/* Deps The findMayMustReadWrite pass determines what each expression may/must read/write. It doesn't worry about control flow (since IF expressions have only trivial control flow). A separate pass, computeArrayAccessSummary(), uses info from the findMayMustReadWrite pass to compute what array elements must/may be read/written by each Foreach loop. (currently disabled) */ #include "AST.h" #include "optimize.h" #include "cfg.h" #include "code-deps.h" #include "code-defs.h" #include "TouchSet.h" /* Macros for debugging output */ #define DPRINT(x) do { if (DEBUG_DEPS) cout << (x); } while (0) #define DPRINTLN(x) DPRINT(string(x) + '\n') #define DBG(x) do { if (DEBUG_DEPS) { x; } } while (0) void TreeNode::findMayMustReadWrite(bool r, bool w) { DBG(if (isStatementNode()) { cout << "Analyzing"; pseudoprint(cout, 2); cout << endl; }); foriter (p, allChildren(), ChildIter) (*p)->findMayMustReadWrite(r, false); } /* Merge u's info and t's info and store the result in t's info. */ static void mergeMayMustReadWrite(ExprNode *t, ExprNode *u) { t->mayRead() = TouchSet_union(t->mayRead(), u->mayRead()); t->mustRead() = TouchSet_union(t->mustRead(), u->mustRead()); t->mayWrite() = TouchSet_union(t->mayWrite(), u->mayWrite()); t->mustWrite() = TouchSet_union(t->mustWrite(), u->mustWrite()); } /* Set mayRead, mustRead, mayWrite, and mustWrite for t. Do it by aggregating information from u's children. */ static void aggregateMayMustReadWrite(ExprNode *t, TreeNode *u = NULL) { if (u == NULL) u = t; t->mayRead() = t->mustRead() = t->mayWrite() = t->mustWrite() = NULL; int a = u->arity(); if (a > 0) while (--a >= 0) if (isExprNode(u->child(a))) mergeMayMustReadWrite(t, static_cast(u->child(a))); } void ExprNode::findMayMustReadWrite(bool r, bool w) { TreeNode::findMayMustReadWrite(r, w); aggregateMayMustReadWrite(this); } void AssignNode::findMayMustReadWrite(bool r, bool w) { opnd1()->findMayMustReadWrite(true, false); opnd0()->findMayMustReadWrite(false, true); aggregateMayMustReadWrite(this); } void ObjectNode::findMayMustReadWrite(bool r, bool w) { mayRead() = mustRead() = mayWrite() = mustWrite() = NULL; TouchSet *ts = new TouchSet(name()->decl()); if (r) { DPRINT("Reading from object node: "); DBG((pseudoprint(cout, 2), cout << endl)); mustRead() = ts; } if (w) { DPRINT("Writing to object node: "); DBG((pseudoprint(cout, 2), cout << endl)); mustWrite() = ts; } } void ThisNode::findMayMustReadWrite(bool r, bool w) { mayRead() = mustRead() = mayWrite() = mustWrite() = NULL; TouchSet *ts = makeTouchSetThis(); if (r) { DPRINTLN("Reading from this"); // DBG((pseudoprint(cout, 2), cout << endl)); mustRead() = ts; } if (w) { DPRINTLN("Writing to this"); // DBG((pseudoprint(cout, 2), cout << endl)); mustWrite() = ts; } } void ArrayAccessNode::findMayMustReadWrite(bool r, bool w) { mayRead() = mustRead() = mayWrite() = mustWrite() = NULL; TreeNode *a = array(); a->findMayMustReadWrite(true, false); index()->findMayMustReadWrite(true, false); TouchSet *ts = new TouchSet(cons(a->type(), Defs::aliasableArrayTypes(a->type()))); if (r) { DPRINT("indexing array for read: "); DBG((pseudoprint(cout, 2), cout << endl)); DPRINT("TouchSet = \n" + ts->to_string()); mustRead() = ts; } if (w) { DPRINT("indexing array for write: "); DBG((pseudoprint(cout, 2), cout << endl)); DPRINT("TouchSet = \n" + ts->to_string()); mustWrite() = ts; } } /* T is a FieldAccessNode. TY is the type of the field being accessed. NAME is the name of the field being accessed. */ static void fieldMayMustReadWrite(ExprNode *t, TypeNode *ty, TreeNode *name, bool r, bool w) { xtype x = type2xtype(ty); const string &f = *name->ident(); TouchSet *ts = new TouchSet(x, f); if (r) { DBG(cout << "Read from <" << xtype2str(x) << ", " << f << ">" << endl); t->mustRead() = ts; } if (w) { DBG(cout << "Write to <" << xtype2str(x) << ", " << f << ">" << endl); t->mustWrite() = ts; } } void ObjectFieldAccessNode::findMayMustReadWrite(bool r, bool w) { mayRead() = mustRead() = mayWrite() = mustWrite() = NULL; ExprNode *o = (ExprNode *) object(); o->findMayMustReadWrite(true, false); if (isIIFAN(this) && isObjectNode(o) && isLocalOrParam(o->decl())) { TouchSet *ts = new TouchSet(o->decl(), *simpName()->ident()); if (r) { DPRINTLN("read field of immutable local/param"); mustRead() = ts; } if (w) { DPRINTLN("write field of immutable local/param"); mustWrite() = ts; } } else fieldMayMustReadWrite(this, simpName()->decl()->container()->asType(), simpName(), r, w); mergeMayMustReadWrite(this, o); } void TypeFieldAccessNode::findMayMustReadWrite(bool r, bool w) { mayRead() = mustRead() = mayWrite() = mustWrite() = NULL; fieldMayMustReadWrite(this, ftype(), simpName(), r, w); } void MethodCallNode::findMayMustReadWrite(bool r, bool w) { args()->findMayMustReadWrite(true, false); r = !doesNotReadOrWriteNonArgs(this); w = r && !isSideEffectFree(); DBG(cout << "Method call " << pseudocode(this) << " " << (w ? "may read and write" : (r ? "may read" : "won't touch")) << " vars" << endl); aggregateMayMustReadWrite(this, args()); mayRead() = TouchSet_union(mayRead(), new TouchSet(r)); mayWrite() = TouchSet_union(mayWrite(), new TouchSet(w)); } /* Ignore DummyNodes. */ void DummyNode::findMayMustReadWrite(bool r, bool w) { } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* static bool setupDeps(Bblock *b) { return false; } */ void setupDepsMethod(TreeNode *t) { Bblock *root = t->getBblockRoot(); if (!root) return; DPRINTLN("Setting up deps for method at " + t->position().asString()); t->findMayMustReadWrite(true, true); // TraverseBblocksIter(root, setupDeps); } #if 0 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* current_list, ADD_TO_LIST(), and addToList() are used by loopArrayAccessSummary(). */ static llist * current_list = NULL; #define ADD_TO_LIST() ((current_list ? \ (free_all(current_list), current_list = NULL) : \ NULL), \ addToList) static void addToList(CfgNode *x) { current_list = cons(x, current_list); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* loopArrayAccessSummary() uses info from the findMayMustReadWrite pass (and the CFG) to compute what array elements must/may be read/written by a full-domain Foreach loop. */ void loopArrayAccessSummary(ForEachStmtNode *l) { if (l->partialDomain()) return; CfgExtent extent = l->getCfgExtent(); CfgNode *from = extent.entry; CfgNode *to = extent.exit; TraverseCfgScope(l, ADD_TO_LIST()); current_list = dreverse(current_list); bool progress = false; map m; do { llist *q = current_list; while (q != NULL) { CfgNode *f = q->front(); q = q->tail(); TreeNode *t = f->astNode(); cout << "Processing f=" << f << " t=" << pseudocode(t) << endl; ArrayAccessSummary *aas = NULL; // First, set a to the merge of the predecessors' values. ListIterator preds = f->predIter(); for (; !preds.isDone(); preds.next()) mergeArrayAccessSummary(aas, *preds, m); // Second, if we are processing an ExprNode, merge in its accesses. if (t->isExprNode()) mergeArrayAccessSummary(aas, static_cast(t), progress); // Did we make progress? ArrayAccessSummary *&o = m[f]; if (o == NULL || o->different(aas)) { o = aas; progress = true; } } } while (progress); } void computeArrayAccessSummary(TreeNode *t) { if (isForEachStmtNode(t)) loopArrayAccessSummary(static_cast(t)); foriter (p, t->allChildren(), TreeNode::ChildIter) computeArrayAccessSummary(*p); } #endif /* 0 */