#ifndef _INCLUDE_TITANIUM_AUX_CODE_H_ #define _INCLUDE_TITANIUM_AUX_CODE_H_ #include "optimize.h" class CfCode; class ClassDecl; class FieldDecl; typedef void (*FieldPrinter)( FieldDecl &, CfCode & ); void emitStaticFields( ClassDecl &, FieldPrinter, CfCode & ); void staticFieldDecl( FieldDecl &, CfCode & ); void externStaticFieldDecl( FieldDecl &, CfCode & ); template< class Context, class Iterator > inline void codeGenAll( Context &context, Iterator begin, const Iterator end ) { while (begin < end) (*begin++)->codeGen( context ); } template< class Context, class Container > inline void codeGenAll( Context &context, const Container &container ) { codeGenAll( context, container.begin(), container.end() ); } // These are in the file version.cc and contain compiler version information extern int tcMajorVersion; extern int tcMinorVersion; extern char tcWhatString[]; #endif // !_INCLUDE_TITANIUM_AUX_CODE_H_