Titaniumc version 0.547 is now available. This is a bug-fixing release, with no major new features for the end user. Important bugs fixed since the last release include: - continued improvements to 64-bit cleanliness - for improved portability, and to support simulated parallelism, avoid using register %g5 to store the process number in the "pthread" backend - find GNU make correctly regardless of user's $PATH (PR #23) - improved main() diagnostics following other errors (PR #143) - better tc-cache reuse in code that uses "continue" statements - don't move Titanium array references out of foreach loops when any array of the same type is modified within the loop (PR #141) - avoid duplicate points in domains following divisions (PR #146) - support local interface methods properly (PR #149) - hide interface table slot numbers from C code, making it possible to write stable native code that calls interface methods