import*; import java.lang.UNIXProcess; class Fish { /** Construct a fish with all fields 0. */ public Fish () { px = py = vx = vy = mass = 0; } /** Construct a fish with the given fields. */ public Fish (double x, double y, double v_x, double v_y, double m) { px = x; py = y; vx = v_x; vy = v_y; mass = m; } /** Return a copy of this this Fish. */ public Fish copy () { return new Fish (px, py, vx, vy, mass); } /** Return a string version of the Fish. */ public String toString () { return ("px = " + px + ", py = " + py + ", vx = " + vx + ", vy = " + vy + ", mass = " + mass); } /* Data members */ public double px, py; // position coordinates public double vx, vy; // velocity public double mass; } class FishSim { /** Print help message and abort program. */ private static void usage () { System.err.println("usage: FishSim " + "-fish " + "-dtmin " + "-dtmax " + "-dxmin " + "-grav " + "-endtime " ); System.exit (1); } /** Report badParam and abort program */ private static void badParam () { System.err.println ("FishSim: bad parameter value\n"); System.exit (1); } /** Convert current element of argv array into int and return it. */ private static int intArg (int current, String single [] single argv) { int ret = 0; if (current >= argv.length) usage (); try { ret = Integer.parseInt(argv[current]); } catch (NumberFormatException x) { usage (); } return ret; } /** Convert current element of argv array into double and return it. */ private static double floatArg (int current, String single [] single argv) { double ret = 0.0; if (current >= argv.length) usage (); ret = (new Double(argv[current])).doubleValue(); return ret; } /** Convert current element of argv array into boolean and return it. */ private static boolean boolArg (int current, String single [] single argv) { boolean ret = false; if (current >= argv.length) usage (); ret = (new Boolean(argv[current])).booleanValue(); return ret; } /** Check that argument values are reasonable and report their values. */ private static void checkArgs(int myFishCount, double myDtMin, double myDtMax, double myDxMin, double myGravConst, double myEndTime) { if (myFishCount < 1 || myDtMin > myDtMax || myDxMin < 0 || myEndTime < 0 ) { badParam (); } if (Ti.thisProc() == 0) { System.out.println("fish = " + myFishCount); System.out.println("min dt = " + myDtMin); System.out.println("max dt = " + myDtMax); System.out.println("min dx = " + myDxMin); System.out.println("gravitational constant = " + myGravConst); System.out.println("simulation end = " + myEndTime); } } public static DataOutputStream setupDisplay(int displaySize, int fishCount) { DataOutputStream dos = null; if (Ti.thisProc() == 0 && displaySize != 0) { Process guiProcess = null; try { guiProcess = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("java FishAWT"); } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println(e.getMessage()); } OutputStream os = guiProcess.getOutputStream(); dos = new DataOutputStream(new BufferedOutputStream(os)); } // display.writeInt(displaySize); currently ignored try { dos.writeInt(fishCount); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("Broken display pipe."); } return dos; } public static single void showOcean(Fish [1d] single [1d] allFish, DataOutputStream display) { try { foreach (p within allFish.domain()) { foreach (fi within allFish[p].domain()) { Fish aFish = allFish[p][fi]; display.writeDouble(aFish.px); display.writeDouble(; display.flush(); } } } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("Broken display pipe."); } } /** processes the input parameters and invokes the simulation. */ public static single void main (String single [] single argv) { /* Initialize some variable common on any parallel program */ Reduce single reduce = new Reduce(); int myProc = Ti.thisProc(); int single numProcs = Ti.numProcs(); /* Each processor may have a distinct value of the following variables */ double myMaxSqrSpeed = 0.0d; int myFishCount = 0; int myFirstFish = 0; /* The following variables have the same value on all processors. */ int single allFishCount; double single allEndTime; double single allDtMin; double single allDtMax; double single allDxMin; double single allGravConst; double single allMaxSqrSpeed; double single allTimestep; double single allDt; /* The following are used only by processor 0 */ double myEndTime; double myDtMin; double myDtMax; double myDxMin; double myGravConst; double myTimestep; double myDt; int myDisplay; // argument defaults myFishCount = 50; myEndTime = 50.0d; myDtMin = 0.0001d; myDtMax = 0.01d; myDxMin = 0.005d; myGravConst = 1.0d; myDisplay = 200; // process arguments int argc = 0; while (argc < argv.length) { if (argv[argc].equals("-fish")) { myFishCount = intArg (argc+1, argv); argc+=2; } else if (argv[argc].equals("-dtmin")) { myDtMin = floatArg (argc+1, argv); argc+=2; } else if (argv[argc].equals("-dtmax")) { myDtMax = floatArg (argc+1, argv); argc+=2; } else if (argv[argc].equals("-dxmin")) { myDxMin = floatArg (argc+1, argv); argc+=2; } else if (argv[argc].equals("-grav")) { myGravConst = floatArg (argc+1, argv); argc+=2; } else if (argv[argc].equals("-endtime")) { myEndTime = floatArg (argc+1, argv); argc+=2; } else if (argv[argc].equals("-display")) { myDisplay = intArg (argc+1, argv); argc+=2; } else { usage (); } } checkArgs(myFishCount, myDtMin, myDtMax, myDxMin, myGravConst, myEndTime); DataOutputStream display = setupDisplay(myDisplay, myFishCount); // broadcast basic constants allFishCount = broadcast myFishCount from 0; allDtMin = broadcast myDtMin from 0; allDtMax = broadcast myDtMax from 0; allDxMin = broadcast myDxMin from 0; allGravConst = broadcast myGravConst from 0; allEndTime = broadcast myEndTime from 0; // allocate stuff myFishCount = allFishCount/numProcs; myFirstFish = myFishCount * myProc + Math.min(allFishCount % numProcs, myProc); if (allFishCount % numProcs > myProc) myFishCount++; RectDomain <1> single allProcs = [0:numProcs-1]; RectDomain <1> myFishDomain = [0:myFishCount-1]; Fish [1d] single [1d] allFish = new Fish [allProcs][1d]; double [1d] force_x = new double [myFishDomain]; double [1d] force_y = new double [myFishDomain]; Fish [1d] myFish = new Fish [myFishDomain];; if (myProc == 0) { System.out.println("Number of threads: " + numProcs); } /* initialize fish */ double z = 2.0d * Math.PI / allFishCount; for (int i = 0; i < myFishCount; i++) { myFish[i] = new Fish(Math.sin (z * (i + myFirstFish)), Math.cos (z * (i + myFirstFish)), 0, 0, 1.0 / allFishCount); } Ti.barrier (); long milliTime = 0; /* start timer */ if (myProc == 0) { milliTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); } /* loop over the time steps */ for (allDt = allDtMin, allTimestep = 0; allTimestep < allEndTime; allTimestep += allDt) { showOcean(allFish, display); /* reset force temporaries for next timestep */ foreach (fi within myFish.domain()) { force_x[fi] = 0; force_y[fi] = 0; } /* compute forces on my fish */ foreach (p within allProcs) { // move allocation out of loop Fish [1d] remoteFish = new Fish [allFish[p].domain()]; remoteFish.copy(allFish[p]); foreach (fj within remoteFish.domain()) { Fish fishj = (Fish) remoteFish[fj].copy(); /* compute global force on fish i */ foreach (fi within myFish.domain()) { double dx = myFish[fi].px - fishj.px; double dy = myFish[fi].py -; double sqrDist = Math.max(dx*dx + dy*dy, allDxMin*allDxMin); double gravBase = allGravConst * myFish[fi].mass * fishj.mass / sqrDist; force_x[fi] += dx * gravBase; force_y[fi] += dy * gravBase; } } } Ti.barrier (); /* compute new positions and velocities of my fish */ /* compute maximum velocity of my fish */ foreach (fi within myFish.domain()) { double sqrSpeed; myFish[fi].px += myFish[fi].vx * allDt; myFish[fi].py += myFish[fi].vy * allDt; myFish[fi].vx -= force_x[fi] / myFish[fi].mass * allDt; myFish[fi].vy -= force_y[fi] / myFish[fi].mass * allDt; sqrSpeed = (myFish[fi].vx * myFish[fi].vx) + (myFish[fi].vy * myFish[fi].vy); myMaxSqrSpeed = Math.max (myMaxSqrSpeed, sqrSpeed); } /* compute global maximum fish velocity */ allMaxSqrSpeed = reduce.max(myMaxSqrSpeed); /* recompute dt so that the fastest particle does not move more */ /* than the minumum distance in the next time step */ allDt = allDxMin / (double single) Math.sqrt (allMaxSqrSpeed); allDt = (double single) Math.min (allDtMax, allDt); allDt = (double single) Math.max (allDtMin, allDt); if (myProc == 0) { System.out.println("Max Square Speed at timestep " + allTimestep + ": " + allMaxSqrSpeed); } } /* stop timer; report time */ if (myProc == 0) { milliTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - milliTime; System.out.println("time = " + milliTime/1000 + " sec"); } } } /** Titanium has a standard library of reduction operations, but * the implementation is not yet part of the official release. * Until it is, this specialized class has a similar interface * with an inefficient implementation. */ class Reduce { BoxDouble [1d] single dReduce; int single numProcs; single Reduce () { numProcs = Ti.numProcs(); dReduce = new BoxDouble [0:numProcs-1]; BoxDouble()); } single double single max(double myMax) { double single allResult; Ti.barrier(); double result; int myProc = Ti.thisProc(); dReduce[myProc].value = myMax; // Could do a tree reduction, but this is centralized for now. if (myProc == 0) { result = myMax; foreach (i within [1:numProcs-1]) { result = Math.max(result, dReduce[i].value); } } allResult = broadcast result from 0; return allResult; } } /** Objects to hold double values used in reduction */ class BoxDouble { public double value; public BoxDouble () { } public BoxDouble (double v) { value = v; } }