#include "AST.h" #include "TouchSet.h" #include "Bridge.h" #include "cfg.h" #include "optimize.h" #include "pseudocode.h" extern void fixParents(TreeNode *t); extern TreeNode *fixSubtreeSharing(TreeNode *t); extern bool debug_stoptifu; /* Macros for debugging output */ #undef DPRINT #undef DPRINTLN #undef DBG #define DPRINT(x) do { if (debug_stoptifu) cout << (x); } while (0) #define DPRINTLN(x) DPRINT(string(x) + '\n') #define DBG(x) do { if (debug_stoptifu) { x; } } while (0) #undef XPRINT #undef XPRINTLN #undef XBG #define XPRINT(x) do { if (1) cout << (x); } while (0) #define XPRINTLN(x) XPRINT(string(x) + '\n') #define XBG(x) do { if (1) { x; } } while (0) /* True iff: 1. the only way to enter the Bridge is from t OR 2. t is a foreach+ and the only way to enter the Bridge is from t or from t's enclosing IfStmtNode. */ bool Bridge::must_come_from(TreeNode *t) { assert(finalized); if (everything.empty()) return true; bool result = true; bool should_add_and_remove = (everything.find(t) == everything.end()); TreeNode *t2 = (isForEachStmtNode(t) ? static_cast(t)->cannotBeEmpty() : NULL); if (should_add_and_remove) { everything.insert(t); if (t2 != NULL) everything.insert(t2); } for (treeSet::iterator j = everything.begin(); j != everything.end(); j++) { const TreeNode *i = *j; if (i != t && i != t2 && i->isStatementNode()) if (!::must_come_from(static_cast(i), everything)) { result = false; DPRINT("Bridge::must_come_from failed(): this node\n"); DBG(i->pseudoprint(cout)); DPRINT("\ndoesn't have to come from\n"); DBG(t->pseudoprint(cout)); goto done; } } done: if (should_add_and_remove) { everything.erase(t); if (t2 != NULL) everything.erase(t2); } return result; } TouchSet *Bridge::reads(bool ignore_junk_method) { assert(finalized); TouchSet *&r = ignore_junk_method ? r1 : r0; if (r == NULL) { for (treeSet::iterator i = everything.begin(); i != everything.end(); i++) r = TouchSet_union(r, ::reads(*i, ignore_junk_method)); } return r; } TouchSet *Bridge::writes(bool ignore_junk_method) { assert(finalized); TouchSet *&w = ignore_junk_method ? w1 : w0; if (w == NULL) { for (treeSet::iterator i = everything.begin(); i != everything.end(); i++) w = TouchSet_union(w, ::writes(*i, ignore_junk_method)); } return w; } /* Adjoin (to ss) statements that cover everything in this Bridge. */ void Bridge::add_statements(set &ss) { assert(finalized); for (treeSet::iterator i = everything.begin(); i != everything.end(); i++) ss.insert(enclosingStmt(*i)); } /* Adjoin (to ss) decls that are necessary for the statements in stmt_list. */ void Bridge::add_decls(treeSet &ss) { assert(finalized); if (decl_list != NULL) foreach (p, llist, *decl_list) ss.insert(*p); } /* True if the bridge includes the given statement in its entirety. */ bool Bridge::stmt_is_included(StatementNode *t) { bool r = (stmt_set.find(t) != stmt_set.end()); // t = (StatementNode *) fixSubtreeSharing(t); if (!r) { llist *todo = all_substmts(t); if (contains(todo, t)) { t->error() << "Internal error: statement\n" << pseudocode(t) << "\ncontains itself as a substatement\n"; assert(0); exit(-1); } if (todo != NULL) { do { if (!stmt_is_included(todo->front())) { free_all(todo); DPRINTLN("Check if included " + pseudocode(t) + ": NO"); return false; } todo = todo->free(); } while (todo != NULL); r = true; } } DPRINTLN("Check if included " + pseudocode(t) + ": " + (r ? "YES" : "NO")); return r; } /* Helper for finalize(). Adds the largest StatementNode subtree that contains t and that is wholly in this Bridge to the ordered list of statements in this Bridge (if it is not already present). */ void Bridge::next_stmt_is(StatementNode *t) { StatementNode *good_t, *t0 = t; DPRINTLN("next_stmt_is(" + pseudocode(t0) + ")"); if (t == NULL || contains(stmt_list, t) || !stmt_is_included(t)) return; do { good_t = t; t = enclosingStmt(t->parent()); assert(t != good_t); DBG({ char s[80]; sprintf(s, "enclosingStmt(%lx) is %lx\n", (long) good_t->parent(), (long) t); cout << s; }); DPRINTLN("checking statement " + pseudocode(t)); } while (t != NULL && stmt_is_included(t)); if (!contains(stmt_list, good_t)) { DPRINTLN("next_stmt_is(" + pseudocode(t0) + "): " "adding to bridge's stmt_list:" + pseudocode(good_t)); push(stmt_list, good_t); } else DPRINTLN("next_stmt_is(" + pseudocode(t0) + "): " "no action needed"); } /* Push statements in b onto stmt_list; push everything else onto decl_list. */ static void dissect_block(BlockNode *b, llist *&stmt_list, llist *&decl_list) { foriter (p, b->stmts()->allChildren(), TreeNode::ChildIter) if ((*p)->isStatementNode()) push(stmt_list, static_cast(*p)); else push(decl_list, *p); } /* Add BlockNodes in l to s. */ static void getBlockNodes(llist *l, set &s) { foreach (st, llist, *l) if (isBlockNode(*st)) s.insert(static_cast(*st)); } /* If t appears in stmt_list then remove it. If t appears at top level of a block in stmt_list then remove it and put everything else in that block onto stmt_list and decl_list. May destructively modify all args except t. Also, remove any elements of everything that have t as an ancestor. */ static void remove12(StatementNode *t, llist *&stmt_list, llist *&decl_list, treeSet *everything) { llist *new_stmt_list = NULL; foreach (s, llist, *stmt_list) { if (isBlockNode(*s)) { BlockNode *b = static_cast(*s); if (block_contains(t, b)) { dissect_block(b, new_stmt_list, decl_list); continue; } } push(new_stmt_list, *s); } free_all(stmt_list); stmt_list = new_stmt_list; if (contains(stmt_list, t)) stmt_list = remove(t, stmt_list); llist *i; for (i = set_to_list(everything); i != NULL; i = i->free()) { if (isAncestor(t, i->front())) everything->erase(i->front()); } } /* Construct a ordered list of statements that comprise the bridge. Put that list in stmt_list. Exclude the given loops and their enclosing if stmts, if any. If the bridge appears to be a single BlockNode then put the constituent statements and decls in that BlockNode onto stmt_list and decl_list, respectively. */ void Bridge::finalize(llist *exclude) { DPRINTLN("finalize()"); decl_list = NULL; for (llist *i = l; i != NULL; i = i->tail()) { stmt_set.insert(enclosingStmt(i->front())); everything.insert(i->front()); } { set done; for (llist *i = l; i != NULL; i = i->tail()) { TreeNode *t = i->front(); if (!t->absent()) { StatementNode *st = enclosingStmt(t); if (st != NULL && !st->absent() && done.find(st) == done.end()) { DBG({ string statement_text = pseudocode1(st); if (statement_text == "" && isDummyNode(st)) statement_text = "DUMMY " + pseudocode1(st->expr()); XPRINTLN("finalize(): incorporate stmt " + statement_text); if (statement_text == "") { cout << "huh? "; st->print(cout, 0); cout << endl; cout << "parent is "; if (st->parent() != NULL) st->parent()->print(cout, 0); else cout << "NULL"; cout << endl; } }); next_stmt_is(st); done.insert(st); } } } } set original_blocks; getBlockNodes(stmt_list, original_blocks); if (exclude != NULL) { while (exclude != NULL) { ForEachStmtNode *x = exclude->front(); DPRINTLN("Exclude from bridge: " + pseudocode(x)); remove12(x, stmt_list, decl_list, &everything); StatementNode *y = dynamic_cast(x->cannotBeEmpty()); DPRINTLN("Exclude from bridge: " + pseudocode(y)); if (y != NULL) remove12(y, stmt_list, decl_list, &everything); exclude = exclude->tail(); } /* Expand blocks that are not in the original program */ llist *new_stmt_list = NULL; foreach (q, llist, *stmt_list) if (isBlockNode(*q) && original_blocks.find(static_cast(*q)) == original_blocks.end()) { dissect_block(static_cast(*q), new_stmt_list, decl_list); delete *q; } else push(new_stmt_list, *q); stmt_list = dreverse(new_stmt_list); } /* If the whole of the decls and stmts is one block then expand it (why?). */ while (decl_list == NULL && stmt_list->size() == 1 && isBlockNode(stmt_list->front())) { BlockNode *b = static_cast(stmt_list->front()); stmt_list = stmt_list->free(); // free the one cons cell and start over dissect_block(b, stmt_list, decl_list); } stmt_list = dreverse(stmt_list); free_all(l); l = NULL; /* Rebuild stmt_set to reflect exact contents of stmt_list. */ stmt_set.clear(); for (llist *i = stmt_list; i != NULL; i = i->tail()) stmt_set.insert(i->front()); finalized = true; DBG({ cout << "stmt_list->size() = " << stmt_list->size() << endl; cout << "decl_list->size() = " << decl_list->size() << endl; cout << "Finalized Bridge contains the following decls:" << endl; for (llist *i = decl_list; i != NULL; i = i->tail()) i->front()->pseudoprint(cout, 0); cout << endl << endl << "Finalized Bridge contains the following stmts:" << endl; for (llist *i = stmt_list; i != NULL; i = i->tail()) PLCODE(i->front()); cout << endl << endl << "Finalized Bridge's `everything' set contains the following:" << endl; for (treeSet::iterator i = everything.begin(); i != everything.end(); i++) cout << pseudocode(*i) << ' '; cout << endl << "End of finalized Bridge" << endl << endl; }); } void Bridge::push_contents(llist *& l) { foreach (s, llist, *decl_list) push(l, *s); foreach (s, llist, *stmt_list) push(l, (TreeNode *) *s); }