Titaniumc version 0.530 is now available. User-visible changes since the last public release include: * new features - produce vastly more portable C code, usable on 64-bit and non-gcc platforms - improved support for cross-compilation - new class "ti.lang.Timer" provides convenient, high-precision stopwatches, ideal for timing benchmark subphases - new system properties "runtime.model" and "runtime.distributed" let user code ask about its runtime environment - allow overloaded methods that are distinguished only by "local" qualifiers on formal parameters or the actual methods (PR #133) * bug fixes - updated "tcbuild" finds other Titanium files more robustly in the face of symbolic links and NFS outages (PR #127) - fixed exchange to work properly for arrays whose index sets are larger than the number of processors (PR #131) - improved diagnostic messages when no suitable main() method can be found, or when there are several such candidates (PR #129) - generate valid C code for multidimensional Java array allocations (PR #130) - do not crash compiler if program tries to use string concatenation with a void value (PR #132) - correctly handle runtime casts of null (PR #135) - when accessing a local reference field within an immutable object, treat the resulting value as local (PR #126)