitNode(t) && t->constantType() == Common::BoolKind && t->literal().boolValue()); } bool isFalse(const TreeNode *t) { return (isPrimitiveLitNode(t) && t->constantType() == Common::BoolKind && !t->literal().boolValue()); } static bool allNOP(const TreeListNode *l) { for (int i = l->arity(); --i >= 0; ) if (!isNOP(l->child(i))) return false; return true; } bool isNOP(const TreeNode *t) { return t->absent() || isEmptyStmtNode(t) || (isBlockNode(t) && allNOP(t->stmts())); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool isLHSofAssignNode(TreeNode *t) { return isAssignNode(t->parent()) && t->parent()->opnd0() == t; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* Do a DFS and return the first AllocateNode found. */ AllocateNode *AllocateNode::findAllocateNode() { return this; } /* Do a DFS and return the first AllocateNode found. */ AllocateNode *TreeNode::findAllocateNode() { foriter (c, allChildren(), ChildIter) { AllocateNode *subresult = (*c)->findAllocateNode(); if (subresult != NULL) return subresult; } return NULL; }